Allow creating of recurring tasks
I have combined these two requests in a single ticket as I feel that they are closely linked, and the second does not make much sense without the first.
Stretch option for Gantt task visualisation
It would be very useful if the user could specify a 'stretch' option for the horizontal width of the Gantt which causes the task visualisation to fill all of the available space (by increasing the PixelLength). The Gantt chart looks very strange when a fixed PixelLength results in a large amount of empty space, particularly as most other containers can be resized. It can also be difficult to guarantee that the Gantt chart fills all available space when it is inside a resizable component.
Ability to move resize control when both sides are at their 'desired width'
Currently, the resize control which separates the column data on the left from the visualisation of the gantt tasks on the right cannot be moved when both sides have reached their 'desired width'. However, this is not intuitive as other types of Telerik controls (notably the GridView) allow the width of components to be increased or decreased by clicking and dragging left/right, even if an absolute width has been set in the XAML.
Anticipated behaviour:
I recognise that these features may not be desirable for all users, so it would be helpful if these were features that could be toggled on/off.
<Style TargetType="telerik:SimpleTreeCellContainer">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="{Binding DataItem.DataItem.Background}" /> <!-- where Background is a custom property a custom GanttTask implementation -->
<Style TargetType="telerik:SimpleTreeCellContainer">
<EventSetter Event="Loaded" Handler="SimpleTreeCellContainer_Loaded" />
private void SimpleTreeCellContainer_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var container = (SimpleTreeCellContainer)sender;
var cellInfo = (CellInfo)container.DataItem;
var task = (CustomTask)cellInfo.DataItem;
container.Background = task.Background;
Add functionality to sort the data in RadGanttView similar to the sorting feature of RadGridView.
Currently, you can use the approach shown in the GridSorting SDK example.
Make it possible for the Timeruler of the control to be set to Auto size which would cause the control to fill the entire space in a specific container.
In the RadGanttView implament filter functionality similar to RadGridView.
By design, RadGanttView supports only one task per row. We could provide a way to allow several tasks on a single row. A possible workaround is demonstrated in the SameRowRecurringTask SDK example in our GitHub repository. This project demonstrates how to implement a 'recurring' Task on the same row.
It would be useful if the control takes advantage of the RadSpreadProcessing, RadPdfProcessing and RadWordsProcessing. This will allow developers to easily export the control's contents to the desired format. Currently it is possible to export the control's content as images. More details about the available RadGanttView exporting could be found here: - For WPF - - For Silverlight -
I have recently been trying to implement a "split tasks" feature you would find in common Gantt packages, but Telerik doesn't support this out of the box. It would be great if this was supported, as modifying it ourselves comes with some level of risk, and may also be affected when we upgrade between versions.
This reproduces with recurring tasks. Scheduled for:
The fix for this issue will be available with LIB (version 2019.1.128) scheduled for publishing on Monday, 28th January 2019.