Last Updated: 19 Feb 2015 09:12 by Jesse Dyck
FIX. RadDropDownList- when the form is started the textbox shows the end of the text instead of the begging of it, when the used text is longer than the control length.
Last Updated: 18 Aug 2020 07:26 by ADMIN
Release Q1 2013
FIX. RadGroupBox AutoSize property is not taken into consideration
Last Updated: 23 Apr 2014 12:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Alexander
Comments: 0
Category: GridView
Type: Bug Report
The HeaderText of the RadGridView columns is not properly serialized in the resource file for the corresponding language.
Last Updated: 20 Aug 2015 14:43 by ADMIN
Wrapping text in ColumnsGroupViewDefinition does not affect the size of the cells.
Last Updated: 15 Feb 2014 11:03 by Jesse Dyck
Created by: Stefan
Comments: 1
Category: PageView
Type: Bug Report
RadPageView has ten pages. Each page contains TableLayoutPanel (2 columns and 10 rows) and in each cell there is RadControl (textBox, checkbox etc). 

The result is that when pages are being changed, RadPageView show slow performance. Same scenario with standard controls works well.

Further investigations on the case show this:
"I had the same issue and I found other workaround. In my case I had TableLayoutPanel with RadSplittButton in each cell and each RadSplitButon was set as Dock = Fill. If I set AutoSize = false for RadSplitButton then the performance was ok and everything looks ok too."
Last Updated: 24 Jul 2014 07:40 by Jesse Dyck
To workaround this issue you should dispose the Instance property of RadMessageBox after each show of message box. For example:


If you are using themes, consider the following approach:
            RadMessageBox.Show("This is some long text that sometimes does not wrap as it should.");
            var field = typeof(RadMessageBox).GetField("radMessageBoxForm", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            field.SetValue(null, null);
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2014 07:07 by Jesse Dyck
When pressing the tab and RadDropDownList gets focus, there is no visual feedback to see which control has the focus.
Last Updated: 23 Sep 2022 13:07 by ADMIN
Release R3 2022
Created by: Danilo
Comments: 0
Category: Dock
Type: Bug Report

Our application embed a RadDock element.Unfortunately, in a non-systematic way, our application crash with this stack trace: 

Our application is a 64bit application (we migrated it to NET6 using Telerik 2022.2.510.60). As I told unfortunately in this case I'm not able to isolate the case in a simple project (as I'm used to to).

It would be useful by your side, however, make a check to the last trace line of the log I've gave to you: 

 at Telerik.WinControls.UI.ThemedFormBehavior.OnWMNCHitTest(Message& m)

If I decompile your code I find this:

L_param, returned in (1) is an IntPtr that, on a 64bit machine running a 64bit application could contains a value that SOMETIMES will crash in (2) where you try to convert it with an IntTo32 method...

99 time to 100 the code in line 755 works fine but I think that it is not guaranteed that L_Param returned in (1) can be fit in a 32bit box. This could explain why I use the phrase " a very random way" and why, at the moment, I'm not be able to give you a simple application where the problem is systematic.

I suspect that at line 755 we have got a problem, I'll appreciate your point of view about it.
Last Updated: 23 Apr 2014 12:56 by ADMIN
Steps to reproduce:
1. Add a form with RadPageView on it
2. Add RadPageViewPage
3. In the designer file there will be the following line: // TODO: Code generation for '' failed because of Exception 'Invalid Primitive Type: System.IntPtr. Consider using CodeObjectCreateExpression.'.
Last Updated: 12 Jun 2014 06:57 by Jesse Dyck
Created by: Nikolay
Comments: 2
Category: GridView
Type: Bug Report
RadGridView should support indexed full-text search out of the box.
Last Updated: 12 May 2021 12:33 by ADMIN
Release R2 2021
Created by: Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Comments: 1
Category: GridView
Type: Bug Report
To reproduce:
1.Add a RadGridView with one column.
2.Select the form and in the Properties window, set the form's Localizable property to true.
3.Specify the column's HeaderText for the default language.
4.Set the form's Language property to French (France).
5.Specify the column's HeaderText for  French (France).
6.Set the CurrentUICulture before the InitializeComponent method to "fr-FR". If you run the application, the column is localized as expected.
7.If you get back to the designer and change the form's Language property back to Default you will notice that the column's HeaderText disappears.

Workaround: set the HeaderText programmatically according to the current language.
Last Updated: 11 Feb 2014 13:46 by ADMIN
Created by: Jack
Comments: 0
Category: GridView
Type: Bug Report
1. Create a new project with RadGridView
2. Setup a hierarchy with a large number of rows
3. Apply grouping and expand all child views
4. Run the project and try to scroll
Last Updated: 25 Feb 2013 08:52 by Svetlin
The RadPdfViewer does not show text when pdf document is loaded.
Last Updated: 11 Feb 2014 13:48 by ADMIN
1. Drag a RadGridView to a form and dock it to fill the form.
2. Create and set a ColumnGroupsViewDefinition to the grid
3. Add data and run the project.
4. Resize the form and you will see that grid view layout would not look properly.
Also if your resize a column group only the first column in the group is resized while all others retain their widths.

Work around:
void radGridView1_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void InvalidateGridLayout()
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2016 09:26 by ADMIN
To reproduce: please refer to the attached gif file.

The error is not reproduced each time with the Demo application. Sometimes an unhandled exception dialog appears and sometimes the application becomes unresponsive and you can not close the application with upper right X, the options to the right does not respond, you can not change demo using the list on the left. Selecting "Settings" in Property Grid section and then clicking on a boolean property (left column), scrolling using the mouse wheel, then selecting another property (with PropertyGridDropDownListEditor) or clicking around in the application (even outside of the property grid form).

