Last Updated: 12 Aug 2024 14:02 by ADMIN
Created by: Matthias
Comments: 4
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

Currently, it takes around 5 seconds to load the RadSpreadsheetRibbonBar.

Please run the project and compare the load time when clicking the two buttons in the main form.

Last Updated: 07 Oct 2020 11:46 by ADMIN
Release R3 2020 SP1 (LIB 2020.3.1007)

I have a RadSpreadsheet control on a form. It has a good number of cells protected though this behavior is independent of the protection status.

If I click on a cell, move to the cell using the keyboard (up arrow, etc), and then push the delete key the cell formatting is cleared. When the spreadsheet is protected and I hit delete in the same circumstance on an unlocked cell the formatting is cleared and the cell is then locked.

Is there something I am missing or have not set?

Last Updated: 26 May 2020 07:56 by ADMIN

To reproduce: 

Add the rule from this article and observe the result: Data Validation

Last Updated: 09 Jun 2022 08:39 by ADMIN
Release R2 2022 SP1
Exception when setting transparent texbox editor background
Last Updated: 20 Jan 2020 14:11 by ADMIN
Release R1 2020 SP1 (LIB 2020_1_120)


Using the last release of RadSpreadsheet, I get an exception when the first row is hidden when scrolling with the mousewheel. Attached is a demo.



Last Updated: 02 Dec 2019 06:38 by ADMIN
Created by: n/a
Comments: 1
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

The UI behaivor of drag selection shows inconsistent behavior between WinForm vs WPF/Excel.

When you drag some cells for selection and keep dragging to the right (getting the out scope), the control scrolls to the right.

This behavior is common in Winform/WPF/Excel.

When you drag backward (to the left), WPF controls scroll back and so is Excel, while Winform controls does not scroll

Same thing for top and bottom scroll. Winform Spreadsheet control does not scroll. It may scrolls only to the right.

Another Caveat I see meanwhile is that when you scroll backwards until the row area, the pointer become row-resize pointer, or so

If you keep mouse moving around, it sometimes makes a horizontal line (possibly a guide for row resize?)

The issue in this case is that, it does not remove itself. the horizontal line stays there. It is not very annoying (as it is thin horizontal line) but is still a bug.


To reproduce,

create a empty Winform app, with the RadSpreadsheet Control, and Run

Drag from row C3 and to the right (around the scrollbar) the control scrolls to the right (this is not quite smooth though..)

Scroll right to AZ3 say, and drag backward back to C3, this now does not scroll back.

Same for top and bottom.

Do the same for WPF, it now works as expected

Do the same for MS Excel, it now works as expected.

Last Updated: 21 Nov 2019 12:44 by ADMIN

Hi Support,


please try set the WorkBook to RadSpreadsheet.

Best regards


Last Updated: 18 Nov 2019 11:03 by ADMIN
Created by: mali
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request
Currently if radSpreadsheet RightToLeft property is set to Yes, only the Formula Bar is affected; RadSpreadSheet and Status Bar are not.
Last Updated: 10 Jul 2024 11:20 by ADMIN
Release R1 2021 SP2

I have implemented the ListDataValidationRule code to add a dropdownlist to the spreadsheet. Based on the code I can find and the searching I have conducted, it seems to be correct, however the dropdown does not appear in the control.

The dropdown list does appear in Excel when I export the file.


Dim Context As ListDataValidationRuleContext = New ListDataValidationRuleContext(CurrentWorksheet, CurrentCellIndex)

Context.InputMessageTitle = "Restricted input"
Context.InputMessageContent = "The input is restricted to the week days."
Context.ErrorStyle = ErrorStyle.Stop
Context.ErrorAlertTitle = "Invalid Bedroom Type"
Context.ErrorAlertContent = "The entered value is not valid."
Context.InCellDropdown = True

Context.Argument1 = String.Join(",", _Data.ArchitectCert_UnitBedrooms.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(x) x.Field(Of Integer)("UnitBedroomNumber").ToString()).ToArray())

Dim Rule As ListDataValidationRule = New ListDataValidationRule(Context)

Last Updated: 07 Nov 2019 14:06 by ADMIN
Release R1 2020 (LIB 2019.3.1111)

Add a RadSpreadsheet on the form and try resizing it at design time. You will notice that the control is resized after a considerable delay.

If you Dock the control to Fill and try resizing the form at run you will notice that the layout is incorrect. The attached gif file illustrates the obtained behavior.

Workaround: update the layout after resizing:

        public RadForm1()

        private void radSpreadsheet1_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

Last Updated: 09 Oct 2019 08:16 by ADMIN
Release R3 2019 SP1
Created by: n/a
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

When you set the AutoSize property to true, the control becomes enormous - Size (5002, 5002).

There is no specific logic for auto-sizing the control. We should either remove the AutoSize property or size the control according to the rows/columns it uses.

Last Updated: 15 Aug 2019 13:26 by ADMIN
Release R3 2019 (LIB 2019.2.819)
Please run the attached sample and move the spreadsheet on a monitor with 125% DPI scaling. Then, enter some text in the first cell that exceeds the column's width and double-click the header to best-fit the column. You will notice that RadSpreadsheet hangs and it is not possible to proceed with the further execution of the form.
Last Updated: 06 Jan 2020 11:14 by ADMIN
Release R1 2020

Please follow the steps:

1. Run the attached sample project. 

2. Move the form to a monitor with 125% DPI scaling.

3. Resize the form to make the spreadsheet bigger. You will notice that the column/row headers are missing for the last column/row headers. 

Last Updated: 06 Aug 2019 04:49 by ADMIN
The scale factor is not imported from documents with no information about the selection state.
Last Updated: 02 Jul 2019 11:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Dimitar
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request
Add support for creating Tables and applying tables styles (predefined ones or custom).
Last Updated: 21 Jun 2019 13:15 by ADMIN
Release R3 2019
Row heights with missing CustomHeight attributes in the document are ignored.
Last Updated: 18 Mar 2019 14:33 by ADMIN
If the lookup_value parameter and lookup_vector parameters refer cells containing text values, the function returns a Not available error ("#N/A").
Last Updated: 26 Mar 2019 14:17 by Dimitar
For some reason the last letters are dropping from headers and data.

Last Updated: 16 May 2019 06:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Stephen
Comments: 3
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request

I have loaded an excel file into the spreadsheet control from our document database. When a user makes changes and clicks the save button I would like to handle a save process back to our document database of the file.

If a save function can be raised I can save to the document database

If a SavAs fucntion can be raised I can prompt the user to create a new version


Can the control have these two features added please?

Last Updated: 01 Mar 2019 14:41 by Tom
If a worksheet spans more than one page, you can print row and column headings or labels (also called print titles) on every page to ensure that the data is properly labeled.