Last Updated: 03 Jan 2017 20:44 by ADMIN
Currenly if you update the Value it will update the text as well preventing further digits to be entered in a meaningful way.
Last Updated: 03 Jan 2017 20:38 by ADMIN
Research and implement if possible to choose seconds TimeInterval.
Last Updated: 16 Nov 2016 20:32 by Ivan
Created by: Lisitsa
Comments: 1
Category: DateTimePicker
Type: Feature Request
There should be a property like StringFormat, which can be set to something like "dd.MM". This is really common way across all wpf controls, and it's frustrating that currently it can be done only using code-behind. It's not MVVM friendly at all.
Last Updated: 17 Oct 2016 15:06 by ADMIN
Available in LIB version 2016.3.1017, it will be also available in the 2016 R3 SP1 release.
Last Updated: 17 Oct 2016 15:05 by ADMIN
Available in LIB version 2016.3.1017, it will be also available in the 2016 R3 SP1 release. 
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2016 13:14 by ADMIN
This is an issue with both a binding and a hard-set value
Last Updated: 08 Aug 2016 06:54 by ADMIN
Created by: Yana
Comments: 0
Category: DateTimePicker
Type: Feature Request
Used to clear the Input field and set the SelectedValue to null, include dependency properties like ClearButtonVisibility and ClearButtonContent.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 11:20 by ADMIN
Created by: Nasko
Comments: 0
Category: DateTimePicker
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 11:18 by ADMIN
RadDateTimePicker cannot parse datetime string when Windows date format is set to "Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)".
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 11:18 by ADMIN
For example if you have 12:00 selected and input 15:03 in the WatermarkTextbox- 12:00 item of the Clock is still selected
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 11:18 by ADMIN
RadDateTimePicker ControlTemplate: PopupPlacementTarget in RadDropDownButton is not respected when FlowDirection of RadDateTimePicker is RTL. PopupWrapper issue.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 11:17 by ADMIN
Created by: George
Comments: 0
Category: DateTimePicker
Type: Feature Request
A client could change the TimeZoneInfo in the DateTimePicker control so it will shows the DateTime information different from the current machine.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 11:17 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 05 May 2016 06:46 by ADMIN
Available with the 2016 R2 Release.
Last Updated: 12 Feb 2016 14:36 by ADMIN
Can you please add a property CustomFormat to RadDateTimePicker?  Possibly we should have 3 options for DisplayMode: Short, Long and Custom.  If Custom is selected, user can specify format into CustomFormat field.  Ex. CustomFormat = "MMM dd, yyyy".  Also, make this field bindable, so that it can be specified from the ViewModel.
Last Updated: 13 Jan 2016 14:57 by ADMIN
Forbid typing a date earlier or later than a date if SelectableDateStart/SelectableDateEnd are set. Can be achieved by custom parsing.

Available in the 2016 Q1 Release: Implemented IsInputRestrictedToSelectableDates property in order to allow only selecting dates by input in the selectable range (when SelectableDateStart/SelectableDateEnd/BlackoutDates are used).
Last Updated: 13 Jan 2016 14:55 by Scott
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 1
Category: DateTimePicker
Type: Feature Request
Added TodayButtonVisibility and TodayButtonContent properties for showing/hiding a button that selects current date and time - available in the 2016 Q1 Release.
Last Updated: 12 Jan 2016 12:02 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 27 Oct 2015 07:10 by ADMIN
Available in LIB version 2015.3.1026, it will be also available in the 2015 Q3 SP.