The error message appears after you do several operations with the dialog and then call the Directory.Move() method. The message is "Access to the path <path> is denied".
This is reproducible only with display language of the Windows set to a language different than English. It was originally reproduced with French.
If you set the initial directory to a network dir (ex: \\MyPcName\SharedFolder2\MyFiles), and open the dialog, initially the correct folder is loaded. However, if you wait several seconds without doing anything, the currently opened directory automatically changes to the root "Network" dir.
To reproduce this behavior you need the following settings.
- Set the display language of your Windows to Italian.
- Use a RadOpenFileDialog.
- Set its Filter. For example, you can filter to show only Excel files.
- Change the layout type to Details.
In this case the folders in the opened direction disappears.
Provide built-in support for the following combinations:
For example Filter is "XAML CS Files (*.xaml.cs)|*.xaml.cs" MS Win32 OpenFileDialog filter files correctly to show only xaml.cs files. RadOpenFile/SaveFileDialog does not show the xaml.cs files which is wrong.
<telerik:RadDropDownButton DropDownWidth="400" DropDownHeight="400" VerticalAlignment="Center" Content="Dialog Button"> <telerik:RadDropDownButton.DropDownContent> <dialogs:ExplorerControl Layout="Details"/> </telerik:RadDropDownButton.DropDownContent> </telerik:RadDropDownButton> When the DropDown is opened Exception in FileBrowserGridView.cs is thrown.
ExplorerControl is in DropDownContent of DropDownButton. Selecting multiple files in the explorer is not possible.
ExplorerControl or FileDialog is opened with StyleManager.ApplicationTheme = new Windows8TouchTheme(); On load exception is thrown: "Cannot find resource named 'BreadCrumbBarItemCustomStyle'. Resource names are case sensitive"
RadOpenFileDialog or RadSaveFileDialog with Filter, for example fileDialog.Filter = "Excel Worksheets|*.xlsx;*.xls|All Files|*.*"; fileDialog.FilterIndex = 1; This should filter the files in MainPane on load to xls files only (index is 1-based). However, filter is not applied on load - regression in R3 2018.
Currently RadFileDialogs do not provide such tooltips when hovering files and folders. Check the attached image for clarification.
Currently, showing a dialog can take 10-20 seconds when started in DEBUG mode. And 3-5 seconds RELEASE mode. Improve the loading time. A little way to speed up is to set ExpandToCurrentDirectory to False.