We are attempting to use the chart's CartesianPlotBandAnnotation to highlight a section of a graph on a DateTimeContinuousAxis. This works well on Android, but in our code it produces an exception on iOS (stack trace below).
I attempted to reproduce the problem with the SDKBrowser solution. I converted the PlotBandAnnotationsCSharp to use a DateTimeContinuousAxis on the horizontal axis, and TemporalData for the ViewModel. When I try to run this on an iOS simulator, it doesn't even navigate to the page; maybe an exception is being thrown and caught that I can't see.
I'm attaching the revised SDKBrowser solution, and including the stack trace from our app (below).
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
When the DataGrid a few rows of data and scrolls to page 3 or above, the edit mode will be cancelled quickly and cannot be edited.
Hi telerik team,
I know, my case is very specific, but I got this Bug and need to fix it somehow.
About: I have a RadSideDrawer in which I have a Collection View in which Header I have a Carousel View. When I rotate the phone in landscape mode the items are resized. After rotate back to portrait they are resized, but a lot of space appeare between them. So the layout is somekind wrong calculated.
This only occure in this combination on iOS. If I remove the RadSideDrawer it works, if I remove the Collection View it also works, but both together not.
Reprosteps: Create a view with carousel embedded into the header of collection view embedded in to RadSideDrawer. (see attachment)
Rotate to landscape, rotate back to portrait mode.
System information:
xamarin telerik ui: 2021.1.119.4
If you have a workarround for me, I will be very happy. Somehow to trigger a recalculation might help. I tryed set some InvalidateMeasure and ForceLayout but it didn't help. Either it don't work ot I apply it wrong.
Any help is welcome!
Best regards,
Available in the R2 2017 PS release.
I had developed an Xamarin application, in a modal I open a PdfViewer.
PdfViewerPage pdfViewer = new PdfViewerPage(item.IdAllegato, item.Path, item.FlagScaricabile);
I assign a url to the PdfViewer source.
pdfViewer.Source = new Uri(uri);
An image supporting SVG would be nice (or is there any ?)
There are also many developers looking for SVG support on Xamarin forums so I think there is really a market for it!
Best regards,
Werner Geiseder
When I update Telerik.UI.for.Xamarin to v2021.1.119.1, I got following error:
Unable to resolve dependency 'Telerik.UI.for.Xamarin.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.Xls'. Source(s) used: 'nuget.org', 'Telerik', 'Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages'.
Could you help to take a look? Thanks
A good addition to the suite would be a textbox control that can be made read-only, while still offering text selection and the ability to copy text from it.
When using the __ItemStyle properties of RadListView, they are not being applied if the SelectionMode is set to None. It makes sense that the PressedItemStyle and SelectedItemStyle properties are not used, since they are not applicable if nothing can be selected. However, the ReorderItemStyle in particular should still be used.
public class ItemStyleNotAppliedExample : ContentPage
private readonly ListViewItemStyle WhiteBG = new ListViewItemStyle
BackgroundColor = Color.White
private readonly ListViewItemStyle YellowBG = new ListViewItemStyle
BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow
private readonly ListViewItemStyle RedBG = new ListViewItemStyle
BackgroundColor = Color.Red
private readonly ListViewItemStyle BlueBG = new ListViewItemStyle
BackgroundColor = Color.Blue
public ItemStyleNotAppliedExample()
BackgroundColor = Color.Gray;
var items = new ObservableCollection<Item>
new Item("Item 1"),
new Item("Item 2"),
new Item("Item 3"),
new Item("Item 4"),
new Item("Item 5"),
Content = new RadListView
SelectionMode = SelectionMode.None,
IsItemsReorderEnabled = true,
ItemsSource = items,
ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(ItemView)),
ItemStyle = WhiteBG,
PressedItemStyle = YellowBG,
SelectedItemStyle = RedBG,
ReorderItemStyle = BlueBG,
private class Item
public string Name { get; }
public Item(string name)
Name = name;
private class ItemView : ListViewTemplateCell
public ItemView()
var checkbox = new CheckBox
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
var label = new Label
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
label.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, nameof(Item.Name));
View = new StackLayout
BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent,
Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
Children =
Hi folks.
I am using the rad list view with grouping in my application. There are some cases when the list has empty groups (That's ok because according to the application's logic I can move items between groups). The problem is that the empty group it's not actually "Empty". It has a blank item which is not desirable behavior for me. I have a list view "item tapped" event which navigates the user to the details screen and when I tap on the empty group's item the application throws an exception because the list item is blank. I have attached a sample app according to this example and GIF files showing the issue.