Could it be possible to see you developing a chat component to offer chat possibilities on a telerik Ajax Website? Would be great Thanks for all you do to simplify our developer life ! Best Jm Hetsch
The ASP.NET community really seems to be missing a proper property grid. The only example I could dig out was the outdated implementation on codeplex: I'd like to see one such implementation from Telerik.
The issue is reproducible when there is other content in the content area.
Based on customer feedback: * Place RadTabStrip in fluid container; * Set alignment to "justify" * Resize the parent container The last item will occasionally drop.
1. go to or use any radEditor instance you have 2. switch to html mode and delete all html content 3. copy the following html code and paste it to the html mode text area. <table width="100%" style="color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr style="padding: 0px;"> <td style="padding: 0px; height: 20px;"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 4.switch back to design mode. 5.copy the following html code: <p>TEST</p> 6. set cursor inside the table (you will see table border in design mode) 6. paste copied html using ctrl+v or paste command from editor tool bar 7. switch to html mode and notice that you have several added to your html
Silverlight Module doesn't work correctly with RadProgressArea, when uploading is canceled.
When binding the webpart through the designer an exception is thrown.
When a folder with upload permissions is selected (not opened) from the right side of FileExplorer the upload button gets enabled, even if the currently loaded folder does not have permissions. The issue is reproducible both in Grid and Thumbnails mode. Video:
similar to these: Sure you could do something really cool like a sketchpad, with a background image.
The Image Map Dialog is not rendered correctly because of a failure of the CSS reset. There is a margin-top attribute which is set with 15px value instead of 0. Possible resolutions: 1. Setting another Skin for the RadEditor control; 2. Setting a custom stylization for the dialogs, which fixes the margin issue. For this approach you can test this example setup along with the provided DialogStyle.css file: <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" DialogsCssFile="~/Styles/DialogStyle.css"> </telerik:RadEditor> More information about the DialogsCssFile property:
I'd like to see a Drag And Drop manager functioning something like the AJAX manager. You can select controls that can be draggable and then define drop targets for them. Things it might include: * Constrained movement, either X, or Y or within a boundary. * Init distance. Eg. you have to drag an object 20px to start moving it. * Drag handle. * Snap. to grid, or elements
Problem I have with every skin you have is that you're setting the font-family on the controls. So I have page X, drop on a radcontrol and it doesn't look at all like it's from the same site. Whereas if I go drop a kendo control on the page it inherits the site font and looks native with little or no tweaks. ...but the radcontrols are clearly more full featured
I got the notice that Ajax Components 2013 Q3 was available, so I downloaded and installed it. Well, now every single project I have is broken! I have to go through all my projects and drag in the controls just to update the references, This is shameful the way this breaks everything! Totally unprofessional the way the update is handled.