Last Updated: 05 Jan 2015 08:11 by ADMIN
In WPF the WindowsFormsHost control is displayed on top of the Backstage menu

Reason for declining: The WindowsFormsHost element is drawn on top of any Adorner elements. As the RadRibbonBackstage is an Adorner the WindowsFormsHost is drawn on top of it. As a workaround to this framework limitation  you could bind Visibility of the WindowsFormsHost  to the IsBackstageOpen property of the RadRibbonView and collapse/hide it when the backstage is open. You can find more information about the WindowsFormsHost and its features and limitation in this article ( ).
Last Updated: 23 Jun 2014 13:34 by ADMIN
When maximized (or when dragged from maximized), RadRibbonWindow ,might not render it's chrome.
Reproducable on Windows 7, 64bit machine.
Last Updated: 16 Aug 2021 14:17 by ADMIN
Add thin border in the RadRibbonWindow between the Tittle and RibbonView.

We want the look of the window to be identical to how a non-implicit RadRibbonWindow would look (i.e., without the Themes directory with the style XAML files). Alternatively, if the title bar is taller and the borders are as thick as a normal window (e.g. Notepad), that is acceptable too.
Last Updated: 08 Oct 2020 12:07 by Petar
StackOverflowException is thrown when clicking on the group header and then click on a RibbonDropDownButton inside the DropDownContent of a collapsed RibbonDropDownButton.
Last Updated: 13 Jan 2015 17:01 by Alfredo
Expose a property to control the Visibility of the RibbonWindow icon separator

Declined: The Icon separator could removed once the Windows is loaded, like follows: void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var iconPanel = this.ChildrenOfType<FrameworkElement>().Where(x => x.Name == "IconPanel").FirstOrDefault() as StackPanel; if (iconPanel != null) { var border = iconPanel.ChildrenOfType<Border>().FirstOrDefault(); if (border != null) { border.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; } } }
Last Updated: 13 Oct 2020 15:27 by Petar
When we have specified RibbonGallery, and we resize the RibbonView fast enough, the RibbonGallery is collapsed even if there is enough space to visualize.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2020 11:23 by ADMIN
Navigating with the Tab key does not jump between different RadRibbonGroups even if they have their KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation property set.
Last Updated: 27 May 2016 10:18 by Michael
Created by: Michael
Comments: 0
Category: RibbonView
Type: Feature Request
Office 2016 has a search field in the ribbon for quick access to commands that may be hard to find.
Can such functionality be added to the telerik ribbon ?

Declined: We consider this functionality to be an Application logic as the information that need to be displayed is based on the UI(the defined options/buttons in the RibbonView). Also the keywords for activating a given option may be different based on client preferences or language. This functionality can easily be achieved with a custom Style for the RadRibbonTab, containing only the control which you will use for the search (RadAutoCompleteTextBlock/RadWatermarkTextBox e.t.).
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2015 14:14 by Philip
Created by: Philip
Comments: 0
Category: RibbonView
Type: Feature Request
PLEASE can you remove the popups that appear in the Blend and Visual Studio designers when working on the RadRibbonView.  These popups popup all the time, they cover the code, they cover the design workspace, in VS the switch from the code window to the designer window as soon as you click on portions of the code with no warning, then you can't get back to the code screen until you click away from the RibbonView.  Its 'so' annoying - I've been editing in Notepad++ today because the RibbonView designer functionality makes Blend./VS is unusable.  Also, the popups don't provide anything that you can't do in either code or the Blend interface.  Wasted so much time today with this RibbonView.

Declined: The RadRibbonView control exposes a design time logic to make our clients that uses only the designer to populate and operate with the RadRibbonView control. If you want to disable that functionality you need to simply delete the following binaries from you design folder, which is located in the same directory as the Telerik binaries:
- Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView.VisualStudio.Design
- Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView.VisualStudio.Design.4.0
- Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView.Expression.Design
- Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView.Design.5.0
- Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView.Design.4.0
Doing so you will remove the design time functionality of the RadRibbonView in all VisualStudios/Blend.
Last Updated: 30 Jan 2015 11:55 by ADMIN
RotateTransform is not applied correctly on elements defined in the Content of the window.

Reason for declining: The issue appears to be in the framework as it is not calculating correctly the transformation and instead of rendering the transformation it apply a Clipping to the parent element. You could solve the issue by two different approaches: you could either set the UseLayoutRounding of the Window to false, or set the Width/Height properties of you element to be Integer numbers, not double (10.782). You can reproduce the same behavior with the MS Window simply set its UseLayoutRounding to true. You can find attached project reproducing the issue only with MS controls.