I would like to know if Progress Telerik has some plan to port their WPF controls to Avalonia (avaloniaui.net).
The height of the column footer is not updated properly to autofit the footer's content. Actually, this works when the footer content becomes bigger than the current (or the default) value, but if you change the content with a smaller one, the bigger height remains. In other words, the footer height autofits when the content becomes bigger but it doesn't decrease when the content becomes smaller after that.
To work this around, you can subscribe to the CellLoaded event and use reflection to update one of the internal properties of the panel that draws the footer cells.private void gridView_CellLoaded(object sender, CellEventArgs e)
if (e.Cell is GridViewFooterCell)
var row = e.Cell.ParentRow;
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
var aggregatesList = row.ChildrenOfType<AggregateResultsList>(); // the exact type of children that should be used to get the new height may vary based on your column Footer contents
if (aggregatesList.Count() > 0)
var height = aggregatesList.Max(x => x.ActualHeight);
var cellsPanel = e.Cell.ParentOfType<GridViewCellsPanel>();
PropertyInfo minRowHeightProp = cellsPanel.GetType().GetProperty("MinRowHeight", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
object minRowHeightPair = minRowHeightProp.GetValue(cellsPanel);
PropertyInfo heightProp = minRowHeightPair.GetType().GetProperty("Second");
heightProp.SetValue(minRowHeightPair, height);
When RadSpreadsheet is placed inside a data template and the Workbook property is bound, the binding fails. In the Convert() method of the debug converter, the proper value is set. However, an empty workbook is displayed in the view.
To reproduce set he following properties:
MouseSelectionHandler.DoubleClickTime = 1000;
MouseSelectionHandler.MouseDragThreshold = 2;
MouseSelectionHandler.MouseDoubleClickThreshold = 60;
As a result, the glyphs are not measured and positioned properly. The issue applies to the TrueType and Type1 fonts.
When trying to install one of the following nuget packages an error occurs:
The same issue manifests with the NoXaml version of the same packages.
The error message is:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details Error Failed to add reference. The package 'Telerik.Windows.Controls.EntityFramework60.for.Wpf.Xaml' tried to add a framework reference to 'EntityFramework' which was not found in the GAC. This is possibly a bug in the package. Please contact the package owners for assistance. Reference unavailable.
Profiling results show bottleneck in the line-breaking logic within Paragraph MeasureOverride.
The pop-up content is not displayed in the bottom right corner, but in the top left corner, and can not show balloon.
Screen resolution: 4K
Window size: 15.6 inches
Operating System: Windows 11
Run:From Microsoft Store App telerik WPF controls.