This is the behavior for collapsing the ribbon and showing the the small image for RadButtonElement:
A similar functionality should be available for the ActionElement in RadDropDownButtonElement and RadSplitButtonElement.
Just a request to add in a RadFontDropDownListElement item to the RadRibbonBarGroup item list in the RadRibbonBar.
I am bypassing this by manually loading in the system fonts to a RadDropDownListElement but I could see the ease and appeal of having it already available.
When the size is reduced the button's text is hidden and the popup occurs. One should be able to directly go to the collapsed mode without showing buttons with no text.
The attached project shows a temporary solution.
Enable duplication of RadRibbonBar group's element.
The new functionality should provide a way to apply an offset to the position of the key tip as well as customize their back and fore colors as well as the font
Add support for MDI list menu item.
Add support for the RadRibbonBars to have their items merged while in MDI mode.
add additional minimize options: - minimize to panel titles - minimize to panel buttons
With particular cultures the alt key is used for specific symbols and this is why the user should be able to use one of the alt key for symbols and the other one for the key tips.
I have a RadGalleryElement in my RadRibbonBar. It has both a minimum and maximum row count of four, and currently contains 6 items. I have "selection" enabled for the Gallery. The selection states persist for the first row of items, but do not for my second row.
Allow small elements, e.g. RadTrackBarElement or RadProgressBarElement, to be added to RadRibbonBar groups at design-time.
Pressing the ALT key should displays the Key Tips and moves keyboard focus to the RadRibbonBar by pressing any of the typical keyboard navigation key (i.e., TAB, SHIFT+TAB, ARROW RIGHT, ALT+ARROW, DOWN, SPACE BAR, etc.)
IMPROVE. RadRibbonBar - add ability to theme the split button for this control (i.e. SplitButtonInRibbon)
According to the design guidelines, the width of a ContextualTab is determined by the sum of the widths of the RibbonTabs. However, there are cases where the width of the containing tabs is less than the width needed by the ContextualTab to display its text. To handle this case, we should allow the users to set the width of the ContextualTabs. WORKAROUND: increase the size of the inner tabs: private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ribbonTab1.MinSize = new Size(ribbonTab1.Size.Width+60, 0); radRibbonBar1.RibbonBarElement.InvalidateMeasure(true); radRibbonBar1.RibbonBarElement.UpdateLayout(); radRibbonBar1.RibbonBarElement.RibbonCaption.CaptionLayout.InvalidateMeasure(true); radRibbonBar1.RibbonBarElement.RibbonCaption.CaptionLayout.UpdateLayout(); }
ADD. RadRibbonBar - add cancelable CommandTabChanging event. The event is called CommandTabSelecting to be coherent with the older event CommandTabSelected.