For example: name.o' is not valid. Workaround: Use a Regex MaskType with following mask: ^['_a-z0-9-]+(.['a-z0-9-]+)@[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(.[a-z]{2,4})$
RadSpellCheckerLocalizationProvider - The word dictionary is misspelled in case RadSpellCheckerStringId.NotInDictionary. Workaround: Create custom localization provider and override incorrect string.
RadMaskEditBox - Wrong cursor placement after typing decimal separator (it goes to the last position) when you change Decimal symbols for Currency as ";" Workaround: this.radMaskedEditBox2.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(radMaskedEditBox2_KeyPress); this.radMaskedEditBox2.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(radMaskedEditBox2_KeyUp); } void radMaskedEditBox2_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { string separtor = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator; if (e.KeyChar.ToString() == separtor) { e.Handled = true; } } void radMaskedEditBox2_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyValue == 186) { RadMaskedEditBoxElement radMaskedEditBoxElement = sender as RadMaskedEditBoxElement; int index = radMaskedEditBoxElement.TextBoxItem.Text.IndexOf(';'); radMaskedEditBoxElement.TextBoxItem.SelectionStart = index + 1; } }
RadMaskedEditBox - has incorrect behavior when decimal separator is "D". You can set only one digit before separator.
Put couple text boxes on a form in design time and you will have to press Shift+TAB twice to get the focus to the previously focused text box.
If the size of the text and icons on the screen is set to larger and the font of the text is set to 12 pixels. Letters that have tails below (such as: g, j, y) are not shown properly inside the text box. Workaround: As a workaround one can set the minimum height of the text box to be as the height of the text and allow multi lines. int textHeight = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.radTextBox1.Text, this.radTextBox1.Font).Height;this.radTextBox1.TextBoxElement.TextBoxItem.MinSize = new Size(0, textHeight);this.radTextBox1.TextBoxElement.TextBoxItem.InvalidateMeasure();this.radTextBox1.TextBoxElement.TextBoxItem.UpdateLayout();this.radTextBox1.Multiline = true;
With the RadMaskedEditBox and MaskType set to Numeric and using simple data binding the mask is not being displayed properly As a workaround handle ValueChanged event and apply the formatting in this event: dim alreadyExecuted as Boolean Sub ValueChange(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles EditBoxWithBinding.ValueChanged If Not alreadyExecuted Then alreadyExecuted = True EditBoxWithBinding.MaskedEditBoxElement.Provider.Validate(EditBoxWithBinding.Value.ToString()) alreadyExecuted = False End If End Sub
To reproduce: if (e.KeyData == Keys.Back) { radDateTimePicker1.SetToNullValue(); e.Handled = true; } Workaround: void radDateTimePicker1_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyData == Keys.Back) { radDateTimePicker1.SetToNullValue(); } } Resolution: Users should handle also KeyPress event (and KeyDown event) because the keys.Back is processed on KeyPress : void radDateTimePicker1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyChar == '\b') { this.radDateTimePicker1.SetToNullValue(); e.Handled = true; } }
When working with RadAutoCompleteBox if one tries to remove a token from the collection through clicking on the close "x" button of the token the TextBoxElement of the text box loses focus, even though it look as if it still contains it.
If I set a RadSpinEditor.Hexadecimal to true, then false without reading the value, the value will steadily increase. Workaround: public class MySpinEditor : RadSpinEditor { public new bool Hexadecimal { get
To reproduce: - Use RadTimePicker in a project and apply the Aqua theme to it.
RadAutoCompleteBox - add functionality that allow you to show Popup without typing any char.
For example: users should be able to enter date like this 31/02/2013 and when control lost the focus the date should convert to 28/02/2013 Resolution: This behavior could be achieved with the new FreeFormDateTimeProvider. Whit this provider user is not restricted from any mask and could enter the date in desire format. This provider is integrated in RadMakedEditBox so it can be used in RadDateTimePicker and RadTimePicker. To change default provider of RadDateTimePicker you should change the mask type of embedded RadMaskEditBox into RadDateTimePicker. For Example: this.radDateTimePicker1.DateTimePickerElement.TextBoxElement.MaskType = MaskType.FreeFormDateTime;
Until Q3 2012 the position of the check box has been on the left hand side of the control. After Q3 the position of the check box is between the text box and the arrow button. The correct position is on the left hand side.
To reproduce: add a token to the control and attempt adding the same token with this code in the CreateTextBlock event handler: void radAutoCompleteBox1_CreateTextBlock(object sender, CreateTextBlockEventArgs e) { if (e.TextBlock is TokenizedTextBlockElement) { foreach (RadListDataItem item in radAutoCompleteBox1.AutoCompleteItems) { if (item.Text.ToLower() == e.Text.ToLower()) { e.TextBlock = new TokenizedTextBlockElement("pepo"); break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For } } } } Workaround: void radAutoCompleteBox1_CreateTextBlock(object sender, CreateTextBlockEventArgs e) { if (e.TextBlock is TokenizedTextBlockElement) { foreach (RadListDataItem item in radAutoCompleteBox1.AutoCompleteItems) { if (item.Text.ToLower() == e.Text.ToLower()) { TokenizedTextBlockElement element = new TokenizedTextBlockElement(); element.ContentElement.Text = item.Text; e.TextBlock = element; } } } }
To reproduce: RadColorDialog dialog = new RadColorDialog(); dialog.ColorDialogForm.ColorChanged Workaround: ((RadColorSelector)dialog.ColorDialogForm.RadColorSelector).OkButtonClicked += Form1_OkButtonClicked; //or ((RadColorSelector)dialog.ColorDialogForm.RadColorSelector).ColorChanged+= ColorDialogForm_ColorChanged;
RadMaskedEditBox does not support G mask
Steps to reproduce: Set MaskType to Numeric and Mask = "n2". Click into the field to deselect contents. Caret is at the end of the string. Backspace twice and the data entry caret now jumps to BEFORE the decimal point. Workaround: this.RadMaskedEditBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(RadMaskedEditBox_KeyPress); } void RadMaskedEditBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { RadMaskedEditBox textBox = ((RadMaskedEditBox)sender); int selectionStart = textBox.SelectionStart; bool beforePoint = selectionStart - 2 >= 0 && textBox.Text[selectionStart - 2] == '.'; if (e.KeyChar == 8 && beforePoint) { NumericMaskTextBoxProvider numericProvider = (NumericMaskTextBoxProvider)textBox.MaskedEditBoxElement.Provider; numericProvider.KeyPress(sender, e); e.Handled = true; textBox.SelectionStart++; } }
The sender of RadDateTimePicker.KeyPress event is currently HostedTextBoxBase which is not the correct sender to expose.
If you have a GridViewMaskBoxColumn with MaskType set to E-mail and you try to enter and commit a value in this column, you get an exception.