1. Create RadGridView with hierarchy. 2. Set UseScrollbarsInHierarchy property to true. 3. Handle the CellDoubleClick event. 4. Run the project, open a child view and double click on its scrollbar. The CellDoubleClick event will fire which is wrong.
Filtering does not work correctly when NotConains and Contains filters are combined. Work around: private void radGridView1_FilterExpressionChanged(object sender, FilterExpressionChangedEventArgs e) { List<string> filterExpressions = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.radGridView1.FilterDescriptors.Count; i++) { FilterDescriptor descriptor = this.radGridView1.FilterDescriptors[i]; string expression = null; CompositeFilterDescriptor compositeFilterDescriptor = descriptor as CompositeFilterDescriptor; if (compositeFilterDescriptor != null) { expression = CompositeFilterDescriptor.GetCompositeExpression(compositeFilterDescriptor); } else { expression = FilterDescriptor.GetExpression(descriptor); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expression)) { filterExpressions.Add("(" + expression + ")"); } } string logicalOperator = (this.radGridView1.FilterDescriptors.LogicalOperator == FilterLogicalOperator.And) ? " AND " : " OR "; string resultExpression = String.Join(logicalOperator, filterExpressions.ToArray()); e.FilterExpression = resultExpression; }
Export to excel fails when there is null values for GridViewDateTimeColumn. The following code snippet reproduce the issue: ExportToExcelML export = new ExportToExcelML(gridView); export.HiddenColumnOption = HiddenOption.DoNotExport; export.HiddenRowOption = HiddenOption.DoNotExport; export.ExportVisualSettings = false; export.SheetMaxRows = ExcelMaxRows._1048576; export.RunExport(targetFileName);
FIX. RadGridViiew - HierarchyLevel property shows incorrect hierarchy level for GridNewRowElement in grid with hierarchy.
Object-hierarchy produces same child rows for every parent row.
If RadDropDownListEditor has DropDown style and you write a value which exists in the underline data source, it does not become current value.
The summary aggregate expression IIF(SUM(RecordCount) = 0, 0, 1/SUM(RecordCount)) causes exception in RadGridView.
GridView “decimal column - Current value “500”- Input “” Scenario case: 1. Approaching to the target cell by “Mouse click directly on the input cell” then key in “” and Enter à Display “500” as original value2. Approaching to target cell by “Tab or moving cursor to input cell” then key in “” and Enter à Display “1” as only display the first input digit only
Scrolling when column reorder is performed does not work in hierarchy mode.
Currently developers can localize the names of the properties. They should be able to localize the descriptions as well.
Implement "Tag" and "Name" properties into the GridViewColumnGroup.
1. Create a new project with RadGridView. 2. Bind it to a data source with two columns and make the first one read only. 3. Handle the CellValidating event and add a condition to validate the second column. 4. Run the project and enter invalid value in second column. 5. Now enter a correct value and press Tab key. You will be navigated to a wrong row.
If the Average aggregate is applied over a column which contains only integer data (for example over the ID column of a DataTable), the result will be calculated as an integer value which is not correct in most cases. To workaround the issue, add a custom evaluation of the average function on the GroupSummaryEvaluate event: void radGridView1_GroupSummaryEvaluate(object sender, GroupSummaryEvaluationEventArgs e) { if (e.SummaryItem.FieldName == "ID" && e.SummaryItem.Aggregate == GridAggregateFunction.Avg) { int count = 0; decimal sum = 0; foreach (GridViewRowInfo row in this.radGridView1.Rows) { count++; sum += (decimal)row.Cells["ID"].Value; } e.Value = count > 0 ? sum / count : 0; } }
If one exports a hierarchy and a hierarchy row does not have child rows, the header cells of the row's child view are still exported.
1. Create a new project with RadGridView. 2. Set AutoSizeRows to true and WrapText in one of the columns to true. 3. Set the ApplicationThemeName to Aqua. 4. Set EnableFiltering to true. 5. Run the application and filter by the first column, the filtering row resizes correctly. Now filter the column where WrapText is set to true. It will not resize correctly.
1. If one enters edit mode by pressing F2, clicks to enter edit mode or comes from another cell in edit mode - the value in the cell that enters edit mode is selected and any user input removes the old value. 2. If one enters edit mode by directly hitting a numeric key the value in the cell is set to that numeric value, a decimal separator and a number of trailing zeros equal to the editor decimal places. Example: Let a cell value be 1.23 If one wants to input 4.56 (s)he will have to press 4 then select the trailing zeros and press 5 and 6.
Currently sub-property binding is supported in the MasterTemplate of the grid (level 1). We should make this functionality available in lower levels when users are creating an object relational hierarchy.
1.Pressing left while the first cell in the gird is current, should not cycle the cells- do nothing 2. Pressing right while the last cell of the last row is current, should not cycle the cells - do nothing
1. Create a new project in VB. 2. Add a form containing TabControl with two pages. On the first page add some editor controls and on the second dock RadGridView control. 3. Bind the grid with a data source. 4. Make the first page visible. 5. Make both source code and designer visible. 6. Click debug from the toolbar. 7, Close the application.
1. Create a new project with RadGridView and setup grouping. 2. Run the project, expand several groups and start navigating with left / right keys. 3. You will see that when navigating through group rows, RadGridView iterates all columns. It should select the next/previous row with a single click.