Last Updated: 06 Jun 2014 15:04 by ADMIN
To reproduce:
1. Have a scheduler grouped by resource 
2. On a button click call its PrintPreview method
3. Open the print settings dialog
4. Select Weekly Style
5. Select Grouped by: Resource
6. Select Two pages per week 
at this point, exception is thrown

  protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            radScheduler1.PrintSettingsDialogFactory = new MyFactory();

        private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        class MySchedulerPrintSettingsDialogFactory : SchedulerPrintSettingsDialog
            SchedulerPrintStyleSettings userControl;
            RadDropDownList groupBy;
            RadDropDownList twoPagesPerView;
            RadDropDownList printStyle;

            public MySchedulerPrintSettingsDialogFactory(RadPrintDocument document)
                : base(document)  { }

            protected override Control CreateFormatControl()
                userControl = base.CreateFormatControl() as SchedulerPrintStyleSettings;
                RadGroupBox groupBox = userControl.Controls["groupBoxStyleSettings"] as RadGroupBox;

                groupBy = groupBox.Controls["dropDownGroupBy"] as RadDropDownList;
                groupBy.SelectedIndexChanged += groupBy_SelectedIndexChanged;

                twoPagesPerView = groupBox.Controls["dropDownLayout"] as RadDropDownList;
                twoPagesPerView.SelectedIndexChanging += twoPagesPerView_SelectedIndexChanging;

                RadGroupBox groupBoxMain = userControl.Controls["groupBoxPrintStyle"] as RadGroupBox;
                printStyle = groupBoxMain.Controls["dropDownPrintStyle"] as RadDropDownList;
                printStyle.SelectedValueChanged += printStyle_SelectedValueChanged;
                return userControl;

            void printStyle_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (printStyle.SelectedItem.Text == "Weekly Style")
                    twoPagesPerView.SelectedItem = twoPagesPerView.Items[0];

            void twoPagesPerView_SelectedIndexChanging(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.Data.PositionChangingCancelEventArgs e)
                if (groupBy.SelectedItem.Text == "Resource" && e.Position == 1)
                    e.Cancel = true;
                    RadMessageBox.Show("Two pages per view is not supported in GroupBy:Resource mode");

            void groupBy_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.Data.PositionChangedEventArgs e)
                if (groupBy.Items[e.Position].Text == "Resource")
                    twoPagesPerView.SelectedItem = twoPagesPerView.Items[0];

        class MyFactory : IPrintSettingsDialogFactory
            public Form CreateDialog(RadPrintDocument document)
                return new MySchedulerPrintSettingsDialogFactory(document);
Last Updated: 06 Jun 2014 14:41 by ADMIN
To reproduce:

Add a Resource to RadScheduler:

Resource res = new Resource();
res.Id = new EventId(199);
res.Name = "John Doe";


Create a new appointment and set the resource:

Appointment app = new Appointment();

app.Start = DateTime.Now;
app.End = app.Start.AddHours(1);
app.BackgroundId = 3;
app.ResourceId = new EventId(199);


Subscribe to the CollectionChangedEvent:
void Appointments_CollectionChanged(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.Data.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.Action == Telerik.WinControls.Data.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.ItemChanged)
        Debug.WriteLine("Property Changed = " + e.PropertyName);

Run the application, open the appointment and click ok. You will notice that the event will fire. It should not fire since the EventId is the same.

Create a custom appointment following this article: and override the ResourceId property:

public class App : Appointment
    public override EventId ResourceId
            return base.ResourceId;
            if (!Object.Equals(this.ResourceId, value))
                base.ResourceId = value;
Last Updated: 06 Jun 2014 14:26 by ADMIN
To reproduce:
1. Create a new Form
2. Add a Scheduler control and set Dock to Dock.Fill
3. Run the form
4. Add an appointment to the scheduler
5. Right-click the newly added appointment and start dragging it to move the appointment
6. Let go of the mouse button to drop

You will notice that the appointment will not be dropped and the context menu will show. 

A correct behavior should be chosen.


Stop the appointments from dragging with right-mouse:

MouseButtons lastButton;
void scheduler_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    this.lastButton = e.Button;

void DragDropBehavior_Starting(object sender, RadServiceStartingEventArgs e)
    e.Cancel = lastButton == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right;
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2014 07:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Nikolay
Comments: 0
Category: Scheduler/Reminder
Type: Bug Report
If an appointment is about to change its resource, e.NewResourceId in the AppointmentDropping event should return the id new the new appointment. However, it returns nothing.
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2014 07:08 by ADMIN
Currently, a time range of working ours is valid for all days in the week. There could be a rule that sets a specific range for some days of the week, leaving another range of hours for the rest of the days.
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2014 07:07 by ADMIN
To work around the issue, you can set scheduler's GroupType to None, set the  ResourcesPerView property, set the GroupType to Resource:

radScheduler1.GroupType = GroupType.None;
this.radScheduler1.ActiveView.ResourcesPerView =resourcesPerView 
radScheduler1.GroupType = GroupType.Resource;
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2014 07:07 by ADMIN
Steps to reproduce:
            radScheduler.ActiveViewType = SchedulerViewType.Timeline;
            radScheduler.GetTimelineView().GetTimescale(Timescales.Hours).DisplayedCellsCount = 10;//set 8 for workarround.

