The TableCellProperty.Padding property of the "TableNormal" StyleDefinition doesn't take effect in the UI. The same is valid for the TableProperties.CellPadding property.
To work this around, you can manually set the Padding property of all TableCell elements in the RadDocument.
var cells = radDocument.EnumerateChildrenOfType<Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.TableCell>();
foreach (var cell in cells)
cell.Padding = new Padding(10);
I have no idea how to reproduce this, but every so often after a paste operation into a RadRichTextBox, the host thread becomes unresponsive to user input. The message pump is still running but the following unhandled exception gets thrown in a tight infinite loop. The only way to close the window is to right click on the taskbar button.
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Call Stack:
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.LayoutElement.SetParent(LayoutElement newParent)
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.LayoutBox.EnsureParent()
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.LayoutBox.get_Parent()
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.FormattingSymbolLayoutBox.get_IsEndOfCell()
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.FormattingSymbolLayoutBox.GetFormattingSymbolVisual()
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.SpanBoxPositionHandler.get_Location()
at Telerik.Windows.Documents.UI.DocumentWebLayoutPresenter.GetViewPointFromDocumentPosition(DocumentPosition position)
at Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.PasteOptionsPopup.CalculateLocation()
at Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.PasteOptionsPopup.OnOwnerLayoutUpdated(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.fireLayoutUpdateEvent()
at System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.UpdateLayout()
at System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.UpdateLayoutCallback(Object arg)
at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireInvokeOnRenderCallbacks()
at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandlerCore(Object resizedCompositionTarget)
at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandler(Object resizedCompositionTarget)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
Implement import of bullets and numbering which use the old Word 6.0/Word 95 format from RTF. This includes, but is not limited to, the following RTF tags: \pnlvlN, \pnlvlblt, \pnlvlbody, \pnlvlcont. See RTF specification, "Word 6.0 and Word 95 RTF" heading for full description. WordPad and some legacy systems export lists with this formatting, so the construction is relatively widespread. According to the specification, if RTF reader doesn't support specific bullets/numbering tags, it can use the \pntext tag to read the bullets/numbering as plain text; but currently RadRichTextBox always ignores the \pntext tag. Because of this, the bullets or numbers of lists in the old format are missing after import.
When text is using fonts with defined ligatures (e.g. Calibri, Gabriola, etc.) and contains character groups with defined ligature for it, the text width is measured incorrectly (shorter that it should be). As caret and selection navigates on positions computed by this measuring system, they are not synchronized with what is shown in the UI (which correctly respects the ligatures), and there is slight offset from the real character positions and/or clipping of part of the letters at the end of the line. Examples of such groups are (depending on the font) "tt", "ff", "ffi".
Using the microsoft word,In docx document,inserting a shape,and add the text context to the shape,then save.
when radrichtextbox open the file,the program crashed.
In localizing your demo code for a RichTextBox I noticed some size mode-related inconsistencies in icon placements in the various sorts of buttons:
In Size=large, generally the icon appears above the button text. In the split button the icon is centered over and partially obscures the text. Unacceptable!
In Size=medium, generally the icon appears to the left of the text. In the Split button it appears below the text. Either is fine but should be consistent.
Also, when Size=medium and icon beside text, in all buttons I would like to see more spacing between the icon and the text; there seems to be virtually none.
To reproduce:
This works fine when the list is selected with the mouse.
StackOverflowException is sometimes thrown while a document containing annotations is updated in the main thread (e.g. by typing in it), and spell checking is enabled. The exception is thrown in a background thread, which call stack similar to this one: 2f89dfe8 00566287 Telerik.Windows.Documents.Cache.IntervalTree.IntervalNode`2[[System.__Canon, mscorlib],[Telerik.Windows.Documents.Cache.IntervalTree.HierarchicalIndexStruct, Telerik.Windows.Documents]]..ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<System.__Canon>) 2f89e084 00566287 Telerik.Windows.Documents.Cache.IntervalTree.IntervalNode`2[[System.__Canon, mscorlib], ... 2f89e4dc 00565cd8 Telerik.Windows.Documents.Cache.RadDocumentChildrenCache.RebuildTree() 2f89e52c 005658c1 Telerik.Windows.Documents.Cache.RadDocumentChildrenCache.Rebuild() 2f89e538 1413b704 Telerik.Windows.Documents.Cache.RadChildrenCacheBase`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].EnsureValid() 2f89e568 00568c72 Telerik.Windows.Documents.Cache.RadDocumentChildrenCache.ContainsAnnotationMarkersOfType[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]]() 2f89e5c0 00568b29 Telerik.Windows.Documents.Cache.RadDocumentChildrenCache.GetContainingAnnotationRanges[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]](Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Inline, Boolean) 2f89e618 0056896f Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.RadDocument.GetContainingAnnotationRanges[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]](Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Inline, System.Predicate`1<System.__Canon>, Boolean) 2f89e654 1b6b76d3 Telerik.Windows.Documents.Proofing.DocumentProofingManager.IsPositionInIgnoredRange(Telerik.Windows.Documents.DocumentPosition) 2f89e664 1b6b72e7 Telerik.Windows.Documents.Proofing.DocumentProofingManager+<SplitRangeToUpdate>d__2.MoveNext() 2f89e690 1b6b7019 Telerik.Windows.Documents.Proofing.DocumentProofingManager.UpdateIncorrectWordsList(Telerik.Windows.Documents.DocumentPosition, Telerik.Windows.Documents.DocumentPosition) 2f89e6c0 1b6b6ef2 Telerik.Windows.Documents.UI.Layers.TextDecorationLayers.ProofingErrorsDecorationUILayer+<>c__DisplayClass9.<MarkBoxesWithSpellingErrorsAsynch>b__5() 2f89e6d0 1b612094 Telerik.Windows.Documents.Utils.DelayedExecution.ExecuteAction(Boolean) 2f89e6e4 1b6b6e34 Telerik.Windows.Documents.Utils.DelayedExecution.OnThreadingTimer(System.Object) 2f89e704 65fa5b38 System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer.CallCallbackInContext(System.Object) 2f89e708 65fc4157 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean) 2f89e774 65fc4096 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean) 2f89e788 65fa5a81 System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer.CallCallback() 2f89e7bc 65fa593c System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer.Fire() 2f89e7fc 65fa5861 System.Threading.TimerQueue.FireNextTimers() 2f89e83c 65fa5724 System.Threading.TimerQueue.AppDomainTimerCallback() 2f89ea68 66d73de2 [DebuggerU2MCatchHandlerFrame: 2f89ea68] Note: Until 2017 R2 SP1 release StackOverflowException is thrown, after this release an ArgumentException should be thrown.
