When underline style is already applied to a text, the style cannot be changed from the Font Properties dialog. Workaround: Use the dropdown button in the ribbon. Steps to reproduce: - Select text. - Open FontPropertiesDialog (or use ribbonButton for Undelinetext) and set underline style "Line". - Submit the dialog. - Right-click on the selected text again. - Choose "Font..." from the context menu to open FontProperties dialog again. - Change the underline style. - Submit the dialog. Expected: The selected underline style should be applied. Actual: There is no applied underline style on the text. Fix available in R3 2018 SP1 release.
Introduce an option to change the character which follows the list level symbol. By default this is a Tab character, however, they can be the following: - Tab - Space - Nothing (none following character) In OOXML, this is described using the 'suff' element. In MS Word, this setting could be changed by selecting the bullet/number of the list item -> Context Menu -> Adjust List Indents -> Follow number with:.
For now, We can drag or paste Images into RadRichTextBox. But still can't drag or paste files like RichTextBox in Winform. It's very inconvenient!
Binding errors from RadRibbonGallery in the TableStylesGallery are outputted in the Output window in Visual Studio, because of binding to the StyleDefinitions and CurrenSelectedStyle properties of the gallery's view model.
Provide the ability to enter custom values (not listed in the drop-down) in Font size combo box.
This scenario is not valid according to the HTML specification, but exception shouldn't be thrown. Steps to reproduce: - Try to import the following HTML: <html> <body> <p style="font-size = 9px">Simple Test</p> </body> </html> Observed: A NullReferenceException is thrown.
Pressing Tab/Shift+Tab when caret position is at the beginning of a paragraph should change current paragraph FirstLineIndent instead of LeftIndent. First line indent should be changed with Document.DefaultTabWidth step. Workaround (using PreviewEditorKeyDown): in the attached file.
Localization strings for thumbs and tab stop tooltips are missing. Note: This item is merged with the one at http://feedback.telerik.com/Project/143/Feedback/Details/141977 . To track the status of the issue, please subscribe to the other feedback item.
Inserting DocumentFragment into RadDocument leads to loss of style definitions from the fragment which names are the same as some of the styles in the RadDocument's style repository. This causes loss of formatting of the text in the document fragment. For example if in the fragment there is a style with style name "Style_1" and in the RadDocument exists a style with the same name, that style will be omitted during the insertion of the fragment into the document. Workaround: Styles in the fragment could be renamed to avoid naming conflict with styles in the main document. For example, add the following code snippet right after the importing of the document and before the creation of the fragment: string styleSuffix = "_1"; foreach (var importedStyle in rtfDoc.StyleRepository) { importedStyle.Name = string.Concat(importedStyle.Name, styleSuffix); } This will automatically change the styles of all elements with the renamed styles.
The fix will is available in our latest LIB release (v. 2015.03.1109).
Creating deep copy using CreateDeepCopy method of an empty Section (without paragraphs or with one empty paragraph) adds empty string Span which leads to ArgumentOutOfRangeException. Workaround: clear the empty string Spans before measuring: foreach (Span span in sectionClone.EnumerateChildrenOfType<Span>().ToList()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(span.Text)) { ((Paragraph)span.Parent).Inlines.Remove(span); } } Steps to reproduce: 1. Execute the following code-snippet: RadDocument document = new RadDocument(); Section section = new Section(); section.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph()); document.Sections.Add(section); RadDocument documentClone = (RadDocument)document.CreateDeepCopy(); Section sectionClone = (Section)section.CreateDeepCopy(); documentClone.Sections.Clear(); documentClone.Sections.Add(sectionClone); documentClone.EnsureDocumentMeasuredAndArranged(); 2. Set the documentClone to a RadRichTextBox instance to visualize it. 3. Try to click in the document. Observe: ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown.
Introduce the support for the border property (with type, size, color...) for a span elements. In OOXML, this looks like: <w:r> <w:rPr> <w:rFonts w:eastAsia="Times New Roman"/> <w:sz w:val="45"/> <w:szCs w:val="45"/> <w:bdr w:val="single" w:sz="12" w:space="0" w:color="000000" w:frame="1"/> </w:rPr> <w:t>Div with border for Telerik</w:t> </w:r> <w:r>
Characters defined with their unicode codes in HTML won't be imported as symbols, but instead of their codes, for example: <span>料</span> <span>資</span> Some of these characters are often used, for example for umlauts (Ä, Ö, Ü) and CJK characters. The hexadecimal code for Zero Width Space character is split into two parts: <span>​</span> results in Ȁb;
The Object pool is keeping a references to RadTextBlock and RadRun.
NullReferenceException is thrown when trying to import a nested hyperlink, e.g. the following OOXML: <w:hyperlink r:id="rId4" w:history="1"> <w:hyperlink r:id="rId5" w:history="1"> <w:r> <w:rPr> <w:rStyle w:val="Hyperlink"/> <w:rFonts w:eastAsia="Times New Roman"/> </w:rPr> <w:t>google</w:t> </w:r> </w:hyperlink> </w:hyperlink>
Currently, an ArgumentException is thrown when trying to import an image with negative dimensions. In this scenario, we could import the document and skip the image, or read the size of the content.
The theme color is with higher priority. Thus, when the document is exported to DOCX and opened again, the default color is applied to the style.