Use attached to reproduce:
1. Click the button
2. Change the tab and go back to the diagram
Add the layout before showing the form
In English: "dog's" is marked as incorrect
In French: "L'ordinateur" is marked as incorrect
How to reproduce: add a MapCallout to a layer and then try to hit test it in the MouseDown event of the control. The element is not always returned even though it contains the mouse location:
private void RadMap1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
To reproduce:
radMaskedEditBox1.MaskedEditBoxElement.ContextMenuEnabled = true;
public RadForm1()
I'm trying to initialize RadControlSpyForm in a .NET 2.0 application and it throws the following exception:
System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer' to type 'System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize'.
I did some research, and I found that since SplitContainer doesn't inherit from System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize until .NET 4.0, this message shows up in solutions where a project is downgraded from .NET 4.0, but the Form designer isn't regenerated to remove the SplitContainer cast to ISupportInitialize to call BeginInit() and EndInit().
Run the application at 150% and maximize the form. You will notice that with R3 2020 the split container overlaps with the status strip at the bottom:
Workaround: instead of setting the Anchor property to all sides, set the Dock property to Fill.
The solution in this KB article is used:
Follow the steps:
1. Set your main monitor to be with higher than 100% DPI scaling (e.g. 175%, 200%)
2. Set the secondary monitor with 100% DPI scaling.
3. Run the exe from the project on the secondary monitor with 100% DPI scaling. You will notice that all controls that host the standard MS TextBox are incorrectly scaled:
If you have two RadGridView controls and you want to export both of the grids to a common file on two different sheets, it is suitable to use FileExportMode.NewSheetInExistingFile. However, when using the export overload to a stream doesn't respect the ExportMode.
Workaround: use exporting to a file:
string exportFile = @"..\..\exportedData.xlsx";
GridViewSpreadStreamExport spreadStreamExport = new GridViewSpreadStreamExport(this.radGridView1);
spreadStreamExport.FileExportMode = FileExportMode.NewSheetInExistingFile;
spreadStreamExport.ExportVisualSettings = false;
spreadStreamExport.RunExport(exportFile, new SpreadStreamExportRenderer());
ThemeResolutionService.ApplicationThemeName = "Office2019Dark";
this.radDropDownList1.EnableAlternatingItemColor = true;
To replicate the missing button when the application is run on my main monitor with 150% DPI scaling:
If the RadControl.EnableRadAutoScale property is set to false in the Program.cs file, the button is placed as expected:
When I replace the form to inherit from RadForm, not the MS Form, the button is clipped:
Add an opportunity to use custom fonts in Html-like text formatting.
this.radTreeView1.Nodes.Add("<html><font="Roboto Medium">Node Strike</font></html>");
Clicking on a tab item in the design surface should select the tab. The animation demonstrates the current behavior:
merging only these assembly still the icons are not visible in Spreadsheet ribbon menu
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\ILMerge\ILMerge.exe" /allowdup /target:SymphonyMESUtil.exe /targetplatform:"v4, C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.6.1" /out:Merge\SymphonyMESUtil.exe ^
SymphonyMESUtil.exe ^
Telerik.WinControls.dll ^
Telerik.WinControls.UI.dll ^
TelerikCommon.dll ^
Telerik.WinControls.GridView.dll ^
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.OpenXml.dll ^
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.Pdf.dll ^
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.dll ^
Telerik.WinControls.RadSpreadsheet.dll ^
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core.dll ^
This is about this method:
public void SetError(GridViewCellCancelEventArgs e, Exception exception)
GridViewDataErrorEventArgs args = new GridViewDataErrorEventArgs(exception, 0, 0, GridViewDataErrorContexts.Commit);
if (e != null)
args = new GridViewDataErrorEventArgs(exception, e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex, GridViewDataErrorContexts.Commit);
this.EventDispatcher.RaiseEvent<GridViewDataErrorEventArgs>(EventDispatcher.DataError, this, args);
if (args.ThrowException)
throw args.Exception;
if (args.Cancel)
//TODO: cancel row edit
The method GridViewTemplate.SetError accepts a parameter of type GridViewCellCancelEventArgs (named e), but uses the information to create a new object of type GridViewDataErrorEventArgs (named args) and uses information from e to fill args.
The method then fires an event with args. Args also has a property Cancel which can be set in the event handlers. But nothing is done with that property.
Parameter e also has a property Cancel which is never be filled. So it could be useful, at the end of SetError, to set e.Cancel with args.Cancel. This way the caller can use the Cancel information from the events.
This request is also related to my next request.
PS: Why is GridViewCellCancelEventArgs called this way? It implies it has arguments for an event, but it is not used for an event, am I right?
Reproduction steps:
Observed behavior:
Expected behavior:
It would be good to offer default localization providers for some languages like German, Spanish, French, etc.
It is possible to use the following site that Microsoft provides for this purpose: