Closure reason: issue fixed Hi, The issue is fixed and is live with today's LIB release (v.2015.1.0406) Best Regards, Aylin Hyumet, The Telerik Team
Quickly adding/removing of tab stop from the document's ruler crashes the application.
This includes: - Create multilevel list template for Heading styles - Add button in the ribbon list styles gallery for applying this list template - TOC generated from heading styles associated with list should also include the numbering of the headings (see the related bug 91763). This is not absolutely required for the current item. -------------------- Currently such list can be added using the following code: private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ListStyle listStyle = CreateHierarchicalListStyle(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { ListLevelStyle listLevel = listStyle.Levels[i]; listLevel.HangingIndent = 0; listLevel.Indent = 0; listLevel.StyleName = RadDocumentDefaultStyles.GetHeadingStyleNameByIndex(i + 1); } DocumentList documentList = new DocumentList(listStyle, this.radRichTextBox.Document); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { string headingStyleName = RadDocumentDefaultStyles.GetHeadingStyleNameByIndex(i + 1); StyleDefinition headingStyle = this.radRichTextBox.Document.StyleRepository.GetValueOrNull(headingStyleName); headingStyle.ParagraphStyle.ListId = documentList.ID; headingStyle.ParagraphStyle.ListLevel = i; } } private static ListStyle CreateHierarchicalListStyle() { ListStyle listStyle = new ListStyle(); for (int i = 0; i < ListStyle.ListLevels; ++i) { StringBuilder levelText = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; ++j) { levelText.Append("{" + j + "}."); } listStyle.Levels.Add(new ListLevelStyle() { StartingIndex = 1, NumberingFormat = ListNumberingFormat.Decimal, LevelText = levelText.ToString(), }); } return listStyle; }
The "em" unit will be particularly useful for setting the width of columns/the height of rows in tables.
All is marked when None should be selected.
Japanese users use distributed text alignment, which justifies all lines including the last one.
Add adorners for selecting table rows, table columns and table cells with single click, similar to the ones in MS Word
The display mode of all fields is changed to Code, so that the export could work correctly and nested fields would be persisted. Consider optimizing the algorithm, so that fields take less time to be exported.
When paragraph is in list, the user can choose "Set Numbering Value" which will change the appropriate level Starting Index and will create a new list (or continue the previous one).
Popups (ImageMiniToolBar and SelectionMiniToolBar) stay on most top (act as if "Always on Top" is set to them) even if they had lost focus.
Workaround: Attach to LostFocus or LostKeyboardFocus events and hide the toolbar in the handler:
this.radRichTextBox.LostFocus += (sender, e) =>
When the tabbed document becomes a dockable window the ContextMenu Icons are no longer visible. <telerik:RadDocking x:Name="radDocking"> <telerik:RadDocking.DocumentHost> <telerik:RadSplitContainer> <telerik:RadPaneGroup> <telerik:RadDocumentPane Title="Test"> <telerik:RadRichTextBox x:Name="radRichTextBox" /> </telerik:RadDocumentPane> </telerik:RadPaneGroup> </telerik:RadSplitContainer> </telerik:RadDocking.DocumentHost> </telerik:RadDocking>
In Word, default tab stops are not present in Paragraph's hanging indent. This leads to difference in the length of the Tab symbol in Word and RadRichTextBox, in cases when hanging is bigger than the default tab stop width.
When there are several instances of RadRichTextBox in the same page/view, it would be nice if only one instance display any selection. In the same scenario, the color of the selection of TextBox, for example, changes. Clearing the selection on LostFocus would have been a solution, however control loses focus to the color pickers, comboboxes, etc. from the SelectionMiniToolBar and RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI.
When TextOptions.TextFormattingMode="Display" is set on RadRichTextBox, incorrect Measuring causes TextBlocks to not visualize correctly.
"Based on style" combobox is not filled with all linked and paragraph styles in the following cases: - "Modify style" dialog doesn't display the possible "based on" styles in the combobox when editing linked styles. - "Create new style from formatting" dialog doesn't display the possible "based on" styles in the combo box during creation of new linked style. Steps to reproduce: Variant 1: - Click Home -> Styles -> Change Styles in the ribbon UI. - Expand the the drop down of Heading 1 button and click 'Modify' Expected: 'Style based on' combobox contains all paragraph and linked styles. Actual: 'Style based on' combobox is empty. ------------------- Variant 2: - Click Home -> Styles -> Change Styles in the ribbon UI. - Click 'New' button. - Choose 'Style type:' Linked in the combobox. Expected: 'Style based on' combobox contains all paragraph and linked styles. Actual: 'Style based on' combobox is empty.
This results in prompt to save the changes when closing the file. The fix is available in our latest LIB(v. 2014.3.1222).