Workaround:   this.radPropertyGrid1.EditorRequired += radPropertyGrid1_EditorRequired;

private void radPropertyGrid1_EditorRequired(object sender, PropertyGridEditorRequiredEventArgs e)
    if (e.EditorType == typeof(PropertyGridDropDownListEditor))
        e.Editor = new CustomPropertyGridDropDownListEditor();

public class CustomPropertyGridDropDownListEditor : PropertyGridDropDownListEditor
    public override object Value
            PropertyGridItemElement element = this.OwnerElement as PropertyGridItemElement;
            PropertyGridItem item = element.Data as PropertyGridItem;
            if (item == null)
                return null;
            return base.Value;
            base.Value = value;
Last Updated: 23 Apr 2014 12:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Alexander
Comments: 0
Category: GridView
Type: Bug Report
Sorting of RadGridView slows down its performance when the control is used in self-reference hierarchy mode.
Last Updated: 11 Apr 2019 14:50 by Dimitar
Release R2 2019 (LIB 2019.1.415)
Use attached to reproduce.

Tested on Windows 10 (1607 and 1703)


RadControl.EnableDpiScaling = False

Last Updated: 23 Apr 2014 12:56 by Jesse Dyck
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a sample .html: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
	.p { 
		margin: 0px 0px 0px 28px;
		<span>This text should be indented</span>

2) Initialize the HTML provider:

private static void InitHtmlFormatProvider()
            htmlFormatProvider = new HtmlFormatProvider();
            var htmlExportSettings = new HtmlExportSettings();
            htmlExportSettings.DocumentExportLevel = DocumentExportLevel.Fragment;
            htmlFormatProvider.ExportSettings = htmlExportSettings;

3) Import the sample .html file:

private void importFromFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string text = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Sample1.txt");
            RadDocument document = htmlFormatProvider.Import(text);
            radRichTextBox1.Document = document;

4) Export the imported document to .html file:
private void exportToFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string html = htmlFormatProvider.Export(radRichTextBox1.Document);
            File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Sample2.txt", html);

Expected Result: margin: 0px 0px 0px 28px;
Actual Result: margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
Last Updated: 09 Jun 2022 12:17 by ADMIN
Release R2 2022 SP1

Use the following code: 

        public RadForm1()

                        // This XML contains a simple tree with a root node having 3 children, the first of which is intended to be Bold
            var xml = "<TreeView xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" MultiSelect=\"true\" AllowDragDrop=\"true\" LabelEdit=\"true\" AllowDrop=\"true\">  <Nodes Text=\"New Package\" Expanded=\"true\" ImageKey=\"Package\" Font=\"Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt, style=Bold\">    <Tag xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">&lt;Info&gt;&lt;FullName&gt;\\New Package&lt;/FullName&gt;&lt;ObjectType&gt;Package&lt;/ObjectType&gt;&lt;IsRunnable&gt;False&lt;/IsRunnable&gt;&lt;IsContainer&gt;true&lt;/IsContainer&gt;&lt;/Info&gt;</Tag>    <Nodes Text=\"Query Engine\" ImageKey=\"QueryEngine\" Expanded=\"true\" Font=\"Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt, style=Bold\">      <Tag xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">&lt;Info&gt;&lt;FullName&gt;\\Query Engine&lt;/FullName&gt;&lt;ObjectType&gt;QueryEngine&lt;/ObjectType&gt;&lt;IsRunnable&gt;true&lt;/IsRunnable&gt;&lt;IsTableEntity&gt;true&lt;/IsTableEntity&gt;&lt;IsCut&gt;false&lt;/IsCut&gt;&lt;/Info&gt;</Tag>    </Nodes>    <Nodes Text=\"Connector\" ImageKey=\"Irion.SQLServer\">      <Tag xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">&lt;Info&gt;&lt;FullName&gt;\\Connector&lt;/FullName&gt;&lt;ObjectType&gt;DBConnection&lt;/ObjectType&gt;&lt;IsCut&gt;false&lt;/IsCut&gt;&lt;/Info&gt;</Tag>    </Nodes>    <Nodes Text=\"Connector Link\" ImageKey=\"DatabaseDatalink\">      <Tag xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">&lt;Info&gt;&lt;FullName&gt;\\Connector Link&lt;/FullName&gt;&lt;ObjectType&gt;DatabaseDatalink&lt;/ObjectType&gt;&lt;IsRunnable&gt;true&lt;/IsRunnable&gt;&lt;IsTableEntity&gt;true&lt;/IsTableEntity&gt;&lt;IsCut&gt;false&lt;/IsCut&gt;&lt;/Info&gt;</Tag>    </Nodes>  </Nodes></TreeView>";

            this.radTreeView1.LoadXML(new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml)));

            //make sure that the following 2 nodes are bold:
            this.radTreeView1.Nodes[0].Nodes[0].Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0);
            this.radTreeView1.Nodes[0].Nodes[2].Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0);

            var tvx = this.radTreeView1.TreeViewXml;

The XML returned by the tvx variable is different in 6.0 and 4.7.2. The Font for the node is serialized in 4.7.2:

But the font is missing in 6.0:


Last Updated: 13 Nov 2014 14:24 by ADMIN
Steps to reproduce: 
1) Create a sample table in Microsoft Word
2) Copy and paste its content to RadRichTextBox control
3) The result table in RadRichTextBox is not visualized correctly

This issue is addressed in the new version of the control - RadRichTextEditor. Please use the new control instead the RadRichTextBox. 
1 2 3 4 5 6