Last Updated: 18 Jun 2012 03:29 by ADMIN
To reproduce:
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                RadTreeNode node = new RadTreeNode("Node " + i);

                node.Style.GradientStyle = GradientStyles.Solid;
                node.Style.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightCoral;
Workaround: use NodeFormatting
Last Updated: 19 May 2012 06:39 by Svetlin
1. Set CheckBoxes property of RadTreeView to true.
2. Set TriStateMode property of RadTreeView to true.
3. Cancel the node checked state property of a node in the NodeCheckedChanging event
4. The parent node will not be in intermediate checked state.
Last Updated: 08 May 2012 04:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Julian Benkov
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
I want (for some reason) make nodes in treeview checked in "one line" (i.e. in Nodes collection of any node - no more than one child could be checked). Also, latest (i.e. deepest) node should be selected.

In attached example (see
1. Check node "Node 19" (as a result - nodes "Node 1", "Node 18" and "Node 19" checked and "Node 19" is selected).
2. Uncheck node "Node 1". Should be - nodes "Node 18" and "Node 19" checked and "Node 19" is selected. As a result - exception arised (see text of exception in

I suppose that it may be connected with "invisibility" of "Node 19" (I mean, if I make this actions with "Node 3" - it works fine).
Last Updated: 20 Apr 2012 04:27 by ADMIN
It seems that when you try to collapse a node the application thread crashes. The exception seems to point pretty firmly at the Telerik control - when it is applying styles to a node?
Last Updated: 18 Apr 2012 04:22 by ADMIN
FIX. RadTreeView - exception while filtering a tree scrolled to the bottom end point
Last Updated: 17 Apr 2012 07:28 by ADMIN
Created by: Julian Benkov
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
The problem may be reproduced in example application in TreeView/First Look 
The scenario is as follows:
-enter some text as a filter
-delete text - filter should be off
-add new node by context menu -> "New Node" appears twice in the tree view
Last Updated: 08 Apr 2016 11:12 by Svetlin
The check boxes are squeezed when the expanded state of the child nodes is changed in NodeCheckedChanged event.

Possible workaround: use Begin-End update block 
Last Updated: 16 Apr 2012 07:47 by ADMIN
When using TriStateMode with AutoCheckChildNodes, there is no way to determine whether the events are raised by a user action or by programatically checking a node.
view: CheckedMode enumeration for details
Last Updated: 12 Apr 2012 04:21 by Svetlin
The checked state of parent node is incorrect when TriStateMode is enabled and it has a child node with no check type.
Last Updated: 11 Apr 2012 10:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Stefan
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
To reproduce:
  public Form1()

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                RadTreeNode node = new RadTreeNode("Root node " + i);
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
Last Updated: 09 Apr 2012 04:40 by Svetlin
Hide the AutoScroll property of RadTreeView in design time
Last Updated: 04 Apr 2012 03:53 by ADMIN
FIX. RadTreeView - SelectedNode and SelectedNodes should be cleared when the DataSource of the control is set to null
test app:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Telerik.WinControls.UI;
namespace Lab.Tree
public partial class TreeResetSelectionAfterDataSourceIsSetToNull : MainForm
private RadTreeView treeView = new RadTreeView();
public TreeResetSelectionAfterDataSourceIsSetToNull()
treeView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
treeView.Parent = this;
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Rows.Add("1", "name1");
table.Rows.Add("2", "name2");
table.Rows.Add("3", "name3");
treeView.DisplayMember = "Name";
treeView.DataSource = table;
treeView.MultiSelect = true;
protected override void OnButton1Click()
treeView.DataSource = null;
Last Updated: 02 Apr 2012 07:29 by Svetlin
Checked state of the disabled nodes's check boxes is changed after scrolling.
Last Updated: 17 Oct 2014 08:48 by ADMIN
ADD. RadTreeView - add support for binding the checkboxes of the nodes to a field in the data
Last Updated: 13 Feb 2014 13:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Stefan
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Feature Request
ADD. RadTreeView - add NodeRemoving event
Last Updated: 13 Mar 2012 03:36 by ADMIN
FIX. RadTreeView - the text of disabled nodes is not aligned correctly
Last Updated: 09 Mar 2012 05:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Julian Benkov
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
I have implemented filtering in radtreeview by using following code in filter button click event:


Note: here rtvTaxReturnLines is radtreeview name.

It filter the result by text given by user in textbox.But after filtering if we want to drag and drop some filter results from the treeview to gridview or within the treeview then it is not allowing dragdrop service in filtered result.
Last Updated: 11 Feb 2014 13:48 by ADMIN
Created by: Julian Benkov
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Feature Request
So is there an event triggered for added nodes when using a datasource?  I want to set the checked state based on a property on the databound item.  Basically this:

I have a treeview set like this in Q1 2012:
            treeViewProjets.DataSource = ViewModel.Projets;
            treeViewProjets.DisplayMember = @"Nom\Nom";
            treeViewProjets.ValueMember = @"Id\Id";
            treeViewProjets.ChildMember = @"Projets\ObjetsProjet";
            treeViewProjets.NodeAdded += new RadTreeView.RadTreeViewEventHandler(treeViewProjets_NodeAdded);
            treeViewProjets.NodeAdding += new RadTreeView.RadTreeViewCancelEventHandler(treeViewProjets_NodeAdding);
            treeViewProjets.NodeFormatting += new TreeNodeFormattingEventHandler(treeViewProjets_NodeFormatting);

I get a root node and many child nodes created, but the events NodeAdded and NodeAdding are never triggered, NodeFormatting triggers fine.
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2014 11:49 by ADMIN
ADD. RadTreeView - when pressing a letter from the keyboard, the node starting with this letter should be selected.

Added two new properties: KeyboardSearchEnabled and KeyboardSearchResetInterval. When set the KeyboardSearchEnabled property to true, user can navigate to an item by typing when RadTreeView is focused. 
You can set how long the user must wait before searching with the keyboard is reset using the KeyboardSearchResetInterval property. 
Last Updated: 24 Feb 2012 09:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Jack
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
1. navigate to some tree item, try to right-click it to see context menu. It is working ok
2. have the focus on tree item, and having the mouse over that item, try to press context keyboard button