First Scenario: During layout of specific documents where the first section is with Continuous section break type, the layout algorithm enters in an infinite loop causing the application to hang.
document.Sections.First.PreviousSectionBreakType = SectionBreakType.NextPage;
Size pagesize = radDocument.Sections.Last.PageSize;
radDocument.Sections.Last.PageSize = new Size(pagesize.Width - 0.001, pagesize.Height - 0.001);
Some of the formatting symbols (e.g. space, tab) don't affect the height of the paragraph. With the current implementation, changing the font size of a formatting symbol, which is first in the paragraph, changes its height as well.
The issue is a regression introduced with another fix, released in R2 2018.
The properties applied locally to the content are not preserved and used for the new content when the user changes the paragraph indent. Workaround: Keep the properties in a variable and apply them after executing the command: StyleDefinition style; private void RadRichTextBox_CommandExecuted(object sender, CommandExecutedEventArgs e) { if (e.Command is IncrementParagraphLeftIndentCommand) { this.radRichTextBox.CurrentEditingStyle.CopyPropertiesFrom(style); } } private void RadRichTextBox_CommandExecuting(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Documents.RichTextBoxCommands.CommandExecutingEventArgs e) { if (e.Command is IncrementParagraphLeftIndentCommand) { style = new StyleDefinition(this.radRichTextBox.CurrentEditingStyle); } }
Implement import and export of OpenDocument files (.odt).
Images with resolution higher than the image size currently visible in the document, are printed with low quality, as if the smaller image is scaled up. The same is observed when an image is placed in header/footer and the document is zoomed in. Then the image should be rendered with better quality if available, but currently it isn't.
When a new document is created and GetStatisticsInfo is called on it, a NullReferenceException is thrown.
When a separate file for setting the xaml styles is used and then this file is merged in App.xaml the style cannot be found. As a workaround merge the resources directly in the App.xaml. Fix available in LIB Version 2018.3.1029.
In MS Word, when track changes are enabled, the users can choose to show the revisions in balloons, similar to comments. Add such possibility in RadRichTextBox as well.
After merging a document into another one (or pasting it), some of the content is duplicated. The issue is a regression in R3 2018.
Import description lists: <dl>, <dt>, <dd> tags. Possible way for implementation is with paragraphs with left margin.
Seems that the algorithm is not showing the appropriate results when a word has apostrophe. For example typing "etre" does not suggest "ĂȘtre". A custom third-party spell checker library - NHunspell can be used. SDK Example demonstrating this approach can be found in our XAML-SDK portal: