This behavior occurs when there is no Telerik package installed in the project but the toolbox loads the controls using the version available in C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\ToolboxNuGetPackages.
Then drag a gauge form the toolbox and drop it into the form:
Please run the attached sample project and follow the steps illustrated in the attached gif file. The following exception occurs:
System.ArgumentExceptionIMPORTANT: If both colors are changed at design time and you set the Value of RadLinearGauge to 0, this will provoke a similar error leading Visual Studio to crash.
Workaround: specify a minimum width/height for the gauge:
this.radLinearGauge1.MinimumSize = new Size(1, (int)this.linearGaugeBar1.Offset+1);
To reproduce: - Make sure there are atlest tow design asemblies in your GAC - Create a new version and drop a gauge on the form. - Visual Studio needs to be restarted.
To reproduce: the purpose is to have only one label with at a specific value. Hence, you try to adjust the start/end index of the labels and according to the labels count, you get the desired result. A similar approach is applicable for the ticks, but it hides all labels when you try to set a value for the LabelEndVisibleRange .
To reproduce: - Place a gauge on the form. - Add panel over it. - The gauge elements can be selected (see attached).
The attched video shows how you can reproduce this.
The attached video shows how this can be reproduced. Workaround: class MyLabel : RadialGaugeSingleLabel { private RadRadialGaugeElement owner; protected override void OnParentChanged(RadElement previousParent) { base.OnParentChanged(previousParent); this.owner = (RadRadialGaugeElement) this.Parent; } public override GraphicsPath Path { get { GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath(); float fontSizePercentage = this.Font.Size; var gaugeSize = (RectangleF)this.owner.GetType().GetProperty("GaugeSize", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(this.owner, null) ; if (this.AutoSize) { fontSizePercentage = (gaugeSize.Width) * (this.LabelFontSize / 100f); if (fontSizePercentage <0) { return path; } } return base.Path; } } }
How to reproduce: Open the attached project, change the name of the RadLinearGauge located on the first page. Save and Run the project. The gauges on the other pages will change their orientation to horizontal Workaround: Prior to rebuilding or running the application select in the VS designer each of the pages of RadPageView
Workaround: create a custom LinearGaugeLabels. Check the attached project for implementation.
To reproduce: - Add RadLienarGauge to a scrollable panel. - Start the application and scroll. - You will notice that some elements are not painted correctly. Workaround: - Override the IsInVisibleClipBounds in each used element: public class MyTicks : Telerik.WinControls.UI.Gauges.LinearGaugeTicks { protected override bool IsInVisibleClipBounds(Rectangle clipRectangle) { return true; } }
The designer is retrieving the assemblies names using the FullName property and when the name cointas some charters an exception is thrown. This is why the gallery is not loaded in the designer.