Multiply line text is not correct align at the left side when control runs on Win xp. Steps to reproduce: this.radTextBoxControl1.Text = "This\nis a\ntest";
To reproduce: - Use RadTimePicker in a project and apply the Aqua theme to it.
To reproduce: - Add RadDateTimePicker to a form and set its ReadOnly property to true. - Paste a valid value using the Ctrl+V key combination. Workaround: - Disable the corresponding key combination in the KeyDown event: void radDateTimePicker1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.V) { e.SuppressKeyPress = true; } }
When the user is typing before already typed text, the text is overridden. Add the ability to insert characters instead of replacing them like in the .Net MaskedTextBox.
Currently it is not possible to represent time as 24:00 in time picker control as it uses the .NET DateType type, which does not support "24:00" as valid time.
steps to reproduce: - Click on the red cross to delete the "radAutoCompleteBox1" entry of the first RadAutoCompleteBox. The blinking cursor is positioned at the beginning of the box. - Click on the second RadAutoCompleteBox. The blinking cursor is positioned in the second box, but the blinking cursor of the first RadAutoCompleteBox is still present.
When the culture is set to de-AT (or bg-BG or any other culture that does not support AM PM time format), the user cannot set the hours to be 23 using the keyboard (type 2 and then 3). The value is automatically turned to 11.
To reproduce: 1. Drag RadColorDialog to a form 2. Set the SelectedColor and Show the form 3. Close the form, set another SelectedColor and Show the form again. 4. The result is that the circle position is wrong and the values in the editors are wrong.
ADD. RadTextBox - there should be a mode whether the undo should bring back the previous word or to work for each character
IMPROVE. RadTextBox - add option to choose whether the NullText should be wrapped or not, when used in MultiLine text box COMMENT: This functionality is supported by RadTextBoxControl. Please use it instead.
To reproduce: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.radTextBox1.Multiline = true; this.radTextBox1.Size = new Size(200, 200); this.radTextBox1.TextChanged += radTextBox1_TextChanged; } private void radTextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.radTextBox1.BackColor = Color.Red; } Note: when you keep pressed a specific key, you will notice that the memory consumption is increased, although if you force the GarbageCollector, it is released. It is also noticeable that there is text lagging while typing. Please refer to the attached gif file. Workaround: this.radTextBox1.TextBoxElement.TextBoxItem.TextBoxControl.BackColor = Color.Red;
Workaround: use RadTextBoxControl.
The workaround in the following MSDN resources results in an incorrect behavior in the header of RadDateTimePicker:
RadDateTimePicker ValueChanging event cannot be canceled with e.Cancel = true;
RadMaskedEditBox - At design time the NullText is not synchronized with the NullDate property. I was able to Set NullText to "aaa", set the NullDate to 24/02/2012 and set the Value and 24/02/2012 and see after that the NullText
Steps to reproduce: Set MaskType to Numeric and Mask = "n2". Click into the field to deselect contents. Caret is at the end of the string. Backspace twice and the data entry caret now jumps to BEFORE the decimal point. Workaround: this.RadMaskedEditBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(RadMaskedEditBox_KeyPress); } void RadMaskedEditBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { RadMaskedEditBox textBox = ((RadMaskedEditBox)sender); int selectionStart = textBox.SelectionStart; bool beforePoint = selectionStart - 2 >= 0 && textBox.Text[selectionStart - 2] == '.'; if (e.KeyChar == 8 && beforePoint) { NumericMaskTextBoxProvider numericProvider = (NumericMaskTextBoxProvider)textBox.MaskedEditBoxElement.Provider; numericProvider.KeyPress(sender, e); e.Handled = true; textBox.SelectionStart++; } }
With the RadMaskedEditBox and MaskType set to Numeric and using simple data binding the mask is not being displayed properly As a workaround handle ValueChanged event and apply the formatting in this event: dim alreadyExecuted as Boolean Sub ValueChange(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles EditBoxWithBinding.ValueChanged If Not alreadyExecuted Then alreadyExecuted = True EditBoxWithBinding.MaskedEditBoxElement.Provider.Validate(EditBoxWithBinding.Value.ToString()) alreadyExecuted = False End If End Sub
Users cannot edit the A/P symbols with CustomMask set to "hh:mm:sst" or "hh:mm:sstt"
RadMaskedEditBox/RadDateTimePicker/RadTimePicker does not support milliseconds editing.
Add support for case sensitivity search in the suggested elements.