Localize the tooltips for the match case button, the match word button and the use regular expression button.
Currently, the tooltips of the buttons are using hardcoded strings in English.
To translate the tooltips, you can get the corresponding buttons on load of the syntax editor control and replace their tooltips manually.
private void syntaxEditor_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var buttons = this.syntaxEditor.ChildrenOfType<RadToggleButton>();
var matchCaseButton = buttons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "PART_MatchCaseButton");
var matchWordButton = buttons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "PART_MatchWordButton");
var useRegularExpressionsButton = buttons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "PART_UseRegularExpressionsButton");
matchCaseButton.ToolTip = CreateToolTip("SyntaxEditor_MatchCase"); // these are custom localization resource keys that should be manually defined by the developer that uses this solution
matchWordButton.ToolTip = CreateToolTip("SyntaxEditor_MatchWord");
useRegularExpressionsButton.ToolTip = CreateToolTip("SyntaxEditor_UseRegularExpressions");
private static ToolTip CreateToolTip(string resourceKey)
var toolTip = new ToolTip();
toolTip.Content = LocalizationManager.Manager.GetStringOverride(resourceKey);
return toolTip;
Good morning,
can You implement in one of the next releases the regex and case sensitive search? I provided you the Visual Studio 2019 search screenshot
Default keystroke in other editors to activate text replacement is: ctrl+H
Would be nive to enable this in the syntax editor.
We want to have the option to replace texts only in a selected part of the document.
Use Notepad++ as a reference to check this feature.
Adding breakpoints (markers) to particular lines in code should be possible.
Should be doable via UI or in code. Collection of all breakpoints should be accessible in code too.
I do have some feedback on this component. I love it, but of course there are some areas where improvement can be made. For instance, in the screenshot below, I have highlighted some words where improvement can be made.