If a document with default tab stops width 0 or imported or the value is set from the UI, measuring the document when it contains a tab causes an InvalidOperationException with message "MeasureOverride returned Nan". Workaround: If the case is importing a document, change the default tab stop width to value which is not 0. if (document.DefaultTabWidth == 0) { // set this to large number if there are performance problems, e.g. 0.5. document.DefaultTabWidth = 0.01; } Steps to reproduce: 1. Load RadRichTextBox and add text in it. 2. Change default tab stops value from the Paragraph Properties Dialog -> Tabs Dialog to 0'' 3. Add a tab to the paragraph. Observed: InvalidOperationException with message "MeasureOverride returned NaN" is thrown. Fix available in LIB Version 2017.3.1120.
Selection geometry is not rectangular when the selection contains paragraphs with specific fonts and indents, e.g. two empty paragraphs with with font family Georgia and the second one having First Line Indent = 6 px. Steps to reproduce: - Add 3 empty paragraphs - Select the first 2 and apply font family Georgia - Apply First line indent of 6 px to the second paragraph - Select all Expected: The selection geometry should be rectangular. Actual: The selection geometry is not a rectangle.
When a table with PreferredWidth=Auto and fixed columns width is inserted in another table's cell with the same settings, the inserted table changes the width of the other table.
Documents that are protected using WordsProcessing could be protected using SHA256, SHA512 and SHA384 algorithms. However these algorithms are currently not supported by RichTextBox. Thus, a document protected via WordsProcessing could not be unprotected in RadRichTextBox and NotSupportedException is thrown. Add support for these three algorithms. Documents protected in MS Word 2013 could not be unprotected in RRTB as well. Exception thrown: Unsupported hashing algorithm: SHA512.
When a table is auto fitted its cells are exported with incorrect width value. An additional requirement is the cells to not have any preferred width (NULL). This problem will occur only if the document is converted directly from one format to another. Possible workaround is to apply auto preferred width to all cells in that table.
The table width value is exported with different decimal separator depending on the used culture. One the problem is fixed the width value should be exported with invariant culture.
Hyperlink without any navigational information will crash the application with NullReferenceException when showing it.
The flow direction of a paragraph is automatically changed to right-to-left if all spans in the paragraph are in the right-to-left mode when importing from DOCX format.
Introduce Split Table Command.
In MS Word, the command is in Table Tools -> Layout -> Merge -> Split table.
Workaround: Use the RadDocumentEditor API to split the table:
var tableRowBox = this.radRichTextBox.Document.CaretPosition.GetCurrentTableRowBox();
if (tableRowBox != null)
var currentRow = tableRowBox.AssociatedTableRow;
DocumentPosition start = new DocumentPosition(currentRow.GetRootDocument());
DocumentPosition end = new DocumentPosition(start);
this.radRichTextBox.EndUndoGroup("Split table");
Pressing Enter in the first empty cell in the second table of two adjoined tables adds the paragraph between the tables. Instead, the paragraph should be added in the cell. Steps to reproduce: - Add two tables. - Remove the paragraph between them (using the Delete key). - Add paragraph in the first cell of the second table. Expected: The paragraph is added in the cell. Actual: The tables are separated by paragraph.
Inserting a single-cell table with top border is a common workaround for the missing 'horizontal line' functionality. Exporting such table to PDF causes wrong result if the intercepting vertical borders are of type None and have smaller thickness. Attached image outlines the issue. Workaround: Set the same thickness to the noBorder and to the visible border: var t = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Table(1, 1);\ var noBorder = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Border(3, BorderStyle.None, Colors.Black); t.Borders = new TableBorders(noBorder, new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Border(3, BorderStyle.Single, Colors.Black), noBorder, noBorder); Steps to reproduce: 1. Insert table with the following code: var t = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Table(1, 1); var noBorder = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Border(BorderStyle.None); t.Borders = new TableBorders(noBorder, new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Border(3, BorderStyle.Single, Colors.Black), noBorder, noBorder); this.radRichTextBox.InsertTable(t); 2. Export to PDF
If there is sequence with more than one font info which is not declared in a separate group, they all are concatenated and recorded in the imported fonts as a single one with id from the last one. Here is such a problematic font table group: {\\fonttbl\\f0\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;\\f2\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;\\f3\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;\\f4\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;\\f5\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}
FloatingUIContainers are not cleared from the UI when they are deleted. Workaround: Recreate UI using the following code: this.radRichTextBox.ActiveEditorPresenter.RecreateUI();
When the user inserts a table in right-to-left mode, there is no ability to resize its rows/columns. The Table Properties dialog or the Document Ruler still can be used to resize the rows/columns of the Table.
When the document is in Web layout mode (with RadDocument.LayoutMode = "Flow"), and contains multiple sections with comments inside them, the comments are visualized on unexpected places outside of the comments pane, or one over another, hiding other comments.
Add support for importing/exporting macro-enabled document (*.dotm), while preserving the macro content.
In paged layout mode, the caret becomes invisible when the document is scrolled to other page, so that the page with the caret goes out of the view port. This behavior is also observed when editing, for example when inserting page break or section break.
Paragraphs with applied Normal style are currently exported to RTF with \s0 tag. Instead, this tag could be omitted.
If the document contains a simple field without run inside, the import process fails. <w:fldSimple w:instr="page" w:dirty="true"/> The same document with a run inside the field does not cause an error <w:fldSimple w:instr="page" w:dirty="true"> <w:r> <w:t>1</w:t> </w:r> </w:fldSimple>