Xlsx documents with a global filter defined cannot be imported. Message box "The name that you entered is not valid." is shown and internally SpreadsheetNameException is thrown. MS Excel can import such document and even preserve the filter, but do not respect it and doesn't have UI to clear it. Workaround 1 (includes processing the document with MS Excel): - Open the document in MS Excel - Choose Formulas -> Defined names -> Named Manager - Choose Filter -> Names with errors - Find all Filter defined names and delete them - Save the document
RadSpreadsheet should respect negative time values as MS Excel does it.
At the moment when any of the properties are changed, e.g. the frozen panes, the UI is not notified and you have to export and import the file in order for the UI to pick them up.
Workaround: There are several workarounds:
1. Change the active worksheet and return to the old one
2. Export and import the document
3. Change the workbook of the RadSpreadsheet to a new one, and return the old one after that
4. Freeze the active worksheet using the ActiveWorksheetEditor.FreezePanes() method and freeze all others using the ViewState:
RadWorksheetEditor editor = this.radSpreadsheet.ActiveWorksheetEditor;
editor.FreezePanes(new CellIndex(3,3));
foreach (var worksheet in this.radSpreadsheet.Workbook.Worksheets)
worksheet.ViewState.FreezePanes(5, 5);
We should provide an easier API allowing the customers to remove the key bindings or change the commands that they trigger. Workaround: There is attached a sample showing how all the commands triggered by the key bindings can be disabled.
The AM/PM value is not shown in the cell when formatting a time value. Steps to reproduce: 1. Insert some time in a cell in spreadsheet (22:20) 2. Apply it a custom format that contains AM/PM (e.g. "h:mm AM/PM") Observed: The AM/PM format is missing Expected: AM or PM should be shown after the time (image attached) Declined: The changes could be applied if the user presses OK button instead of pressing Enter key. A new feedback item is open where the issue is described: https://feedback.telerik.com/Project/143/Feedback/Details/212042-spreadsheet-custom-number-type-values-in-format-cells-dialog-are-not-applied-wh
If plain text is pasted in a cell, and the text is automatically recognizable as date, number, percentage, formula or other format, the text is always converted to the recognized number format. Instead, the cell's current number format should affect the convertion in the following way: - If the current format is General -> parse the value with the automatically recognized format, and set the value with the automatically recognized format - If the current format is Text -> set the value as text, and preserve the current format (Text) - If the current format is any other format -> try parse the value with the current format - Successful -> set the parsed value with the current format - Unsuccessful -> parse the value with the automatically recognized format, and set the parsed value with the current format. As a result, strings which are recognizable as dates, for example, are pasted as their numeric representation instead of with their Date formatting. Also it's not possible to paste something as plain text. Workaround: for always pasting plain text: Create custom Paste button and executes the following code: this.radSpreadsheet.ActiveWorksheetEditor.Selection.Cells.SetValueAsText(Clipboard.GetText());
When setting the following strings as cell value, they are recognized as dates. In industry standard applications like MS Excel and OpenOffice, they are recognized as strings: - "12 3456" in bg-BG, fr-FR, ru-RU, sv-FI, en-US - "12.3456" in de-DE - "1 23" in en-US - "2013/5" in en-US - "3000-03" in en-US
Currently the following text filters are not supported in the model, filtering popup and Custom Filter dialog: - begins with - does not begin with - ends with - does not end with - contains - does not contain. All of these are supported in MS Excel.
Add support for import and export of Excel Template files (XLTS) file format.
The overlapping of SelectionFill and SelectionStroke geometries may be seen in the attached screenshot. This scenario may be reproduced with the following RadSpreadsheet instance: <telerik:RadSpreadsheet SelectionStroke="Red" SelectionStrokeThickness="10" FillHandleSelectionStroke="Green" SelectionFill="#550000FF" />
Number formats like "[$-1010409]General" containing locale code and General keyword are not parsed correctly which results in interpreting them as number formats which have to replace the positive numbers with "General". Available in R1 2017 SP
The visualization and scrolling of documents containing many merged cells (e.g. 1000) is very slow. The control becomes almost unusable when the number increases.
Workaround: Import the document without using the default command OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Filter = "All Spreadsheet Files (*.txt, *.csv, *.pdf, *.xlsx)|*.txt;*.csv;*.pdf;*.xlsx|Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx|CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)|*.csv|Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog.SafeFileName); using (Stream input = openFileDialog.OpenFile()) { Workbook workbook = WorkbookFormatProvidersManager.Import(extension, input); workbook.Name = openFileDialog.SafeFileName; // in the default implementation this is set after applying the document to RadSpreadsheet and triggers the event this.radSpreadsheet.Workbook = workbook; } }
If a cell starts with number, contains text, and some values are auto-filled using this cell as base, for example with the Fill handle, the wrong Spreadsheet's autofill generator is used, and ordinal numbers are generated. Instead, the last number (if such) should be increased. For example, if the cell value is "35'5" and the fill handle is used in order the values to next cells to be autofilled, the values are 35th, 36th and etc., instead of the correct ones which are: 35'6, 35'7,...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Enter in a cell =Today() 2. Show Format Cells dialog and set Custom format "d" Expected: The value is the day of the month. Actual: The date is formatted as short date but has to be day of the month.
Wrong exception messages are constructed sometimes, due to problem in the internal Guard.ThrowExceptionIfTrue and Guard.ThrowExceptionIfFalse methods: - Guard.ThrowExceptionIfTrue throws InvalidOperationException with text "<paramName> should be true.", instead the text should be "<paramName> should be false." - Guard.ThrowExceptionIfFalse throws InvalidOperationException with text "<paramName> should be false.", instead the text should be "<paramName> should be true." Available in LIB Version 2017.2.828.
Allow the customers to work with Shape objects.
Expose WorksheetUIUpdateContextBase.GetDataValidationRuleResult(CellIndex). This method is useful for creating optimized custom Data Validation Circles layers. Available in LIB Version 2017.2.828.