Last Updated: 27 Nov 2017 13:53 by ADMIN
Created by: Dimitar
Comments: 0
Category: VirtualGrid
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 31 Jan 2018 07:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 1
Category: VirtualGrid
Type: Feature Request
I miss grouping functionality in VirtualGrid. In my opinion, the following process would be conceivable:
1. user interaction triggers an event - e. g. GroupChanged (similar to FilterChanged).
2. This event determines all available groups and returns them to the VirtualGrid. 
3. if the user expand a group > a second event is fired - and returns all matching data rows.
Last Updated: 04 Jan 2021 15:45 by ADMIN
RadVirtualGrid shold automatically adjust the height of the visible cells/rows only. When you perform scrolling horizontally or vertically, the respective scrollbar will be adjusted. The scrollbar may shrink or enlarge considering the currently displayed data. Have in mind that when you have a horizontal scrollbar, the row's height will be calculated according to the content of the visible cells on the row. If you scroll horizontally and some of the cells on the row get hidden and others get visible, the row's height should be adjusted according to the content. Initially, this behavior may be confusing for the users, however since data is loaded on demand in RadVirtualGrid, you need to autosize the rows on demand as well. 
Last Updated: 14 Aug 2017 12:02 by ADMIN
Created by: Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Comments: 0
Category: VirtualGrid
Type: Feature Request
Scenario to cover: the user tries to filter the grid not with each entered symbol but when the value in the filter cell is committed (Enter key is pressed) and the editor is closed. The CellValuePushed event is fired only for data cells and the FilterChanged event is fired with each keystroke but not when the editor is closed. A similar scenario is valid for the new row. There is no suitable event for capturing when a certain cell is updated in the new row as well.
Last Updated: 10 Feb 2023 11:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Martin
Comments: 3
Category: VirtualGrid
Type: Feature Request

RadVirtualGrid does not support (nullable) booleans out of the box. 

There are several pages to work around this issues, like:

In my humble opinion this should be supported by default. Why?

  • The standard System.Windows.Forms.GridView supports it.
  • The Telerik RadGridView supports it.
  • Many example code show how to use RadVirtualGrid in combination with a database. And many database systems support the boolean (or bit).
  • The RadVirtualGrid does support the datatype "Color". I hope you believe me when I say that a boolean is more commonly used than Color. (Again: Look inside a database)

In my mind I think of how a meeting would have been while designing the RadVirtualGrid.

  • The team: "Shall we support integers?" 
  • The product owner: "Yes!"
  • The team: "Shall we support strings?" 
  • The product owner: "Of course!"
  • The team: "Shall we support Colors?" 
  • The product owner: "That would be wonderful!"
  • The team: "Shall we support booleans?" 
  • The product owner: "Booleans? Nahh.... who needs booleans? Boolean are overrated!"


Last Updated: 19 Jun 2017 11:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Comments: 0
Category: VirtualGrid
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 16 Jan 2023 11:40 by ADMIN

RadVirtualGridElement.Paste does not support pasting into new rows.

I want to override RadVirtualGridElement.Paste to allow to to paste into new rows. Except when I do so, the methods to retrieve information from the clipboard (GetHtmlData/GetTextData/GetCsvData ) are private.

So now I have one request, two solutions:

  • Make GetHtmlData/GetTextData/GetCsvData  protected so I can call them when I override Paste.
  • Or split up the Paste method into two sub-methods:
    • One sub-method to retrieve the information from the clipboard which will result in a list of list of strings (like: GetClipboardData())
    • The second sub-method to do the actually Paste the list of list of strings into the grid (like: Paste(List<List<string>> data)). Of course this sub-method must be virtual.


Last Updated: 06 Mar 2023 08:06 by ADMIN

I was trying to move the NewRow to the bottom of the RadVirtualGrid. This is also supported by its big brother RadGridView. I have now learned that this is not supported by RadVirtualGrid.

Hereby my request: Please support this!

I've created a Harmony patch (which works for me); it might help you if you decide to support it:

	static class MoveNewRowToBottom
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(VirtualGridTableElement), "InvalidatePinnedRows")]
		static class VirtualGridTableElement_InvalidatePinnedRows
			static private bool _isInvalidating;

			static private bool Prefix(VirtualGridTableElement __instance)
				if (_isInvalidating)
					return false;
				_isInvalidating = true;


				var viewInfo = __instance.ViewInfo;
				var rowsViewState = __instance.RowsViewState;
				var topPinnedItems = rowsViewState.TopPinnedItems;
				var bottomPinnedItems = rowsViewState.BottomPinnedItems;

				if (viewInfo.ShowFilterRow)
					if (!topPinnedItems.Contains(RadVirtualGrid.FilterRowIndex) && !bottomPinnedItems.Contains(RadVirtualGrid.FilterRowIndex))
						rowsViewState.SetPinPosition(RadVirtualGrid.FilterRowIndex, PinnedRowPosition.Top);

				if (viewInfo.ShowNewRow)
					if (!topPinnedItems.Contains(RadVirtualGrid.NewRowIndex) && !bottomPinnedItems.Contains(RadVirtualGrid.NewRowIndex))
						rowsViewState.SetPinPosition(RadVirtualGrid.NewRowIndex, PinnedRowPosition.Top);

				if (viewInfo.ShowHeaderRow)
					if (!topPinnedItems.Contains(RadVirtualGrid.HeaderRowIndex) && !bottomPinnedItems.Contains(RadVirtualGrid.HeaderRowIndex))
						rowsViewState.SetPinPosition(RadVirtualGrid.HeaderRowIndex, PinnedRowPosition.Top);

				var elementProvider = __instance.RowScroller.ElementProvider;

				var topPinnedRows = __instance.ViewElement.TopPinnedRows;
				foreach (int topPinnedRow in topPinnedItems.SortTopRowIndexes())
					VirtualGridRowElement pinnedRow = (VirtualGridRowElement)elementProvider.GetElement(topPinnedRow, null);
					pinnedRow.Attach(topPinnedRow, null);

				var bottomPinnedRows = __instance.ViewElement.BottomPinnedRows;
				foreach (int bottomPinnedRow in bottomPinnedItems.SortBottomRowIndexes())
					VirtualGridRowElement pinnedRow = (VirtualGridRowElement)elementProvider.GetElement(bottomPinnedRow, null);
					pinnedRow.Attach(bottomPinnedRow, null);

				_isInvalidating = false;
				return false;

		static private IEnumerable<int> SortTopRowIndexes(this ReadOnlyCollection<int> topRowIndexes)
			var specialRowIndex = topRowIndexes.Where(index => index < 0).ToList();
			if (specialRowIndex.Contains(RadVirtualGrid.HeaderRowIndex))
				yield return RadVirtualGrid.HeaderRowIndex;
			if (specialRowIndex.Contains(RadVirtualGrid.NewRowIndex))
				yield return RadVirtualGrid.NewRowIndex;
			if (specialRowIndex.Contains(RadVirtualGrid.FilterRowIndex))
				yield return RadVirtualGrid.FilterRowIndex;
			foreach (var index in topRowIndexes.Where(index => index >= 0))
				yield return index;

		static private IEnumerable<int> SortBottomRowIndexes(this ReadOnlyCollection<int> bottomRowIndexes)
			foreach (var index in bottomRowIndexes.Where(index => index >= 0))
				yield return index;
			var specialRowIndex = bottomRowIndexes.Where(index => index < 0).ToList();
			if (specialRowIndex.Contains(RadVirtualGrid.FilterRowIndex))
				yield return RadVirtualGrid.FilterRowIndex;
			if (specialRowIndex.Contains(RadVirtualGrid.NewRowIndex))
				yield return RadVirtualGrid.NewRowIndex;
			if (specialRowIndex.Contains(RadVirtualGrid.HeaderRowIndex))
				yield return RadVirtualGrid.HeaderRowIndex;

Last Updated: 14 Feb 2024 10:54 by Bert
When the user clicks an already selected row while pressing the Ctrl key, the row should be removed from the current selection.
Last Updated: 14 Aug 2017 13:38 by Saji
Using RadVirtualGrid, I have a requirement for showing hierarchical levels of data. The parent level and child levels share the SAME column headers.  I am utilizing the QueryHasChildRows event of the grid to set the number of rows for each hierarchical level. In that event I set a few properties to control how a child view is rendered as below:

            else if (e.ViewInfo.HierarchyLevel > 0)
                var items = ((IList<AllocStructNode>)e.ViewInfo.ParentViewInfo.Tag)[e.ViewInfo.ParentRowIndex];
                if (items.Children != null && items.Children.Count > 0)
                    e.ViewInfo.Tag = items.Children;
                    e.ViewInfo.RowCount = items.Children.Count;
                    e.ViewInfo.HeaderRowHeight = 0;
                    e.ViewInfo.ShowHeaderRow = false;
                    e.ViewInfo.FilterRowHeight = 0;
                    e.ViewInfo.ShowFilterRow = false;
                    e.ViewInfo.Padding = new Padding(0);
                    e.ViewInfo.HorizontalScrollState = ScrollState.AlwaysHide;

When a new level is rendered, a new demarcated section of child table element with its own horizontal scrolling displayed. When the parent is horizontally scrolled, the child level doesn't scroll (not synchronized). Similarly, when the child is horizontally scrolled, the parent does not scroll as well.

See attached project.