Last Updated: 16 Jul 2015 13:03 by ADMIN
If you have a scenario which involves localization and you have columns with empty strings, these empty string values are serialized in the localization files.
Last Updated: 08 Nov 2011 04:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Jack
Comments: 0
Category: GridView
Type: Feature Request
Currently RadGridView supports only copy & paste between grid cells
Last Updated: 11 Dec 2015 14:55 by ADMIN
Currently it is not possible to insert custom worksheets (for example notes or a cover page) when exporting via ExportToExcelML
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2014 07:08 by ADMIN
If the dropdownlist editor is opened and closed quickly, it produces an exception. The timer of the RadListElement should be reset when the editor is closed and then reopened.
Last Updated: 11 Jan 2012 11:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Jack
Comments: 0
Category: GridView
Type: Feature Request
Improve the filtering by date time column by adding properties that enable choosing whether to include time part and seconds part
Last Updated: 16 Feb 2017 15:22 by ADMIN
Currently, it is only possible to define two filter conditions in the Custom Filter Dialog. It would be better if there is possibility for adding multiple filter conditions, similar to the possibility given by the Conditional Formatting Dialog
Last Updated: 17 Sep 2015 14:37 by ADMIN
The issue is reproduced when the columns for GridViewTemplate are added last in the end after the all hierarchy settings: relations, templates
Last Updated: 28 Sep 2015 12:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Julian Benkov
Comments: 0
Category: GridView
Type: Bug Report
“Missing data after apply Object-Relational filtering operation” as in the attached, also capture case simulation in video file to illustrate how the case happen to support your investigation. Scenario case: ·         Expand Parent Data 2 à will see child data level (child data 2.1.1, child data 2.1.2, child data 2.1.3) ·         Filter child data that contains value = input “2.1.4” (mismatch case filter)·         Current Result : Not show all 3 child data and cannot get it back to display again   In this case, normally how the component handle this “not found filtering result” case, is it normal to display result like this? If so please help recommend how we can get 3 child data back for doing any further process.
Last Updated: 20 Feb 2014 15:10 by ADMIN
I use a BindingList to bind our data to grid. But when I set to this list two classes with common interface but different implementation (override of baseclass virtual property), an data exception error is thrown. The same code works fine in previous versions.
Last Updated: 17 Aug 2012 06:15 by ADMIN
create a filter on the "Status" column before clicking Save and Load?

Invalid filter expression. ---> Telerik.Data.Expressions.InvalidExpressionException: Cannot perform '=' operation on WindowsFormsApplication1.EmployeeStatus and System.String.
Last Updated: 27 Apr 2023 06:55 by ADMIN
Release R2 2023 (LIB 2023.1.427)
This is reproducible when the ShowGroupedColumns is set to true. In this case, you can sort the group column by clicking on the column header or clicking on the group cell in the group panel. In this case, by clicking the column header, the user can only sort the column in descending mode.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2012 05:01 by ADMIN
Clearing and refreshing the rows in a data table bound to a RadComboBoxColumn causes problems in the RadGridView. The column's drop-down stops working and in some cases the entire grid has become unresponsive.
Last Updated: 29 Jun 2015 10:03 by ADMIN
Selecting datasource throws exception, then crashes VS
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2012 08:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Julian Benkov
Comments: 0
Category: GridView
Type: Bug Report
The used RadGridView BindingSource is bind to another instance of BindingSource in this case
Last Updated: 18 Jul 2023 14:26 by ADMIN
Release R2 2023 SP1

The following article shows how to attach the source code to your project: 

When attaching the .NETCore projects (latest version R1 2023) to your application, the project can't be built.

Last Updated: 09 Jan 2013 03:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Julian Benkov
Comments: 0
Category: GridView
Type: Bug Report
1) When the grid first loads, the top-left most cell is automatically selected. Before clicking anywhere within the grid view, if you hold SHIFT and click the cell to the right of the selected, the following exception is thrown.
2) You can get around the above exception by clicking a different cell in the grid view before performing a SHIFT select or CTRL+C operation is performed against the grid view. If you select a different cell, and then perform a SHIFT selection to a cell in a different column, you will experience the "An entry with the same key already exists." exception
Last Updated: 15 May 2024 07:49 by ADMIN
Release 2024.2.514 (2024 Q2)

In this scenario, the RadGridView.DataSource property is set to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.ObservableCollectionListSource. When the RadGridView.Rows.Remove() method is called an IndexOutOfRange exception is thrown.


Last Updated: 13 Nov 2015 15:17 by ADMIN
To reproduce:  Dim dockmem As New MemoryStream
    Dim gridmem As New MemoryStream

    Public Sub SetData()

        ' dgvSelectList.DataSource = Nothing
        Dim dt As DataTable
        dt = New DataTable

        dt.Rows.Add("AA2", "Arthur")
        dt.Rows.Add("AA2", "Arthur")

        dgvSelectList.DataSource = dt
    End Sub

    Private Sub frmSelectListNG2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        dgvSelectList.EnableFiltering = False
        'Save Grid and Dock layout settings to mem stream and simulate my process
    End Sub

    Public Sub btnGO_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGO.Click
        dgvSelectList.SplitMode = RadGridViewSplitMode.Horizontal
    End Sub

    Private Sub LoadSettings()
        gridmem.Position = 0
        dockmem.Position = 0
    End Sub

    Private Sub SaveSettings()
        gridmem.Position = 0
        dockmem.Position = 0
    End Sub

Workaround - set the datasource to Nothing prior rebinding
Last Updated: 08 Jun 2015 16:05 by ADMIN
Steps to reproduce:
 1. Add two classes to the project:
public class ParentClass 
    public int MyProperty { get; set; }
    public List<ChildClass> Children { get; set; } 
public class ChildClass 
    public int MyProperty { get; set; }
    public SomeEnum Enumera { get; set; }
public enum SomeEnum { first, second, third } 

2. Add two RadGridViews to a form.
3. Add two binding sources one with DataSource the ParentClass, the second with DataSource the first binding source and DataMember "Children"
4. Bind the grids to the two data sources. 5. Edit some column properties of the grid bound to the second data source. 
6. Build the project and try to open the smart tag of the grid. Some times you will see a message box with text "Object does not match target type."
Last Updated: 11 Jan 2019 10:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Hristo
Comments: 0
Category: GridView
Type: Feature Request