Workaround: Use the following styles html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgSave, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgAdd, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgRefresh, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgEdit, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgDel, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgFilter, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgPagePrev, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgPageNext, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgPageFirst, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgPageLast, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgExpand, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgCollapse, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgSortAsc, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgSortDesc, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgUpdate, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgCancel, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgUngroup, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgExpXLS, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgExpDOC, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgExpPDF, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgExpCSV { background-image: none; } html .RadGrid_Windows7 th.rgSorted { background-image: none; } html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgMasterTable .rgSelectedCell, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgSelectedRow { background-image: none; } html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgMasterTable .rgActiveCell, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgActiveRow, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgHoveredRow { background-image: none; } html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgEditRow { background-image: none; } html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgPager { background-image: none; } html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgPager .rgPagerButton { background-image: none; } html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgNumPart a:hover, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgNumPart a.rgCurrentPage { background-image: none; } html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgNumPart a:hover span, html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgNumPart a.rgCurrentPage span { background-image: none; } html .GridReorderTop_Windows7 { background-image: none; } html .GridReorderBottom_Windows7 { background-image: none; } html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgGroupPanel { background-image: none; } html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgGroupItem { background-image: none; } html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgGroupHeader { background-image: none; } html .RadGrid_Windows7 .rgCommandRow { background-image: none; }
When selecting an item with Enter key, the rawEvent propagation is not canceled and if a button with submit behavior is on the page, it is clicked. Including this script to the page can be a temporary workaround: var _onEnterKeyOld = Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox.prototype._onEnterKey; Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox.prototype._onEnterKey = function (e) {,e); e.preventDefault() }
Using is expensive if you want to programmatically create a powerpoint slide. A typical UI component for input is seen in the attached slide (Spot Element on a performance grid), which would then be rendered into a powerpoint slide (spot on a grid). This is very typical in performance reviews, but also tracking High Flyers, eg are they too skilled for their current position and need to be promoted. Telerik have existing components that could be used, just need to save as a PPT slide instead of a PDF. If there was a Web Component (reuse for HTML5 Chart code) then Export to PowerPoint instead of PDF then you are almost there.
Add HLS live streaming support to the RAD Media Player.
This applies to data bound containers like grid template columns. For standalone control instances, see how to use the DataSelectedField here: When the items in the RadRadioButtonList are declared in the markup, the SelectedValue='<%#Bind("fieldName") %>' approach works as expected, but when the items are fetched from a data source, no item is pre-selected. This works with the standard asp:RadioButtonList and so it must work with RadRadioButtonList. Issue explanations and workarounds are available in the attached sample pages and videos below. In short, the workarounds are: - use declarative items when possible - OR, use an <asp:RadioButtonList> and a <telerik:RadFormDecorator> to get uniform appearance of the radio buttons across browsers
I would like the ability to generate a graphic (.jpg, .bmp) of page 1 of a pdf document so it can be placed in a grid cell.
According to the following Telerik links, the radCheckBox being on a page with a radButton defaults the rendermode to lightweight. The appearance is indeed distorted when used this way. Changing my radbutton to lightweight changes the design and doesn't match with the overall them of the site. To get the design I wanted, I used an asp:Checkbox instead of a radCheckBox. I'd like to request the radCheckBox and the other controls mentioned in the links to be able to be rendered in more than just lightweight. If radCheckBox is the only one we can get, that's fine as I'm not sure if I would need the other ones. The attached picture shows the issue. Thank you.
The ContextMenu popup is not position properly relative to its target element when the page is horizontally scrolled in Edge. The problem is reproducible with R2 2018. Steps tp reproduce: 1. Run the code below and scroll the page to the right 2. Right click over a number <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <title></title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server"> </telerik:RadScriptManager> <telerik:RadContextMenu ID="rcmMenu" runat="server"> <Targets> <telerik:ContextMenuTagNameTarget TagName="a" /> </Targets> <Items> <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Menu Item 1" Value="a" /> <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Menu Item 2" Value="b" /> </Items> </telerik:RadContextMenu> <div style="width: 3500px; height: 100px; position: relative; background-color: yellow;"> <a style="position: absolute; left: 1000px; top: 40px;" onclick="return showMenu(event);">1000</a> <a style="position: absolute; left: 2000px; top: 40px;" onclick="return showMenu(event);">2000</a> <a style="position: absolute; left: 3000px; top: 40px;" onclick="return showMenu(event);">3000</a> </div> </form> </body> </html>
How do I enable required field validation on a radcheckbox list item when it is part of a radwizard? I want to ensure that the user selects at least one item but when I hit the Next button to go to the next Wizard Step, it does not fire but proceeds to the next Wizard Step. Is this as designed? Please provide assistance or some white paper article that can help.
What is EOL for this version. UI for ASP.NET AJAX R1 2017 SP1 (version 2017.1.228)
Simple reproducible is attached to illustrate the problem. A workaround may be replacing RadButtons that invokes such postbacks with regular buttons and using a form decorator Alternatively, you can simply disable the handler URL encryption You can also put the following in the global.asax file to prevent the version from rendering on the page markup protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["_!TelerikVersionStampRendered"] = true; } or you can add the same line in a global Page_Load handler (e.g., in a base page class or in the master page your project uses)
I'm using couple of Rad Editor controls in my webpart and using ToolProviderID for performance optimization. I'm initializing one rad editor toolbar from server side and using the same toolbar to provide other rad editors with their toolbar, Bascially I'm using ToolProviderID attribute to initialize other RadEditors, after doing this the Comments and Track Changes feature stop working although their options are selected in the toolbar. <telerik:RadEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" EnableTrackChanges="true" EnableComments="true"> <TrackChangesSettings Author="AuthorName" CanAcceptTrackChanges="true" UserCssId="reU0" /> <Tools> <telerik:EditorToolGroup> <telerik:EditorTool Name="AcceptTrackChange" /> <telerik:EditorTool Name="RejectTrackChange" /> <telerik:EditorTool Name="AcceptAllTrackChanges" /> <telerik:EditorTool Name="RejectAllTrackChanges" /> <telerik:EditorTool Name="EnableTrackChangesOverride" /> </telerik:EditorToolGroup> </Tools> </telerik:RadEditor> <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor2" runat="server" ToolProviderID="RadEditor1" EnableTrackChanges="true" EnableComments="true"></telerik:RadEditor> <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor3" runat="server" ToolProviderID="RadEditor1" EnableTrackChanges="true" EnableComments="true"></telerik:RadEditor>
Request to addorder tracker component similar to the attached screen shot.
When attempting to view the page in design view, here's what it looks like:
Here is the markup:
<telerik:RadPanelBar ID="RadPanelBar1" runat="server">
<telerik:RadPanelItem runat="server" Expanded="True" PreventCollapse="true">
<div ID="content-header">
Auditing Report | GPO Changes For User
<div ID="content-body">
<telerik:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer1" runat="server" ReportBookID="" Width="100%" Height="12in">
This are note the ASP.NET Ajax releasenotes...
SlideView and PDFView are controls in the UI for Xamarin Forms
This can be reproduced with the following sample:
<telerik:RadWindow runat=
<telerik:RadEditor RenderMode=
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
<asp:Button ID=
"open the RadWindow"
<script type=
fixEditor() {
() {
"<%=RadEditor1.ClientID %>"
}, 100);