ADD. RadGridView - SelectLastAddedRow should work in scenarios when user adds row too, not only by adding rows from the datasource. Comment - the property is intended to work only for added rows in the RadGridView DataSource. For the rest of the cases, the cases, the UserAddedRow event should be handled.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Add a grid to a form and make it read only 2. Add a masked box column and set the mask 3. Add some data and run the project You will see that the mask is not applied to the values in the mask box column Comment: This is not an issue. The mask is applied after editing the text with RadMaskedEditBox, in read-only mode there is no masked editor created. You should use the conversion layer in RadGridView to solve the issue. Check the GridView >> Manipulated Data >> Convert Values example from our demo application.
Horizontal scroll bar should appear when auto size columns mode is enabled and columns has minimum width that cause the total width of the columns to be more that the visible area width.
Filtering in self-reference hierarchy should be performed over the rows from all levels
steps to reproduce: 1- Apply filter in a date column by choosing Between. 2- Leave default settings (change dates) and confirm 3- Save layout 4- Close the form 5- Open the form and load the layout forum:
Adding a column to the RadGridView datasouce (DataSet) does not reflect in RadGridView.
When you set the data source of the grid to null in self-reference hierarchy, the exception has been thrown.
steps to reproduce the bug: 1. run HtmlViewTest.exe 2. don't re-size the form (keep the horizontal scroll bar visible in grid) 3. keep editing column4 several times 4. System.NullReferenceException will be thrown
BestFitColumn does not calculate the size of the first column in self-referencing appropriately. Also if you perform the operation twice, the expander signs will disappear.
If you sort a column by performing mouse left button click and open the excel-like filtering dialog, ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown.
Delete from BindingList lists bound to master and child templates. Invalid batch operation
To reproduce: void radGridView1_ViewCellFormatting(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.CellFormattingEventArgs e) { GridFilterCellElement filterCell = e.CellElement as GridFilterCellElement; if (filterCell != null)
FIX. RadGridView - the PropertyName from the arguments of the RowsChanged event is null, while it should display the changed field name
To reproduce: For i = 0 To Me.RadGridView1.Columns.Count - 1 Me.RadGridView1.Columns(i).AutoSizeMode = Telerik.WinControls.UI.BestFitColumnMode.HeaderCells
IMPROVE. RadGridView - add ability to change and customize the font (bold, italic, etc) in the ConditionalFormattingForm
To reproduce : Create a self-referencing hierarchy, bind it to a BindingList and delete the row with either the delete button or from the context menu and click the deleted item. Workaround : Find the object that has to be deleted, hide the selected row and remove the found object from the data source. void radGridView1_UserDeletingRow(object sender, GridViewRowCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; int id = int.Parse(e.Rows[0].Cells["Id"].Value.ToString()); var human = this.humans.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); if (human != null) { this.radGridView1.SelectedRows[0].IsVisible = false; this.humans.Remove(human); } }
You should use the ticket project in order to reproduce the issue.
1. Create a new project with RadGridView. 2. Setup self-referencing hierarchy with 1000 rows and 14 columns. 3. Run the project. 4. Scroll up and down several times. 5. Resize the window. 6. Scroll up and down again. 7. RadGridView will hang.
Currently the Excel-Like filtering popup displays all values regardless if other columns contain filter expressions. Deleted as a duplicate of
1. Drag a RadGridView to a form and dock it to fill the form. 2. Create and set a ColumnGroupsViewDefinition to the grid 3. Add data and run the project. 4. Resize the form and you will see that grid view layout would not look properly. Also if your resize a column group only the first column in the group is resized while all others retain their widths. Work around: void radGridView1_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.InvalidateGridLayout(); } private void InvalidateGridLayout() { this.bllGridView1.TableElement.ViewElement.RowLayout.InvalidateLayout(); this.bllGridView1.TableElement.InvalidateMeasure(true); this.bllGridView1.TableElement.UpdateLayout(); }