What I would like is to be able to export to a named sheet and keep the other sheets in file. For example:
"Sheet 1" (with new values), "Sheet2" (with old values)
Using your current naming convention, the Option might be named FileExportMode.CreateOrOverrideSheet
Add functionality which will allow the end users to edit the aggregated data. The new values should be passed back to the business logic of the application which will decide how to divide the new value across underlying records.
When the RowGrandTotalsPosition and ColumnGrandTotalsPosition for RadPivotGrid are set to First, it would be suitable to offers options for keeping the row/column grand totals always visible in the view after scrolling:
One should be able to move the selected cell and scroll with the arrow keys. The attached project features a solution for moving the currently selected cell using the arrow keys.
I am using the pivot grid control would like to know if it is possible to add a start and end to the grouping?
My pivot grid looks like this: I would like the user to be able to specify a start and end for the grouping.
Excel has this option:
How can I replicate this functionality?
As a user I want to hide the Grand Totals for specific groups:
The group description now has AutoShowSubTotals property determining whether subtotals will be generated for the description: this.radPivotGrid1.RowGroupDescriptions.Add(new DateTimeGroupDescription { PropertyName = "OrderDate", Step = DateTimeStep.Quarter, GroupComparer = new GroupNameComparer(), AutoShowSubTotals = false });
Hour, minute, second, if possible also week
The new API would allow some of the default functions to be removed and custom aggregate functions to be added. At the moment the dialog can be modified like this: Public Class MyAggregateOptionsDialog Inherits AggregateOptionsDialog Private availableAggregateFunctions As IList(Of AggregateFunction) = New List(Of AggregateFunction)() From { AggregateFunctions.Sum, AggregateFunctions.Count, AggregateFunctions.Average, AggregateFunctions.Max, AggregateFunctions.Min, AggregateFunctions.Product, AggregateFunctions.StdDev, AggregateFunctions.StdDevP, AggregateFunctions.Var, AggregateFunctions.VarP, New SqrtSumAggregateFunction() } Public Overrides Sub LoadSettings(aggregateDescription As PropertyAggregateDescriptionBase) MyBase.LoadSettings(aggregateDescription) Dim listAggregateFunctions = DirectCast(Me.GetType().BaseType.GetField("listAggregateFunctions", BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(Me), RadListControl) listAggregateFunctions.DataSource = availableAggregateFunctions End Sub End Class
When a filter dialog is shown (Report Filter or Label Filter) for OLAP Hierarchy, it contains the items only for the selected level. Instead items from all levels could be visible, so you won't have to open additional dialogs to filter them (show them like a tree).