Last Updated: 19 Jun 2017 11:20 by ADMIN
MiniMapWidth and MiniMapHeight have default values 250 and 200. If you use different values, for example 250 and 250, panning the RadMap can result in jumping the minimap - unexpected zoom in/out. This is easier to observe with MiniMap, outside RadMap. 

Playing with Width / Height of the MiniMap might workaround the issue.
Last Updated: 19 Jun 2017 08:56 by ADMIN
Expose a property that allows you to get the user state in the SearchLocationError event arguments (BingRestSearchLocationErrorEventArgs). Currently, only the SearchLocationCompleted event args give this information.

You can work this around using the following approach: You can create a custom BingRestMapProvider and override its OnSearchRequestCompleted() method. There you can get the UserData from the DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs. Check the attached project.
Last Updated: 18 May 2017 09:27 by ADMIN
When you have a bindable wrapper as MapEllipseView, MapPolygonView, etc. and bind its ShapeFill property to the view model, the fill is not applied.

This is resolved when the UseRegularFill() method of the MapDataShape object is called manually. You can use this approach to work around the issue.

Available in LIB version: 2017.2.522
Last Updated: 12 Apr 2017 11:59 by ADMIN
Currently RadMaps Geocode, Search and Route providers are based on SOAP.

The Bing Maps discontinue their SOAP services in June 2017.


The Bing REST Services API  (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff701713.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396) includes:

- Imagery API 

    -- Imagery metadata (used for downloading image tiles - already implemented in BingRestMapProvider)

- Routes API 

- Location API

- Elevations API

For R1 2016 we will implement:

Routes API which will be replacement of SOAP based BingRouteProvider

Locations API which will be replacement of SOAP based BingGeocodeProvider

Elevations API which will be new API and has no existing SOAP replacement
Available in R1 2017 Official Release Version.
Last Updated: 15 Feb 2017 07:57 by ADMIN
The UriImageProvider will support loading the geotiff image header to find the location boundaries. When the geotiff image contains this information then the GeoBounds of the UriImageProvider will be specified automatically.
Last Updated: 26 Jan 2017 15:28 by ADMIN
By design, a UserData property must be presented in the arguments of the  SearchLocationCompleted, CalculateElevationCompleted and CalculateRouteCompleted events of the BingRestMapProvider.  It should provide the UserData object given to the corresponding request classes.
Last Updated: 17 Jan 2017 16:10 by ADMIN
An OutOfMemmoryException is thrown under the following conditions:
1. The map displays its data using the VisualizationLayer populated with MapShapeData object.
2. The zoom level is changed to Neighborhood using the Zoom button from the map's navigation.
3. The zoom button is hovered

Note: The MapShapeData should be visible when the zoom is applied

The exception is not reproducible if the project's Platform is set to x64.

Since Q1 2016, the BitMapCaching of RadMap is turned off by default and the issue is not reproducible unless you turn the caching on.

Possible Workarounds:

 - the exception is not reproducible if the project's Platform is set to x64

-  double check that UseBitMapCahe property of the Visualizationlayer is set to False. When False, the issue is not reproducible.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
It should be possible to rotate camera in the birds eye mode of the Bing map provider.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Andrey
Comments: 0
Category: Map
Type: Feature Request
Currently MapShapeReader can't be used to load KMZ files.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
Currently shape readers (KML, ESRI shape, SQL Geospatial) don't provide information about unsupported elements in sequence. They should either return list of the detected unsupported elements or throw €œUnsupported€ exception.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
The RadMap.Providers property should support databinding to a collection of MapProviderBase in a ViewModel.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by Doug
Created by: Andrey
Comments: 1
Category: Map
Type: Feature Request
The KmlReader should support <LabelStyle> KML tag.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
The map control does not support the border. It inherits the BorderBrush and BorderThickness properties from ItemsControl, but currently they can't be used for the design of the control.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
It should be possible to specify zoom range where caption of the map shape will be visible.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ewart
Created by: Andrey
Comments: 1
Category: Map
Type: Feature Request
The RadMap control should support for a Crosshair to appear at the current Center.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
Currently the InformationLayer.GetBestView method takes in account visible size of the markers (in pixels) and makes best possible assumption about its geographical size when calculating location rectangle. But size in pixels corresponds to different geographical size (in latitude/longitude degrees) depends on the zoom level. So it could take 2-3 times to get really optimal zoom level depends on the initial zoom level. The InformationLayer.GetBestView method should be changed to provide precise result at once regardless of the initial zoom level.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
Current implementation of the SearchResultSet have not AvailableFilters property and BingSearchProvider don't pass these values to the response.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by Michael
Created by: Giuseppe
Comments: 1
Category: Map
Type: Feature Request
Add Oracle spatial support to RadMap.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by Jason D
Created by: Andrey
Comments: 2
Category: Map
Type: Feature Request
The Bing Map provider displays the "no camera" icons from bing’s imagery server when the images is absent for the current zoom on high zoom levels. The default behavior should be changed to zooming the lowest available resolution instead of showing the "no camera" icon.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2017 07:59 by ADMIN
Extend KML BalloonStyle.Text to support feature entity references (e.g. $[name]) - see http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#balloonstyle for more information.