This is the popular image zoom control used in many sites like to display a zoomed selection of an image in another panel or window.
If you like the Google Material design, you can vote for this item. This will help us prioritize the item and decide when to implement a Material skin for the Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX controls.
I didn't realize this is the new trend till recently. And I just found the 360 cameras are getting cheaper and cheaper with more features. Among many other models to shoot 360 Photos and Videos, the Ricoh Theta S and Samsung 360 Gear (2017) are just around $200-$300 ! I have learned YouTube supports 360 Videos but NOT 360 Photos. FB supports both I think but it is not easy to let us embed them into our own sites. So if Telerik came out with a new Control to support these needs, it will be very great ! Thanks much.
Some times we get customers using the combobox as a show / hide panel for other stuff. While this is some what clever solution, the combo is not really designed for that. An alternative would be to use the panelbar, yet it does not fit the purpose of the control I have in mind. Details panel (or what ever name we come up with) is a control that has a title, sort of like the panelbar and content area that's always custom. The details pane should allow for two modes: overlay and displace e.g. overlay acts as the way combobox acts now and displace acts in a similar fashion to the current panel bar. Apart from the aforementioned usage, another example will be the configuration panel in the QSF.
The functionality will be available in Q3 2015
Column width can be manually set via ExportInfrastructure.Column.Width, however, the width cannot be set to be based on the width of the column's cells' content. An auto-size property on the columns would be very useful for properly formatting the Excel file.
I find myself spending more time than I like writing forms for my CRUD. I like to keep a separate page for allowing users to Insert/Edit items. It would be super awesome if there was a control that I could drop on the page and configure a datasource and it would generate a simple form. I then could have the option to turn the fields from bound to templates and further customize them! If there is a way to do this please let me know! Keep up the good work you guys rock! Albert Coker
We need the exactly the same control that the guys over in Silverlight have: I am in desperate need of this control in the ASP.Net platform.
Based on customer feedback, we should implement styles in the ribbon, say a class name, that when applied will truncate the titles of ribbon groups. Though by specification a group title should be short, that's not always possible. Having those styles will allow customers to have the groups being sized according to their content and not the greater of maximum of the content or group title
Based on customer feedback: We just observed the problem that the width where the ribbon completely collapses does not match the width where the ribbon stops being completely collapsed.
Based on customer feedback: fully collapsed groups in the ribbon bar have a smaller height, which leads to a broken layout, when only part of the ribbon groups are fully collapsed.
In it's current state the RadButton only emulates the looks of a MenuButton, but not the behaviour. In my point of view, such control should prove valuable to customers. More over, there is a growing need of base controls since we already have a at least three such implementations. A RadMenuButton should be the base (or it's base should be the base) for all control specific implementations of a menu button
If the body tag of the content area of RadEditor has applied font-size with em and line-height attribute in Chrome, the contents of the produced ordered/undoreded lists will be wrapped in a span tag with this formatting. Steps to reproduce: 1) Put the following CSS on the page <style> body { font-size: 0.875em; line-height: 10.4px; } </style> 2) Load this content in RadEditor line1<br /> line2<br /> line3 3) Select the three lines in Design mode and press the InsertUnorederedList button. The produced content in Google Chrome will be <ul> <li><span style="font-size: 0.875em; line-height: 10.4px;">line1</span></li> <li><span style="font-size: 0.875em; line-height: 10.4px;">line2</span></li> <li><span style="font-size: 0.875em; line-height: 10.4px;">line3</span></li> </ul> instead of the expected one: <ul> <li>line1</li> <li>line2</li> <li>line3</li> </ul> Note: This is a WebKit browser behavior which can be reproduced by firing the browser's execCommand method with the InsertOrderedList command identifier: editor.get_document().execCommand("InsertOrderedList");
The Telerik editor has a nice style builder/editor built in. It would be terrific if your ASP.NET tool set included a custom control that was a standalone style builder / editor. Our product includes web design tools and we need to give our customers the ability to customize the many styles used in the system. Ideally, it would be programmable, with many properties and methods so that we can customize it (for example, to remove options we don't want them modifying or to hide individual tabs that don't apply to the current style.) Also, it should support as much of CSS3 as possible (for example, curved corners on borders, that the current style sheet editor does not provide.)
Currently, the RadGrid exports files to Excel using the legacy .xls format/extension. However, all Office documents starting with Office 2007 and later support the .xlsx format. Therefore, the RadGrid should support the ability to export data to either the legacy .xls format or the newer .xlsx format through attribute settings in the RadGrid control.