with windows10/2k DPI/14 inch screen ,when show the gridview gridline,the line is different. the other things,when the tabitem is selected,the dropdownmenu can't mark the selected item. look the attach files!
I know the Transitioncontrol have the MotionBlurredZoomTransition, the effect is better for image ,but not UI content,especially when the UI use the simple color,the MotionBlurredZoomTransition effect is weak,I find the RadCalendar control with the cool zoom animation,How to realize? the other question:How to realize the book turning animation with the Transitioncontrol ?
It seems that on some devices a touch with the Stylus doesn't fire the WPF native Touch events. Only the Stylus events will be fired. Because the TouchManager internally works only with the WPF Touch events, the manager's events are not fired.
https://www.telerik.com/forums/printing-3559585fdb4e https://www.telerik.com/forums/print-bb34c69c1e37 https://www.telerik.com/forums/printing-rasscheduleview-mvvm
when only one data ,the Chart3D Bar drawing will exceed the floor,looking the attachments pls.
Hi, I have implemented a WPF application that displays various pages. I have the following code that is executed on one of my pages after a user logs in. This same code is executed when the user returns to the page: If myUser.IsInRole("Master") Or myUser.IsInRole("Administrator") Then myRadGridView.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Multiple Else myRadGridView.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Single End If After logging in the myRadGridView grid behaves as if it is SelectionMode.Single even though my user is in the role "Master" and the code branch above is executed to set the myRadGridView grid into SelectionMode.Multiple. That being said, if I leave the page and come back to it, the same code is executed and the myRadGridView grid finally behaves as it should be in SelectionMode.Multiple. How do I fix get this to work? Thank you.
When using Two-way binding and the RadListBoxSelectedItemsBehavior for RadListBox's SelectedItems, the items are not re-added to the Visual Tree after the theme is changed at runtime.
css style like the background color for the pinned rows can be different from the rows in the grid to differentiate the rows
CartesianCustomLineAnnotation should allow for rendering options (2D, Bitmap, default) to allow for a consistent visual appearance.
Should be simple, but it just doesn't show I have the latest version of telerik
This is a MVVM helper that could be used to decrease the coupling between the view models.
A project with problems in RadTreeListView in the attachment. Description of the project: The element RadTreeListView have the name ObjectsTree. As the ItemsSource of ObjectsTree set the child elements of ObjectsTreeViewModel. ObjectsTreeViewModel contains child elements of type ParentNode. The elements of ParentNode have childrens with type ChildNode. (In the project are used 3 ParentNode elements with 3 childNodes at everyone). ChildNode elements that have the property ShowNode equals false should not be displayed. To do this, used the FilterDescriptor. The property IsConnected of ChildNode elements sets the ShowNode property (ShowNode = IsConnected). The button "Node to offline" is used to reset a property IsConnected to the selected ParentNode element and to all of his children. The button "All Nodes to online" is used to set a property IsConnected to the all ParentNode elements and to all of their children. The button "Check Memory Leak" is used update ObjectTree 10000 times. If you check radiobutton "With Rebind" update using Rebind() command If you check radiobutton "With clearing filter" update using command sequence : FilterDescriptors.Clear -> FilterDescriptors.Add. Description of the problem: 1) When updating the tree using the sequence of commands FilterDescriptors.Clear (); FilterDescriptors.Add (...): The visual element displays the elements of tree correctly, but there is a memory leak. 2) When updating with Rebind (): Memory leaks are not present, but we may see following bug: Select ParentNode. Press the "Node to offline" button -> The child elements are hidden, but a triangle for expanding the list elements is visible. When you click on this triangle -> it disappears Press the button "All Nodes to online" ->the children and the triangle do not appear.
We provide such properties in our Green theme and they make customizing the read only states of all controls easier. Currently the read only state looks like disabled and there is no easy way to change it.
When I scroll around in RadVirtualGrid, I get empty cells in some places. Details: - I set InitialRowCount=21 and InitialColumnCount =17. - The window that contains the VirtualGrid is rather small, so that the horizontal and vertical scrollbars are visible. - I can always reproduce this issue, if I scroll completely to the right, then completely to the bottom and then half-way to the left. - I found out that the CellValueNeeded event is never called with the indexes for these cells. - I'm using version 2017.2.614.45 (NoXaml) of UI for WPF. - I attached a screenshot showing the empty cells and my example project.
Hi support, I've mixed RibbonWindow Sample and Prism with ReagionManager and RadDocking in this sample. When I try to dock a derived RadPane (e.g. OutputView or others) in center of the compass menu the derived RadPane Header is not shown as a tab in the split container. Only pure RadPane instances (c.f. "_regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion("DockingRegion", typeof(RadPane)); " in FileServicesModule class will dock in correct manner.
The event args for the RadDocking.ActivePaneChanged are named "ActivePangeChangedEventArgs" which I'm assuming is a typo for "ActivePaneChangedEventArgs".
Available in LIB version 2018.1.312.
It would be nice if the Telerik UI for WPF VSExtensions detected usage of UI for WPF in class libraries (e.g. a WPF UserControl Library).. This would allow the Upgrade Wizard / configure Project wizards can also work on the class libraries, too.
Enable the customers to create and modify .pptx (PowerPoint) files . They need processing as well as showing such documents.