It will be convenient for our users if we introduce a CommandBarMaskedEditBox that they can add to their CommandBar at design-time.
Run the project and open the overflow menu. If you focus one of the editors and press the down arrow, the following error occurs:
at Telerik.WinControls.RadMessageFilter.NotifyGetMessageEvent(Message& msg)When a menu popup is opened with a shortcut its location is initially not correct. If you open the menu by clicking on it its location will be correct. If you then move the form containing the menu and use the shortcut again the location will be the last location of the menu item opened by mouse click. When a split button is in the command bar and you click on the action part the location of the popup is initially not correct. If you click on the arrow part the location will be correct and after that if you click on the action part the popup location will be again correct. If you move the form containing the command bar, containing the split button and click on the action part location of the popup will be the last location of the popup opened by arrow part click.
Workaround: Set it in code: commandBarMaskedEditBox1.CommandBarMaskedTextBoxElement.MaskType = Telerik.WinControls.UI.MaskType.Numeric; commandBarMaskedEditBox1.CommandBarMaskedTextBoxElement.Mask = "d";
To reproduce: - Run the attached project, maximize the form and click the drop-down buttons. Workaround: commandBarDropDownButton3.DropDownMenu.PopupOpening += DropDownMenu_PopupOpening; private void DropDownMenu_PopupOpening(object sender, CancelEventArgs args) { var e = args as RadPopupOpeningEventArgs; var ownerElement = (sender as RadDropDownMenu).OwnerElement; var loc = ownerElement.ElementTree.Control.PointToScreen(ownerElement.ControlBoundingRectangle.Location); loc.Y += ownerElement.ControlBoundingRectangle.Height; loc.X -= ((sender as RadDropDownMenu).Width - ownerElement.ControlBoundingRectangle.Width); e.CustomLocation = loc; }
To reproduce: - Add some controls to a command bar. - Get the PreferredSize like this: Console.WriteLine(radCommandBar1.PreferredSize.ToString()); Workaround: class MyCommandBar : RadCommandBar { public override Size GetPreferredSize(Size proposedSize) { if (proposedSize.Width == 0 && proposedSize.Height == 0) { return this.Size; } return base.GetPreferredSize(proposedSize); } }
1. Create new project with RadCommandBar and add a button in it. 2. Set the button's AutoSize property to false. 3. Run the project and try to hide the button by clicking the overflow button.
Assign a ImageList to RadCommnandBar and add CommandBarDropDownButton to a strip. Then open the Items collection editor for this drop down button, add new RadMenuItem and attempt to assign an ImageIndex from the ImageList of the control.
To reproduce: - Remove and dispose a strip at runtime: private void BRemoveItems_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.commandBarRowElement1.Strips.Count > 1) { if (this.commandBarRowElement1.Strips[1] is MyRadStripElement) { MyRadStripElement stripForRemoval = (MyRadStripElement)this.commandBarRowElement1.Strips[1]; this.commandBarRowElement1.Strips.Remove(stripForRemoval); stripForRemoval.Dispose(); } } } Workaround: dispose the item before remove it.
DisplayName property of RadCommandBarVisualElement class cannot be localized.
If you have a RadCommandBar instance on a form, and on the same form you have a ContextMenuStrip with one toolstripmenuitem, you will notice that you are not able to select anything from the form.
The KeyDown event for CommandBarDropDownList does not fire. The same is the situation with the DropDownListElement.
Data-bounded CommandBarDropDownList shows only currently selected item when the CommandBarDropDownList located into overflow list. Workarround: Assign the CommandBar's BindingContext explicitly public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.commandBarDropDownList1.BindingContext = this.BindingContext; }
PopUpOpened event does not fire then the CommandBarDropDownList is created runtime.
FIX. RadCommandBar - selecting default item for CommandBarSplitButton prevents the drop down from being opened
In some cases, when you type on a CommandBarTextBox, its Text property does not get updated.
1. Open solution and double-click on Form1.vb 2. select any of the buttons up top in the RadCommandbar like the Back button and then double click on it so it adds an event to the code file. 3. It should have taken you to the even when added, so now delete the event method that was generated. 4. Click on the Form1.vb [Design] file and you should see the error.