This can be reproduced with the following sample:
<telerik:RadWindow runat=
<telerik:RadEditor RenderMode=
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
<asp:Button ID=
"open the RadWindow"
<script type=
fixEditor() {
() {
"<%=RadEditor1.ClientID %>"
}, 100);
This are note the ASP.NET Ajax releasenotes...
SlideView and PDFView are controls in the UI for Xamarin Forms
When attempting to view the page in design view, here's what it looks like:
Here is the markup:
<telerik:RadPanelBar ID="RadPanelBar1" runat="server">
<telerik:RadPanelItem runat="server" Expanded="True" PreventCollapse="true">
<div ID="content-header">
Auditing Report | GPO Changes For User
<div ID="content-body">
<telerik:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer1" runat="server" ReportBookID="" Width="100%" Height="12in">
Request to addorder tracker component similar to the attached screen shot.
I'm using couple of Rad Editor controls in my webpart and using ToolProviderID for performance optimization. I'm initializing one rad editor toolbar from server side and using the same toolbar to provide other rad editors with their toolbar, Bascially I'm using ToolProviderID attribute to initialize other RadEditors, after doing this the Comments and Track Changes feature stop working although their options are selected in the toolbar. <telerik:RadEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" EnableTrackChanges="true" EnableComments="true"> <TrackChangesSettings Author="AuthorName" CanAcceptTrackChanges="true" UserCssId="reU0" /> <Tools> <telerik:EditorToolGroup> <telerik:EditorTool Name="AcceptTrackChange" /> <telerik:EditorTool Name="RejectTrackChange" /> <telerik:EditorTool Name="AcceptAllTrackChanges" /> <telerik:EditorTool Name="RejectAllTrackChanges" /> <telerik:EditorTool Name="EnableTrackChangesOverride" /> </telerik:EditorToolGroup> </Tools> </telerik:RadEditor> <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor2" runat="server" ToolProviderID="RadEditor1" EnableTrackChanges="true" EnableComments="true"></telerik:RadEditor> <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor3" runat="server" ToolProviderID="RadEditor1" EnableTrackChanges="true" EnableComments="true"></telerik:RadEditor>
I am using the "PostbackTriggers" property of the Upload control, as described on your web site article "How to Persist Uploaded Files". This works well for the situation where I need a postback on a control, but that control is not a "submit" control. The problem comes when I use one of the "submit" controls (listed in the PostbackTriggers property), but a server side validation error occurs, and the form data (including uploaded files) is NOT saved to the DB. (This is a type of validation that can only be done on the server side.) In that case, the upload control loses the uploaded file information. Thus two questions: 1. Is there a way on the server side to tell the control that an error has occurred, and to continue to persist the uploaded file information? 2. Is there a way for the upload control to ALWAYS persist the uploaded file information until told on the server side that I have extracted the information I need from it?
RadButton's focus state styling is missing in Bootstrap. Steps to reproduce: 1. Open 2. Focus any of the first buttons using the Tab key Result: No focus styles are applied Expected: Follow the steps above in Sunset skin ----------------------------------------- Workaround: button.RadButton.rbButton:focus { box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125) inset; }
Simple reproducible is attached to illustrate the problem. A workaround may be replacing RadButtons that invokes such postbacks with regular buttons and using a form decorator Alternatively, you can simply disable the handler URL encryption You can also put the following in the global.asax file to prevent the version from rendering on the page markup protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["_!TelerikVersionStampRendered"] = true; } or you can add the same line in a global Page_Load handler (e.g., in a base page class or in the master page your project uses)
What is EOL for this version. UI for ASP.NET AJAX R1 2017 SP1 (version 2017.1.228)
After having a filter applied, filter value is not cleared when FilterOption was set to "NoFilter". The following client-side logic would clear the textbox values before the filtering is applied if filter options are set to "NoFilter" function onCommand(sender, args) { if (args.get_commandName() == "HeaderContextMenuFilter") { var firstTextBox = $("[id$='HCFMRTBFirstCond']")[0].control; var firstFilterOption = args.get_commandArgument().split("|")[1]; var secondTextBox = $("[id$='HCFMRTBSecondCond']")[0].control; var secondFilterOption = args.get_commandArgument().split("|")[3]; if (firstFilterOption.includes("NoFilter") && firstTextBox.get_value() != "") { args.set_cancel(true); var value = firstTextBox.get_value(); firstTextBox.clear(); var newArg = args.get_commandArgument().replace("|" + value + "|?", "||?"); args.get_tableView().fireCommand(args.get_commandName(), newArg); } if (secondFilterOption.includes("NoFilter") && secondTextBox.get_value() != "") { args.set_cancel(true); var value = firstTextBox.get_value(); secondTextBox.clear(); var newArg = args.get_commandArgument().replace("|" + value + "|?", "||?"); args.get_tableView().fireCommand(args.get_commandName(), newArg); } } }
How do I enable required field validation on a radcheckbox list item when it is part of a radwizard? I want to ensure that the user selects at least one item but when I hit the Next button to go to the next Wizard Step, it does not fire but proceeds to the next Wizard Step. Is this as designed? Please provide assistance or some white paper article that can help.
The ContextMenu popup is not position properly relative to its target element when the page is horizontally scrolled in Edge. The problem is reproducible with R2 2018. Steps tp reproduce: 1. Run the code below and scroll the page to the right 2. Right click over a number <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <title></title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server"> </telerik:RadScriptManager> <telerik:RadContextMenu ID="rcmMenu" runat="server"> <Targets> <telerik:ContextMenuTagNameTarget TagName="a" /> </Targets> <Items> <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Menu Item 1" Value="a" /> <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Menu Item 2" Value="b" /> </Items> </telerik:RadContextMenu> <div style="width: 3500px; height: 100px; position: relative; background-color: yellow;"> <a style="position: absolute; left: 1000px; top: 40px;" onclick="return showMenu(event);">1000</a> <a style="position: absolute; left: 2000px; top: 40px;" onclick="return showMenu(event);">2000</a> <a style="position: absolute; left: 3000px; top: 40px;" onclick="return showMenu(event);">3000</a> </div> </form> </body> </html>
So you don't have a dedicated place to put this so I'm placing it here with the hope the right person get it. I don't use the MSI to do my updates because I hate my controls being placed into ind folders that you came up with. I constantly find myself rummaging through them looking for the correct control. HOWEVER.. if I manually DL them and ref the DLL and create a folder of my own making all the controls flow in in alphabetical order and I can get to the exact one I need instantly. If the MSI can be changed to ask me for how I want them placed into VS so that happens I can then DL the MSI and get all the other features I lose doing it this way. After talking with CS/Tech support the is for MVC type applications. I'd like to suggest dropping the word "core" and changing it to MVC to avoid confusion. So hope this gets to the right set of eyes. Cheers!
It would be great to be able to use the MultiSelect control that is available in all the other UI controls suites. This controls allows a selection behavior and rendering customization that none of the current controls in UI for ASP.NET AJAX offers.