Last Updated: 13 Dec 2018 13:30 by ADMIN
The customers need to additionally process the elements after inserting them into the document or just change the caret position relative to the inserted element. At this point, the methods only insert elements without returning the concrete instance or copy the element passed as a parameter, if such overload is available (editor.InsertTable(table) clones the table and inserts a different instance in the document).
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 10 Jul 2019 15:49 by ADMIN
On export to HTML tab stops are converted to non-breaking spaces ( ). Sometimes the width of the all nbsp-s becomes different than the width of the tab stop. When document which contains grid-like data is exported to HTML its columns are not aligned.
Last Updated: 06 Dec 2018 09:27 by ADMIN


First Scenario: During layout of specific documents where the first section is with Continuous section break type, the layout algorithm enters in an infinite loop causing the application to hang.

Workaround: Change the section break type for the first section after the import of the document and before the layout:
document.Sections.First.PreviousSectionBreakType = SectionBreakType.NextPage;

Second Scenario: During the layout of specific documents where the last section is with Continuous section break type and has specific page size width and height, the layout algorithm enters in an infinite loop causing the application to hang.

Workaround 2: Slightly modify the size of the section which causes the issue after the import of the document and before the layout:
Size pagesize = radDocument.Sections.Last.PageSize;
radDocument.Sections.Last.PageSize = new Size(pagesize.Width - 0.001, pagesize.Height - 0.001);

Third Scenario: During layouting of specific documents containing anchored elements, the layout algorithm enters in an infinite loop causing the application to hang. No workaround.

Last Updated: 05 Dec 2018 18:57 by ADMIN
According to the RTF Specification, each bookmark start should have a matching bookmark end. However, when opening a document which contains bookmark start without bookmark end, MS Word treats the start position for an end as well and successfully opens the document. When such document is being imported in RadRichTextBox, an InvalidCastException is thrown.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 08:06 by ADMIN
If there are two words with two spaces between them, and between the spaces there is annotation with SkipPositionBefore = false (e.g. track changes revision annotation or comment), and current editing style is changed on the position between the spaces (i.e. Toggle Bold, for example, without selection present) the first word formatting is affected (e.g. it becomes bold).

Steps to reproduce:
Variant 1:
- Insert two words with a single space between them (e.g. "text telerik")
- Turn Track Changes On
- Insert a space after the single space between the two words. (i.e. right before 'telerik')
- Toggle Bold
Observe: "text" gets bold.
Expected: "text" doesn't get bold, just current editing style is changed.

Variant 2:
- Insert two words with a two spaces between them (e.g. "text  telerik")
- Select the second space and the second word, and insert comment.
- Put the caret between the spaces.
- Toggle Bold
Observe: "text" gets bold.
Expected: "text" doesn't get bold, just current editing style is changed.
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2024 07:38 by ADMIN
Release 2024.1.228 (Preview)
Null reference exception when adding shapes and using the AddShapeTextBoxCommand.
Last Updated: 06 Apr 2015 14:30 by C
Closure reason:  issue fixed


The issue is fixed and is live with today's LIB release (v.2015.1.0406)

Best Regards,
Aylin Hyumet,
The Telerik Team
Last Updated: 19 Nov 2019 11:05 by ADMIN
Release R1 2019
Quickly adding/removing of tab stop from the document's ruler crashes the application.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:53 by ADMIN
Performance of scrolling and editing is diminished when Track changes are enabled.  Issue seems to be related to RevisionsToolTipLayer and occurs when more than a couple of paragraphs are inserted in the same revision.

Workaround: remove the UI layer responsible for tooltips of revisions.

    public class CustomLayersBuilder : UILayersBuilder
        protected override void BuildUILayersOverride(IUILayerContainer uiLayerContainer)
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2019 12:18 by ADMIN
When the popup is located on the bottom side of the document and it is also close to the end of the presenter and a user opens it, then the popup goes outside the area.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:53 by Björn
This includes:

- Create multilevel list template for Heading styles

- Add button in the ribbon list styles gallery for applying this list template

-  TOC generated from heading styles associated with list should also include the numbering of the headings (see the related bug 91763). This is not absolutely required for the current item.

Currently such list can be added using the following code:
        private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ListStyle listStyle = CreateHierarchicalListStyle();

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                ListLevelStyle listLevel = listStyle.Levels[i];
                listLevel.HangingIndent = 0;
                listLevel.Indent = 0;
                listLevel.StyleName = RadDocumentDefaultStyles.GetHeadingStyleNameByIndex(i + 1);

            DocumentList documentList = new DocumentList(listStyle, this.radRichTextBox.Document);

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                string headingStyleName = RadDocumentDefaultStyles.GetHeadingStyleNameByIndex(i + 1);

                StyleDefinition headingStyle = this.radRichTextBox.Document.StyleRepository.GetValueOrNull(headingStyleName);

                headingStyle.ParagraphStyle.ListId = documentList.ID;
                headingStyle.ParagraphStyle.ListLevel = i;

        private static ListStyle CreateHierarchicalListStyle()
            ListStyle listStyle = new ListStyle();

            for (int i = 0; i < ListStyle.ListLevels; ++i)
                StringBuilder levelText = new StringBuilder();
                for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; ++j)
                    levelText.Append("{" + j + "}.");

                listStyle.Levels.Add(new ListLevelStyle()
                    StartingIndex = 1,
                    NumberingFormat = ListNumberingFormat.Decimal,
                    LevelText = levelText.ToString(),

            return listStyle;
Last Updated: 06 Jan 2020 12:18 by ADMIN
Invoking the same Paste Options command for a second time does not close the popup. It is closed when another Paste Options command is executed.
Last Updated: 12 Jun 2023 06:47 by ADMIN
Text containing mixed Right-to-Left and Left-to-Right parts are visualized incorrectly - some of the punctuation marks swap their places.

Partial workaround: Use RadRichTextBox's TextRenderingMode = TextBlockWithPropertyCaching. This mode also has problems, but it works in some cases.
Last Updated: 21 Jan 2015 12:53 by ADMIN
Created by: burk
Comments: 2
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Bug Report
In RadRichTextBox, when i export pdf in memorystream Footers are spread.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:54 by ADMIN
Consider introducing a property in the XAML that allows the user to set whether the gallery should be loaded asynchronously or not in order to handle scenarios in which the TableStylesGallery is not in a contextual tab.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 08:11 by ADMIN
If the document contains a simple field without run inside, the import process fails. 

      <w:fldSimple w:instr="page" w:dirty="true"/>

The same document with a run inside the field does not cause an error

      <w:fldSimple w:instr="page" w:dirty="true">
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:53 by ADMIN
 Add API for switching the flow direction of RadRichTextBox dialogs and mini tool bars. 

Currently this could be changed manually using the FlowDirection property, for example:

(this.radRichTextBox.ImageEditorDialog as ImageEditorDialog).FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft;

but the result could be unexpected for Right-to-left.
Last Updated: 09 Oct 2015 11:51 by ADMIN
When a field result fragment has multiple lines only the first and the last paragraph get the proper paragraph style properties.
Last Updated: 05 Dec 2022 12:08 by ADMIN
Release R3 2022 SP1
When importing image with invalid ur/base64 encoded data the document won't be opened correctly and an exception will be thrown. Load default image instead of throwing exception and failing to open the document.