Last Updated: 29 Jan 2021 15:21 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2021.1.201 (1/2/2021)
Exception when creating RichtTextBox in separate threads in .NET Core
Last Updated: 29 Jan 2021 15:02 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2021.1.201 (1/2/2021)
The paste options are not respected when using the Paste method for the first time.
Last Updated: 12 Nov 2018 09:35 by ADMIN
When a new document is created and GetStatisticsInfo is called on it, a NullReferenceException is thrown.
Last Updated: 20 Aug 2018 11:49 by ADMIN
The exception is reproduced only with specific custom fonts and is thrown by the ComputeSubset() method of the GlyphTypeface class with the following message: "file does not conform to the expected file format specification". However, we can handle the exception and export the font data using the base class.

Available in LIB Version 2018.2.820.
Last Updated: 25 Oct 2018 14:24 by ADMIN
When a separate file for setting the xaml styles is used and then this file is merged in App.xaml the style cannot be found. 
As a workaround merge the resources directly in the App.xaml.

Fix available in LIB Version 2018.3.1029.
Last Updated: 12 Nov 2018 12:38 by ADMIN
The issue is a regression introduced with another fix, released in R2 2018.
Last Updated: 25 Sep 2018 13:29 by ADMIN
When the first table cell for a table row is vertically merged, the height of the row is exported improperly - instead the height of the row containing the beginning of the merged cell is exported.
Last Updated: 02 Nov 2018 16:36 by ADMIN
Some of the formatting symbols (e.g. space, tab) don't affect the height of the paragraph. With the current implementation, changing the font size of a formatting symbol, which is first in the paragraph, changes its height as well.
Last Updated: 16 Jul 2018 10:39 by ADMIN
The RadNumericUpDown buttons are too small and the selected value is not visible. The issue is not reproducible in NoXaml.

Fix is available in LIB Version 2018.2.716.
Last Updated: 27 Sep 2024 05:16 by ADMIN
NullReferenceException when loading a document with a continuous section break.
Last Updated: 26 Jan 2021 14:13 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2021.1.201 (1/2/2021)

Type a few lines in RadRichTextBox.
Double-clicking within a word, holding down the mouse button on the second click, and then drag it. 

Actual: Dragging will move the word instead of extending the selection as it should.
Expected: The selection should be extended. Moving the word shouldn't happen unless you release after the double click and then click and drag. 

Last Updated: 10 Jul 2018 09:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Boby
Comments: 0
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request
Currently RadRichTextBox uses the .NET syntax for the date and time formatting of the code fields. When such strings are exported to or imported from RTF/DOCX, the date and time formatting switch should be converted according to the document format specifications (e.g. Date and time formatting from OOXML specification). Examples of differences:

- 'tt' in .NET is converted to am/pm specifier for the current culture. In DOCX specification, this is denoted as 'am/pm'
- '/' in .NET is converted to date separator for the current culture. In DOCX specification, the symbol doesn't have special meaning, so it's always converted to '/'.

.NET date format strings:

MS Word date format strings:

Workaround (partial): Modify InsertDateTimeDialog to contain only formats which are compatible with MS Word.
Last Updated: 19 Jul 2018 07:00 by ADMIN
When a table is created, exported to HTML and then imported, the cells become taller. The reason for this behavior is that the table is by default with style TableGrid. When the table is exported to HTML, the style is preserved, however, upon import the style properties are set as local and the style itself is lost. The style by default defines LineSpacing="1" and SpacingAfter="0" for the paragraphs in the table and these are not copied as local. 

This means that if there is a style set to the table that defines paragraph properties as well, these properties will be set.
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2020 07:47 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2020.3.1229 (29/12/2020)
The floating images are always imported with WrappingStyle.Square.
Last Updated: 05 Mar 2021 16:49 by ADMIN

When inserting a content control (structured document tag) into an empty RadDocument using one of the overloads of the InsertStructuredDocumentTag method accessible from RadRichTextBox and RadDocumentEditor, a NullReferenceException is thrown.

Workaround: Invoke the EnsureDocumentMeasuredAndArranged method before inserting the content control:


RadDocumentEditor editor = new RadDocumentEditor(document);

Last Updated: 19 Jul 2018 07:23 by ADMIN
When inserting a new row using the InsertTableRowBelow below, the expected behavior would be to copy the paragraph styles of the paragraphs in the cells in the existing row. However, the style of the newly created paragraph is initially set to null and at some later point it is set to Normal. This creates an issue when using an HtmlDataProvider, which does not become aware of the change and the source HTML does not become updated with the information that the paragraph has style null.

Workaround: set all paragraphs with style null to have Normal style:

                foreach (var paragraph in RichTextBox.Document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<Paragraph>())
                    if (paragraph.Style == null)
                        paragraph.StyleName = "Normal";
Last Updated: 25 Jan 2021 06:57 by ADMIN
Column width is different from Word with a specific document. width is set with both, tblGrid and preferred width. 
Last Updated: 12 Oct 2018 11:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Boby
Comments: 0
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request
Import description lists: <dl>, <dt>, <dd> tags.

Possible way for implementation is with paragraphs with left margin.
Last Updated: 19 Jul 2018 06:56 by ADMIN
When inserting a new row using the InsertTableRowBelow below, the expected behavior would be to copy the paragraph styles of the paragraphs in the cells in the existing row. This works when there is a property set locally, e.g. the text is bold, but the paragraph style, e.g. Heading 1 is lost.
Last Updated: 14 May 2024 15:37 by ADMIN
Release 2024.2.514 (2024 Q2)
Typing and then deleting all in fast succession sometimes fails while using Microsoft Japanese IME.