It would be nice if we can just bind a .net DataTable or DateView as ItemsSource to the RadDataGrid.
Occasionally the DataGrid horizontal scrolling does not work properly after changing its ItemsSource. Still, tapping on any item, make it possible to scroll again.
For Aggregates purpose or just for diplaying some others datas, footer for column in DataGrid it's needed feature.
Currently, hiding the 'more' button in the of the DataGrid filter Options panel is not possible. This is a feature request to add such an option to the DataGrid column styling options (potentially as a property of the HeaderStyle).
Currently, all groups are expanded by default. We should expose methods to collapse/expand certain groups. Furthermore, CollapseAll, ExpandAll groups should be considered as well.
Flicker can be observed when datagrid is manipulated/updated, or entering in edit mode. One example is tapping on a column header - when there is a column with a HeadetTemplate, the column header flickers. Other example is to double-tap a cell to go in edit mode. Also the behavior can be reproduced when DataGrid TemplateColumn is used.
Available in minor release 2018.3.1122. It will also be available in the R1 2019 release.
The BindingContext of the RadDataGrid does not propagate to its columns. Available in minor release 2017.3.1214. It will also be available in the R1 2018 release.
Available in the R1 2018 SP release.
When defining TextColumns with a CellStyleSelector, it works correctly the first time the DataGrid is bound to the ItemsSource. If you then update the bound collection (which has PropChanged wired up), the CellStyleSelector's SelectStyle method is properly executed, but the DatasGrid doesn't use the returned DataGridBorderStyle. iOS - Works as expected UWP - Background color doesn't update Android - Background color doesn't update Find reproducible attached Available in the R2 2018 release.
The DataGrid documentation is missing a Styling article. It should cover how to use the following: - DataGridBorderStyle (and how it's used for the RowBackground styles and SelectedStyle - DataGridTextCellStyle (especially how as the CellContentStyle it lets you set the SelectedTextColor) - DataGridLoadOnDemandStyle - DataGridColumnHeaderStyle - DataGridGroupHeaderStyle - DataGridHeaderStyle I think the Styling section might need it's own node with a few articles as the information would be too large for one article