Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:51 by ADMIN
Changing the preferred width of columns to percentages from the Table Properties dialog actually sets them in pixels.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Insert a table

2) select table column property and set preferred width to 20%

3) press "next column" button and set preferred width to 20% 

4) Go to previous columns 

Expected: Column width is set in percentage.

Actual: Some (or all) columns have width set in pixels.
Last Updated: 28 Jan 2021 13:16 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2021.1.201 (1/2/2021)
Image adorner is not properly ported and it is not supported in .Net Core.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:51 by ADMIN
When a floating image is moved out of the viewport it disappear and only its borders stay.

Workaround: Set padding: <telerik:RadRichTextBox LayoutMode="Flow" Padding="0 0 0 500" />

Steps to reproduce: 
1. Open RadRichTextBox application

2. Set the layout mode to Web

3. Insert an image and set its text wrapping to Square (use the context menu when you click with the right mouse button on the image)

4. Move the image in a way, part of the image will go outside of the viewport

Observe: Image disappears, only the image adorner stays. Sometimes when you insert another image after the bug has occurred, the bug can be reproduced even without step 4 from the above described.

Expected: The image shall not disappear and it shall be placed near the end of the viewport, but not outside it.
Last Updated: 01 Apr 2015 11:20 by ADMIN
The tab stop defining respective page number alignment correlates to the cell's width where the table of contents entry is positioned.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:51 by Andy
Currently, when a user double-clicks a word in RadRichTextBox and does not release the left button, moving the cursor drags the selected word. In most word processors the same actions extend the selection. 

Note: The same applies for triple click, which selects the paragraph.
Last Updated: 10 Mar 2023 11:55 by ADMIN
When text is using fonts with defined ligatures (e.g. Calibri, Gabriola, etc.) and contains character groups with defined ligature for it, the text width is measured incorrectly (shorter that it should be). As caret and selection navigates on positions computed by this measuring system, they are not synchronized with what is shown in the UI (which correctly respects the ligatures), and there is slight offset from the real character positions and/or clipping of part of the letters at the end of the line.

Examples of such groups are (depending on the font) "tt", "ff", "ffi".
Last Updated: 18 Nov 2014 07:28 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:53 by ADMIN
RadDocument instances leak when editing a document containing a field and header/footer. The StyleRepository holds a reference to a style's document element.

Fix available in LIB Version 2017.3.1002.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:51 by ADMIN
When specifying an image is wrapped Top and bottom and has a large distance from text (e.g. 500px top and 500px bottom) an exception in the arrange occurs.

Steps to reproduce:
- Select image and change its Wrapping style to Top and bottom. 
- Set values 500px for distance values
Last Updated: 10 Apr 2017 07:50 by ADMIN
The default indentation of the list bullets is different when shown in the RadRichTextBox and when exported to HTML and shown in a web browser.
There is a screenshot attached showing how the result is rendered in a web browser.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2017 06:14 by Rick
Instead of moving to the same horizontal location in the previous line the caret moves to a location further to the left. If you move the caret with the mouse or arrow keys then the up arrow key works correctly, but if you are actively typing on the current line and hit up arrow the caret usually ends up in the wrong location.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Type line and a half of text in the editor.
2. Without using the mouse, hit the Up arrow key

Expected: The caret moves to the location directly above the current caret position (with the almost the same x-coordinate on the first line).
Actual: The caret moves to the location at the beginning of the first line.
Last Updated: 08 Jun 2017 06:41 by ADMIN
Words separated by certain punctuation symbols are treated as single word by the "spell check as you type" real-time spell checker.

Steps to reproduce:
Case 1:
1. Type 'testt/mest'.
Expected: The two wrong words should be underlined separately
Actual: The whole text is underlined.

Case 2:
1. Type 'test/mest'.
Expected: Only the second word is underlined
Actual: The two words are underlined

Case 3:
1. Type 'testt/mest
2. Show the context menu by clicking on the second word, and choose spell checking suggestion.
3. Show the context menu by clicking again on the second word.
4. Show the context menu for the first word.
Expected: Context menu contains spell checking suggestions
Actual: Context menu doesn't contain spell checking suggestion

Case 4:
1. Type 'test'mest'.
2. Shown context menu by clicking on 'test'
Expected: Context menu contains suggestion for the whole word - 'testament'
Actual: Context menu contains suggestion for the 'mest'

Case 5:
1. Type 'test.mest'.
2. Shown context menu by clicking on 'mest'
Expected: Context menu contains suggestion for the whole word - 'testament' (this happens if the context menu is shown by clicking on the 'test')
Actual: Context menu contains suggestion for the 'mest' only. Clicking on the suggestion replaces only 'mest' with the suggestion.

