Last Updated: 13 Sep 2024 12:36 by ADMIN
InvalidCastException when loading a document that contains shapes with custom geometry.
Last Updated: 27 Aug 2024 13:57 by Andrew

In RadRichTextEditor:

In Word:

Last Updated: 07 Aug 2024 15:11 by ADMIN
Release 2024.3.806 (2024 Q3)
The issue can be observed if you scroll the document by dragging the scrollbar thumb.
Last Updated: 07 Aug 2024 15:11 by ADMIN
Release 2024.3.806 (2024 Q3)
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2024 12:11 by ADMIN
When floating image is anchored to the first position of the first paragraph on a page, and there are some empty paragraph on the previous page, sometimes the image is positioned on the previous page instead of along the paragraph.
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2024 12:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Andrew
Comments: 1
Category: RichTextEditor
Type: Feature Request
This element is used to collect shapes and groups so they can be positioned and transformed as a single unit. A group contains group, shapetype, shape, pre-defined shape - arc, curve, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect - and lock elements.

When the object is serialized out as XML, its qualified name is v:group.
Last Updated: 17 Jun 2024 13:51 by ADMIN
The command tabs collection in the RichTextEditorRibbonBar is not intended to be modified design time. The EditCommandTabs option in the smart tag should not be available. This collection is recreated the moment you close and reopen the designer. The same will happen when you run the application. This option should be removed from the smart tag.
Last Updated: 23 Apr 2024 20:08 by ADMIN
In RadRichTextEditor columns are narrow, not displaying correctly as in original file.
Last Updated: 17 Apr 2024 14:44 by ADMIN
To reproduce:
- Add some full pages to the editor. 
- Remove all margin from the print settings and document settings.
- PrintPreview the document.
- Seth the print preview dialog zoom to 100% and compare the documents.
- You will notice that the print document's content is smaller.
Last Updated: 10 Apr 2024 13:53 by Benjamin

This is the used code snippet:

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.RadDocument templateDocument = GetDocument("Template.rtf");
            Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.RadDocument contentDocument = GetDocument("Content.rtf");

            Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.Merging.InsertDocumentOptions options = new Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.Merging.InsertDocumentOptions();
            options.ConflictingStylesResolutionMode = Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.Merging.ConflictingStylesResolutionMode.RenameSourceStyle;
            options.InsertLastParagraphMarker = true;

            Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.RadDocumentEditor templateEditor = new Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.RadDocumentEditor(templateDocument);
            templateEditor.InsertFragment(new Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.DocumentFragment(contentDocument));

            string mergedDocumentFilePath = "MergeDocumentsWithRichTextEditor.rtf";
            WriteDocToFile(templateDocument, mergedDocumentFilePath);

        private static Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.RadDocument GetDocument(string rtfFilePath)
            Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.RadDocument document = null;
            var rtfImporter = new Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Rtf.RtfFormatProvider();
            using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(rtfFilePath))
                document = rtfImporter.Import(stream);
            return document;

        private static void WriteDocToFile(Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.RadDocument doc, string filename)
            var rtfExporter = new Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Rtf.RtfFormatProvider();
            string rtfText = rtfExporter.Export(doc);
            File.WriteAllText(filename, rtfText);


Observed result: 

Expected result: keep the After spacing as it is in the original documents.

Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 13:38 by ADMIN
Pasting from Excel will add the text to a table. Keep Text Only paste option should ignore the table and paste only the text. 
Last Updated: 05 Apr 2024 08:42 by ADMIN

In the Fluent theme, the Font Size Dropdown of the SelectionMiniToolBar is not wide enough.

Last Updated: 16 Feb 2024 20:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Larry
Comments: 2
Category: RichTextEditor
Type: Bug Report
There appears to be an issue when adding Comments that overlap each other. I will attach a video to my next reply that shows how to replicate the issue.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2024 12:33 by ADMIN
Release R2 2021
Created by: Hristo
Comments: 6
Category: RichTextEditor
Type: Feature Request
Implement support for content controls (a.k.a. Structured document tags), which will allow inserting editing controls in the document:

- Rich Text
- Plain Text
- Check Box
- Combo Box
- Drop-down list
- Date picker
Last Updated: 31 Jan 2024 11:39 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q1 (2024.1.130)
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2023 10:40 by ADMIN
Add a property that can control whether a table row is allowed to break across pages or not.
Last Updated: 02 Nov 2023 12:58 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 25 Sep 2023 06:34 by ADMIN

MS Word offers "Go To" option in its Find and Replace dialog:

It is reasonable to add similar scrolling behavior when navigating in document, programatic scrolling and GoTo~() methods.

Last Updated: 01 Aug 2023 05:36 by ADMIN
Created by: Ian
Comments: 1
Category: RichTextEditor
Type: Feature Request

In MS Word, text is hidden using the Home -> Font -> Font -> Effects -> Hidden.

In the Rtf format, such text is preceded (marked) with a '\v' tag. In OOXML, the tag is <vanish/>. The display: none; style from HTML is mapped to hidden text when document is converted to DOCX.

Last Updated: 25 Jul 2023 10:08 by Dinko

Add support for importing of imaged defined with VML's v:imagedata inside v:image or v:shape. Currently, such images are just skipped.

A possible workaround is to upgrade the documents to a newer DOCX compatibility setting (by re-saving them with MS Word for example), where such shapes are not allowed and are replaced with more modern constructs which the import of RadRichTextEditor supports.

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