Last Updated: 15 Jan 2020 09:21 by ADMIN
The caret position does not move at the end of the line with continuous text (see attached).
Last Updated: 03 Sep 2019 15:12 by ADMIN
Placing the caret in a table cell containing a floating image only results in invisible caret. The formatting symbol of the TableCell is affected by the floating block as well - if there is no other content, the symbol appears under the image. When some text is inserted, the symbol is lost and clicking next to the paragraph end moves the caret in the next/previous table cell.
Last Updated: 03 Feb 2020 09:00 by ADMIN

To reproduce:

- Hold the control key and double click a word

Actual: the entire paragraph is selected

Expected: the current word should be selected, the existing selection should be extended.

Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 08:11 by ADMIN
If the document contains a simple field without run inside, the import process fails. 

      <w:fldSimple w:instr="page" w:dirty="true"/>

The same document with a run inside the field does not cause an error

      <w:fldSimple w:instr="page" w:dirty="true">
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 08:14 by ADMIN
Section break formatting symbol is not positioned as in MS Word. 
For example, when section break is inserted in an empty document and the cursor is placed before the break, when Enter is pressed, the section break formatting symbol is moved to the next line. 
In MS Word, the section break is preserved on the same line with the paragraph symbol.
Last Updated: 22 Mar 2022 08:00 by Oliver
Italic font style and bold font weight are not rendered correctly with a specific font. Currently, this is reproducible with the "zurich-ltcn-bt-light" font.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:53 by ADMIN
When floating image is all of the following: 
- is anchored to paragraph inside a table with negative offset.
- is with text wrapping "Behind text" or "In front of text"
it should be positioned outside of the table. Currently the image is always positioned fully inside the table.
Last Updated: 02 Sep 2019 12:25 by ADMIN
Keyboard commands are not working for controls inside the InlineUIContainer. The reason for this is that RichTextBox is handling them.
The commands are: Left, Right, Backspace, Delete, Tab, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V among others.

Attach custom event handler to the PreviewEditorKeyDown event of the RichTextBox. This event should set "e.SuppressDefaultAction = true" when the focus is in the InineUIContainer.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2020 13:16 by ADMIN

When the LayoutMode is set to Flow the size of the numbers is larger than expected.

This behavior is not observed in LayoutMode="Paged".

Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:53 by ADMIN
In Word, default tab stops are not present in Paragraph's hanging indent. This leads to difference in the length of the Tab symbol in Word and RadRichTextBox, in cases when hanging is bigger than the default tab stop width.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 08:06 by ADMIN
Performance is slow when importing document containing many hyperlink fields from RTF and Docx formats.
Last Updated: 19 Jul 2018 07:01 by ADMIN
RichTextBox interprets the div tag by adding a new line upon its closing. However, when the content of the div tag is a br tag, the whole combination should be treated as one new line.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 08:06 by ADMIN
If there are two words with two spaces between them, and between the spaces there is annotation with SkipPositionBefore = false (e.g. track changes revision annotation or comment), and current editing style is changed on the position between the spaces (i.e. Toggle Bold, for example, without selection present) the first word formatting is affected (e.g. it becomes bold).

Steps to reproduce:
Variant 1:
- Insert two words with a single space between them (e.g. "text telerik")
- Turn Track Changes On
- Insert a space after the single space between the two words. (i.e. right before 'telerik')
- Toggle Bold
Observe: "text" gets bold.
Expected: "text" doesn't get bold, just current editing style is changed.

Variant 2:
- Insert two words with a two spaces between them (e.g. "text  telerik")
- Select the second space and the second word, and insert comment.
- Put the caret between the spaces.
- Toggle Bold
Observe: "text" gets bold.
Expected: "text" doesn't get bold, just current editing style is changed.
Last Updated: 20 Mar 2018 13:16 by ADMIN
Mail merge is not working for the first record in the items source when the items source is IEnumerable with deferred execution.

Workaround: convert the collection to list.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:54 by ADMIN
Clicking on floating Image when the caret position is not in the viewport, changes the viewport and starts image dragging. Instead, the image should just be selected.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Start with empty document
2. Insert image, make it floating (right-click on it, select Text Wrapping -> In Front Of Text)
3. Drag the image near the bottom of the document.
4. Scroll and, if needed, zoom to such a factor, so that the first paragraph is outside of the view port.
5. Select the image (keep in mind that the image shouldn't be selected - the position should be at some of the previous paragraphs)
Observe: The image dragging adorner is visible and the viewport is changed.
Expected: The behavior shall be the same as MS Word - the viewport shouldn't be changed, and the image should just be selected
Last Updated: 06 Mar 2020 05:44 by ADMIN
Created by: Joshua
Comments: 0
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Bug Report

A reference in DocumentFragment to RadDocument (CopySource property) can cause a memory after copy-paste between RadDocument.


public static bool ReleaseClipboardExReferences(
    RadDocument document)
    dynamic clipboardEx = new DynamicProxyObject(typeof(ClipboardEx));

    if (clipboardEx.documentClipboardData?.CopySource is DynamicProxyObject copySource
        && object.ReferenceEquals(copySource.Instance, document))
        clipboardEx.documentClipboardData = null;
        return true;

    if (clipboardEx.CopiedDocumentFragment?.Fragment?.CopySource is DynamicProxyObject fragmentCopySource
        && object.ReferenceEquals(fragmentCopySource.Instance, document))
        clipboardEx.CopiedDocumentFragment = null;
        return true;

    return false;

Last Updated: 18 May 2021 13:24 by ADMIN
RadRichTextBox doesn't render a border that is not locally defined. In this case, the corresponding border from the applied table style should be used.
Last Updated: 06 Mar 2019 12:39 by ADMIN
When importing an image, defined with a Base64 string which doesn't have its size explicitly set, it is rendered with ImageInline.DefaultImageSize instead of using its real size.

Workaround: Check the size defined in the ImageSource:
var image = this.radRichTextBox.Document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<ImageInline>().First();
if (image.Height == 10 && image.ImageSource.DecodePixelHeight == 0)
    image.Height = image.ImageSource.Height;
Last Updated: 23 Jun 2020 13:03 by ADMIN

The RtfFormatProvider does not take the fonts from the Font.Manager


Unregister all custom fonts and the use the FontSubstituting event to supply the correct fonts:

private void ImportSettings_FontSubstituting(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Documents.FormatProviders.FontSubstitutingEventArgs e)
    var fonts = Wpf.Fonts.Fonts.GetAllAvailableFonts();
    var ff = fonts.Where(x => x.Source == e.OriginalFontName).FirstOrDefault();
    e.SubstitutionFontFamily = ff; 


After the import is complete you can register the fonts again.

Last Updated: 15 Jan 2019 13:42 by ADMIN

When the user copy-pastes an image from Outlook, it is pasted as an IncludePictureField and visualized as expected. The field code looks like


However, when the fields in the document are updated, the image is no longer shown because of its invalid Uri. In MS Word, when you paste the image, it is directly inserted as image and the field is skipped.

Workaround - remove the field start/ends (in the attachments)