Declined: Not reproducible anymore.
Hi support,
We have a problem when we copy a text from MS word to RitchTextBox.
If the text copied uses an style that the namecontains tilde, then style name on the ritchtextbox is broken with strange characters.
All works well with this strange characters, but if you export to html and then import to ritchtextbox, the style is lost ...
This is a big problem because in spanish, many styles have tildes. When our user copy content from word they have problem with html format export / import.
I Attach a MS Word docx with a style with tildes:
Steps to reproduce it:
1- Open MS Word attached.
2- Copy the content.
3- Open a ritchTextBox Editor
4- Paste the content.
5- Export to html
6- Import the html.
You can see now, that the style are lost, and the name of the style contains strange characters.
Similar issue its happen when open a Word Docx with styles with tildes from ritchTextBox, not include strange characters but the style is lost.
Thanks for you support,
This can be reproduced with the provided .docx. In Word the image floats in the empty space below the text but the RichTextBox has it inline and overlapping text.
Removing the rectangle from around the image in the source document has no affect.
When importing from a .docx the RichTextBox is adding a blank line for each continuous section break. You can see this in the attached file - in the RichTextBox there is an extra line between sections that does not exist in the source word document.
Hi Guys,
Our application works with a document storage and we use RadRichTextBox to allow users edit and view the documents. Unfortunately, many documents cannot be opened due to the following exception we get:
Unable to cast object of type 'Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.FieldRangeStart' to type 'Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.AnnotationRangeEnd
As result we receive complains from our users. Could you please facilitate with solving it?
I have attached a simple test application with the problematic document as well the stacktrace.
Best regards,
Hi Telerik,
We are converting XAML content into PDF file with below code.
private byte[] Xaml2Pdf(string xamlContent)
XamlFormatProvider xamlFormatProvider = new XamlFormatProvider();
PdfFormatProvider pdfFormatProvider = new PdfFormatProvider();
PdfExportSettings exportSettings = new PdfExportSettings();
exportSettings.ContentsCompressionMode = PdfContentsCompressionMode.Automatic;
exportSettings.ContentsDeflaterCompressionLevel = 9;
exportSettings.DocumentInfo = new PdfDocumentInfo() { Producer = "ALIS", Author = "ALIS", Creator = "ALIS" };
exportSettings.ImagesCompressionMode = PdfImagesCompressionMode.Automatic;
exportSettings.ImagesDeflaterCompressionLevel = 9;
pdfFormatProvider.ExportSettings = exportSettings;
byte[] content = pdfFormatProvider.Export(xamlFormatProvider.Import(xamlContent));
return content;
Adding bookmarks with the same name programmatically always returns the first one in case use attempts to navigate to it using the Bookmarks dialog.
Workaround: Remove the bookmark before adding a new one with the very same name.
Html exported from RadRichTextBox will be shown in Outlook with some formatting issues related to lists. The text in a paragraph will be shown with the formatting of its bullet. The reason is that the content is exported to HTML as a styled list level which Outlook does not understand. The same applies to MS Word as well. This can also lead to formatting issues when the document is later imported in RichTextBox. You can check the attached screenshot for reference. Workaround: Change the styles to export as inline properties: htmlProvider.ExportSettings.StylesExportMode = StylesExportMode.Inline;
With a picture of original size like this : width 2 800 and Height 1376. On the screen the picture is around 470 by 230. If I go to the Image Editor, it shows me the picture size itself but not the area size used by the picture. It is a good thing to have the original picture's dimension but we work with the dimension used in the document. So, could you do something to resize the picture used in the document.
In my samples, you'll see my picture in a document (ie1), what I see when I go in the Image Editor (ie2) and, when I go to the Resize section (ie3). Suggestion, put the original image's dimension on the top of the right corner in the resize section. The width and Height should show the dimension in the document.
Thanks a lot,