RadGridView remains in edit mode if the focus has been taken from RadToolStrip's item (for example: ButtonElement is clicked) It is an issue in the obsolete RadToolStrip. Works as expected with RadCommandBar.
Set AutoSizeRows and WrapText to true. Start resizing the form. You will see that the cell size is wrong.
When constructing hierarchy with many nested levels (more that 2) at design time, the serialization fails.
If you change AutoSizeRows property's value from true to false, RadGridView's layout is not changed accordingly Issue addressed by RadGridView Q2 2010+ (version 2010.2.10.713+)
Custom filtering for Enum types, TypeConverter support for business object bind to RadGridView
The issue appears when there are two open child views.
When adding a new row with Enter key the RowValidating event fires as expected. However, you can not cancel the event.
Add error provider for AddNewRow element and options to show validation error icon and text.
When you create a column via RadGridView Property Builder, its unique name causes row filtering to not work. Issue addressed by RadGridView Q2 2010+ (version 2010.2.10.713+)
You cannot expand the last row on 2nd level, when the grid is in hierarchy mode.
When columns are reorder by the user RadGridView should persist these settings through the Save/LoadLayout routines.
If you set the HeaderText property of a specified column through grid property builder and re-open it, you will see that the HeaderText value is set to its default value instead of the empty string.
When you edit a cell of a GridDateTimeColumn which is near the screen bounds, a part of the RadDateTimeEditor's popup is outside these bounds. Issue addressed by RadGridView Q2 2010+ (version 2010.2.10.713+)
Add a Card view layout.
When you do HTML text formatting of cell and its width is less than the text width, the cell bounds are overlapped.
In hierarchy grid when EnableAlternatingColor property is to true, the rows' background color in child GridViewTemplate is not alternated.
When using Entity Framework as data source for RadGridView when deleting child rows the IndexOutOfRange exception is thrown.
Cell value is not persisted when adding new row with down arrow and "add new row" position is at bottom
Subscribe to RowValidating event and cancel it by setting e.Cancel = true. When you try to add a new row, you are allowed to do so, although you should not be.