Specifically this bug was found in WPF, I'm not sure of its state in Silverlight. The FontWeight is permanently some shade of Bold when using Metro. This is demonstrated in the Telerik WPF demos in the ComboBox/Theming demo.
This would provide the option to stop the auto scrolling when the last item is hovered.
RadComboBox with IsEditable = true, IsReadOnly = true and IsFilteringEnabled = true. Select an item and then in order for the filtering to work you have to delete the selected text with Backspace
MouseDown and MouseMove are not handled by RadComboBox dropdown when in XBAP, so if the RadComboBox is in Window, it can be resized while the dropdown is opened.
Available in LIB Version 2016.3.1010, it will be also available in the 2016 R3 SP1.
It might also be nice to take it one step further and give the option to choose the key that fires an update off
Allow the developers to style the TextBox area of a editable RadComboBox - add icons, change the string, format the text etc.
The issue can be reproduced also with the standard ComboBox: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/663870/wpf-4-0-combobox-itemtemplate-and-selectionboxitemtemplate-when-itemtemplate-is-bound#details
Combobox with 2 items -- "Item1" and "it": typing "it" selects the 1st item which is "Item1" and it should select the second one which is "it"
See the supported thread.
When using similar code as below, RadComboBox does not select the specified item. If the DomainDataSource data was already loaded, the selection is successful. <telerikInput:RadComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=MineTypeDomainDataSource, Path=Data}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=MineType, Mode=TwoWay, NotifyOnValidationError=true, ValidatesOnExceptions=true}"> <telerikInput:RadComboBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock Text="{Binding MineTypeName}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" /> </DataTemplate> </telerikInput:RadComboBox.ItemTemplate> </telerikInput:RadComboBox> <riaControls:DomainDataSource AutoLoad="True" x:Name="MineTypeDomainDataSource" QueryName="GetMineTypesQuery" LoadedData="MineTypeDomainDataSource_LoadedData" DomainContext="{StaticResource CitationDBSvc}" />
Create a RadComboBox, bound to a collection of objects, implementing INotifyPropertyChanged. Use DisplayMemberPath. Select an item, then change the display member property of the selected item - the selection box is not updated. As workaround you can use DataTemplate: <telerikInput:RadComboBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="122,52,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" MinWidth="150" x:Name="radComboBox" telerik:TextSearch.TextPath="Name"> <telerikInput:RadComboBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" /> </DataTemplate> </telerikInput:RadComboBox.ItemTemplate> </telerikInput:RadComboBox>
The problem is that when you have SearchMode=Contains , and have item that contains the entered text and one that starts with this text, the ComboBox selects the one which contains the text(as it is with smaller index) but scrolls to the one that starts with it.
The control should allow customizations in its filtering functionality, for example, the developers should be able let RadComboBox match "Ã" when the user types "A".