Currently, the Telerik.Pivot.DataProviders.Adomd project relies on that the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient dll is installed in the GAC. The dll is installed with the ADOMD feature package that come with the SQL Server installation. If the required SQL Server feature is not installed on the machine, the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll is missing from the GAC and the installation of the Telerik.Pivot.DataProviders.Adomd.for.Wpf package fails with an error. The error is:
Failed to add reference. The package 'Telerik.Pivot.DataProviders.Adomd.for.Wpf.Xaml' tried to add a framework reference to 'Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient' which was not found in the GAC. This is possibly a bug in the package. Please contact the package owners for assistance.
Add a dependency to the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient package, instead of relying on the dll installed in the GAC.
Currently, you can use the FilterDescriptions of the Olap data providers (like AdomdDataProvider and XamlDataProvider) or the GroupFilter of the group descriptions.
Add an API that allows you to implement custom filtering behavior using a filtering function or constructing custom filtering expression.
The caption sounds ocnfusing, but i couldn't come up with a better one:
Problem is, if you have hirarchical data like Date.Calendar, you have "sub" values that can be collapsed and expanded
Problem is, when you have more headers, that sit below therese hirarchies, they will be collapsed too.
In this example, "Category" sits below there.
See how the Category is not visible, because Icollapsed the whole year 2010.
Compare that to 2011 where all categories are visible, because its fully expanded.
The feature I am requesting here is to still be able to show columns for each category and aggregated values, even though the year is collapsed.
I know this would be acchieved by moving category on top of the headers, but this also changes orders of the columns.
Our old windows forms pivot grid had this kind of functionality.
MSPaint to the rescue, this is how I imagine it (ignore the numbers, they do not make sense)
RadPivotGrid is loading all data from OLAP Cube. It should be able to use on demand (lazy loading) pattern, so when a group is expanded, a new query is sent and only required data is taken from the server.
If you apply a number format to a Count value in the RadPivotGrid, then it is ignored. The reason given is that count is always an integer, so it shouldn't need formatting. However, I'd like to be able to apply group separators. It's much easier to read 100,000,000 than 100000000.
Similar to Excel - RadPivotGrid could have an area, where you can select some filter/group descriptions.
Currently, the string format (used in the cells generated for the from the DateTimeGroupDescription) is determined automatically based on the selected Step (Day, Month, etc.). Add an option to easily set custom string format.
At this moment, you can change the format only if you create a custom description and override a considerable amount of code. This is shown in the following SDK example:
add a textbox which allows users to find matching distinc values when using report filters. Very valuable if you are dealing with many distinct values.