            radScheduler.ActiveView.StartDate = DateTime.Today;
            radScheduler.GetTimelineView().RangeStartDate = DateTime.Today.AddHours(7);
            radScheduler.GetTimelineView().RangeEndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
            radScheduler.GetTimelineView().ResourcesPerView = 5;

            radScheduler.GroupType = GroupType.Resource;
            radScheduler.SchedulerElement.SetResourceHeaderAngleTransform(SchedulerViewType.Timeline, 0);
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2014 07:07 by ADMIN
RadScheduler printing does not take in consideration the Ruler scale and always print with 30 minutes timescale.
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2014 07:07 by ADMIN
ScrollToWorkHours does not work properly in DayViewGroupedByResource mode
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2014 07:07 by ADMIN
In some cases when the BindingContext changed (re-bind, re-parent) the control thown the Null Reference Exception
Last Updated: 30 May 2014 09:49 by ADMIN
To reproduce:
1. Add a RadSheduler with one Appointment with more than one resources (e.g. add two EventIds in its  ResourceIds collection).
2.Group the scheduler by resources setting the GroupType property to GroupType.Resource.
3.Use SchedulerViewType.Timeline.

When you try to resize the appointment for one of the resources, the expected result is this appointment to be resized for all of its resources.

Workaround: Use the AppointmentMouseUp event and manually perform the refresh:

Private Sub sched_AppointmentMouseUp(sender As Object, e As SchedulerAppointmentMouseEventArgs)
    If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
    End If
End Sub
Last Updated: 14 May 2014 09:05 by ADMIN
Add the ability to change the width of the group headers when the scheduler is grouped by Resource.

Resolution: You can set the size using code snippet: 
((SchedulerViewGroupedByResourceElementBase)this.radScheduler1.ViewElement).SetResourceSize(0, 0.5f);
Last Updated: 13 May 2014 15:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Anton
Comments: 0
Category: Scheduler/Reminder
Type: Bug Report
RadScheduler - there is no way change the style of drag item. Current embedded styling is hard to see in some themes.
Last Updated: 13 May 2014 15:11 by ADMIN
To reproduce:

Add a scheduler to a Form. Subscribe to the PropertyChanged of the active view:

this.scheduler.ActiveView.PropertyChanged += ActiveView_PropertyChanged;

Set the scheduler's ActiveViewType to Week and then Day, this will cause the StartDate to change. 

this.scheduler.ActiveViewType = SchedulerViewType.Week;
this.scheduler.ActiveViewType = SchedulerViewType.Day;

void ActiveView_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.PropertyName == "StartDate")
        Console.WriteLine(this.scheduler.ActiveView.GetType()); // results in WeekView

You will notice that even that the ActiveView is WeekView the StartDate is changed when setting the ActiveViewType to Day. The PropertyChanged event for StartDate should be fired for the appropriate new ViewType.
Last Updated: 13 May 2014 15:03 by Jesse Dyck
RadScheduler - Implement functionality that will allow clients to define which time intervals should be visible in TimeLine view.
Last Updated: 13 May 2014 13:50 by ADMIN
IMPROVE. RadScheduler - Add CellSelected event that will be firing when the cell is selected.
Last Updated: 13 May 2014 13:09 by ADMIN
Use GetMultiDayView().Intervals.Add method to add intervals in multi day view. Set the time to be 0:00.
Last Updated: 13 May 2014 08:39 by Jesse Dyck
Created by: Dimitar
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler/Reminder
Type: Bug Report
To reproduce:
- Handle the CellFormatting event.
- Set CellElement Text property to a very long text.

Set CellElement MaxSize property like this:

void radScheduler1_CellFormatting(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.SchedulerCellEventArgs e)
    e.CellElement.MaxSize =  new Size(150,23);
Last Updated: 13 May 2014 08:01 by ADMIN
Created by: Ivan Todorov
Comments: 0
Category: Scheduler/Reminder
Type: Feature Request
The user should be able to copy/paste appointments from/to RadScheduler.
Last Updated: 12 May 2014 14:25 by ADMIN
To reproduce:
- Add RadScheduler to a blank form.
- Set its AllowAppointmentResize property to false.
- You will notice that the resize squares are not removed from the selected appointment.