Case 6: (the same as Case 2, but with non-breaking space)
1. Copy and paste this text in RadRichTextBox 'testt mest' (the white space in non-breaking space)
Expected: only the second word is underlined.
Actual: both words are underlined as one.
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2023 08:14 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2023.2.731 (31 Jul 2023)
If RadRichTextBox contains a table and is placed in a window and then the window is resized horizontally, the table border are moved unexpectedly and change their place relative to the content of the documen. If the window is maximized and/or restored, some of the borders disappear.

Workaround: Execute the following code snippet in window's or RadRichTextBox' SizeChanged event handler:
if (this.MyRadRichTextBox.ActiveEditorPresenter != null)
Last Updated: 21 May 2018 18:11 by Rick
Case 1:
Deleting selected part from the beginning of a comment range causes the caret to appear on the next document position than the expected one.
Steps to reproduce:
- Load a document with annotation ranges
- Select from the start of the annotation ranges into the first word in the range
- Hit delete/backspace or call Delete() on the API
- The cursor will end up one position too far to the right after the content is removed

Case 2:
Annotation Ranges where SkipPositionBefore is set to false on the AnnotationRangeEnd cause caret position to jump when deleting content to the right of the Annotation Range.
Steps to reproduce:
- Open a document with Annotation Ranges where SkipPositionBefore is set to false on the AnnotationRangeEnd (the Document Protection sample in the demo app can be used)
- Move the caret to the end of the range.
- Hit the delete key
Expected: The caret remains at the end of the AnnotationRange and content to the right is deleted.
Actual: Content to the right is deleted but eventually the caret will jump to the right by one position and end up outside the Annotation Range.
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2017 15:41 by ADMIN
Permission's range bracket disappears when it is positioned on the last line of the page.
Last Updated: 16 Aug 2018 13:17 by ADMIN
The pgMar element might be present but the margin information might be missing as shown below:
<w:pgMar w:header="720" w:footer="720" />
At the moment this overwrites the section margin information with 0. Instead the margins should remain as is.

Fix available in LIB Version 2018.2.820.
Last Updated: 01 Mar 2024 07:13 by ADMIN

Working with PasteOptionsPopup may cause an exception in LayoutElement.SetParent. Very difficult to reproduce, having no consistent steps. Maybe it is related to undo of paste command, but there are no other clues aside from this.

   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.LayoutElement.SetParent(LayoutElement newParent)
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.LayoutBox.EnsureParent()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.LayoutBox.get_Parent()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.FormattingSymbolLayoutBox.get_IsEndOfCell()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.FormattingSymbolLayoutBox.GetFormattingSymbolVisual()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.FormattingSymbolLayoutBox.get_Text()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.SpanBoxPositionHandler.get_Location()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.UI.DocumentWebLayoutPresenter.GetViewPointFromDocumentPosition(DocumentPosition position)
   bei Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.PasteOptionsPopup.CalculateLocation()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.PasteOptionsPopup.OnOwnerLayoutUpdated(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   bei System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.fireLayoutUpdateEvent()
   bei System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.UpdateLayout()
   bei System.Windows.UIElement.UpdateLayout()
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:51 by Joan VANDERWEYST
When cells with borders are copied from Microsoft Excel and pasted in RadRichTextBox, some of the borders are missing depending on their type - for example double borders, but also some other types.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:53 by ADMIN
NullReferenceException is thrown when measuring a document with floating image as the first element on a second page. The same problem can be observed during copy/paste of content, but with slightly different call stack: 

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.LayoutBox.get_ValidParent()
   at Telerik.Windows.Documents.DocumentPosition.GetCurrentParagraphBox()
   at Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.RadRichTextBoxRulerController.GetCurrentParagraphBox()
   at Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.RadRichTextBoxRulerController.AssociatedRichTextBox_LayoutUpdated(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Depending on the document structure, an InvalidOperationException with message "Removed LayoutBox should not be split. Such operation will result in invalid document structure." could be also thrown. A sample call stack is:

Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.LayoutBox.CreateNewFragment(Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.LayoutBox currentLineStartNode) 
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.TableCellLayoutBox.MeasureOverrideInternal(Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.SizeF availableSize) 
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.TableCellLayoutBox.Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.IBlockContainerLayoutBox.CallMeasureOverrideInternal(Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.SizeF availableSize) 
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.BlockContainerLayoutHelper.CheckAllFloatingBlocksAreIncluded(Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.SizeF availableSize) 

Fix available in LIB Version 2018.1.312.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:53 by Rick
If you highlight a section of text and apply styles to it like bold/italic/underline and place your cursor at the end of that text the Clear All Formatting button does not work. If you turn on those styles and then type some text and place your cursor at the end of that text it does work. The difference in the XAML is that in the first case the styles are only on the span of text itself while in the second the styles are on the span and the paragraph. I have attached a GIF of steps to reproduce and the XAML from the editor before clicking the Clear All Formatting button.