The segmented editor does not change the underlying property immediately.
Please refer to the attached project that reproduces the issue. In the MainPage constructor, you can switch between using the PickerEditor (validation works) and the SegmentedEditor (validation doesn't work).
// Works with validation
, EditorType.PickerEditor);
// Doesn't work with validation
//dataForm.RegisterEditor("Location", EditorType.SegmentedEditor);
Add localization for DisplayOptions data annotation.
Allow multiple selection from the AutoCompleteEditor using Tokens and properly commit it.
Make it possible when tab is pressed on the keyboard the next field in the DataForm to be focused and the cursor to move to the new field.
Available in minor release 2018.2.727.250. It will also be available in the R3 2018 release.
Add FontFamily option to DataFormEditorStyle and DataFormGroupHeaderStyle.
Add TextAttributes option to DataFormEditorStyle and DataFormGroupHeaderStyle (e.g. Bold).
Currently, on Android and UWP the date and time editors display popups with "OK" and "Cancel" buttons, so one can easily dismiss the control even if a value has been selected. This will still keep the null value in the dataform. On iOS value changes are propagated immediately to the dataform, so there is no way to keep the null value.
Available in the 2018 R2 SP release.
Available in the 2018 R2 SP release.