I am getting an error when entering a password that contains '\' character in a password text field. I tried using the field definition (eg. LoginPage.Password.TypeTextAndWait(pwd, false). Receiving this error:
ArtOfTest.WebAii.Exceptions.ExecuteCommandException: 'ExecuteCommand failed!
InError set by the client. Client Error:
Evaluation failed: SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
at eval (<anonymous>)
at __puppeteer_evaluation_script__:1:35
at __puppeteer_evaluation_script__:1:562
BrowserCommand (Type:'Action',Info:'NotSet',Action:'InvokeJsFunction',Target:'ElementId (tagName: '',occurrenceIndex: '-1')',Data:'((window.top && window.top.Telerik && window.top.Telerik.TestStudio && window.top.Telerik.TestStudio.Common && window.top.Telerik.TestStudio.Common.DomProviders && window.top.Telerik.TestStudio.Common.DomProviders.DomProvideFactory && window.top.Telerik.TestStudio.Common.DomProviders.DomProvideFactory.getProvider().getElementByTagNameAndIndex(document, 'input', 1)) || document.getElementsByTagName('input')[1]).value = "pwd"',ClientId:'CEB2876D',HasFrames:'False',FramesInfo:'',TargetFrameIndex:'-1',InError:'True',Response:'Evaluation failed: SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
at eval (<anonymous>)
at __puppeteer_evaluation_script__:1:35
at __puppeteer_evaluation_script__:1:562')
InnerException: none.
It works fine if I run with Chrome (non-headless). Note: the last character of the pwd is the " \ "
Any suggestions or workaround would be greatly appreciated. This is urgent as our script is not able to execute properly at the moment.
We've observed an odd behaviour where data driven tests set up with local data seem to only execute the first iteration when using the "run to here" and "run selected steps" options. According to the log, it correctly identifies the test as being data driven, identifies that it is executing the first iteration but does not execute any further iterations. (No errors or failures of subsequent iterations are present in the log). This occurs regardless of if the test is run as a standalone test, or a test-as-step in a larger test (in which case, after running the first iteration of the sub-test, the next step in the parent following the test-as-step runs (and fails on a data validation error since the other iterations did not execute).
On further analysis we determined that if the entire test is fully executed, it does seem to find and run all iterations of the subtest, so it seems only the partial run options seem to be encountering the issue.
We're unsure if this is by design, or if there is a configuration setting that may control only 1 iteration running when using the other run options.
Jeff Harrison
I am trying to capture the image of WPF application's Dialog using Bitmap actualBmp = element.Capture(); like one below
yellow color refers to the actual dialog and other colour refers to the main page of the application.
But it returns something like below (Image of the main page with the actual size of the dialog)
I want something like below to be captured
Dear Reader,
Having an existing test with several test steps recorded via the recorder while traversing a web page.
With that set of recorded steps, now saved. There is need to introduce a logic condition. The "STEP BUILDER" is used to insert a "Condition" of "if...else" via the button of "Add Step" this is successful.
The said "Add Step", "step" is added and the recorded test has the additional step, that now needs to be given the condition for the "if...else" clause. Opening up the dropdown there are a list in the dropdown of the "IF" statement, which is all the available steps in the test. Locating one of these steps is easy, what is not that simple to get done is the process of selecting that step to cause the condition to be accepted by the "IF" statement's condition. As this now requires that the opened dropdown list for the item that is desired to be selected, requires that the mouse must be clicked on in rapid succession in excess of five or sometimes seven "left mouse clicks", perhaps even more to get the click to register!!! The success of the selection is a surprise every time it happens as it seems like it is rather odd that a single or even double click does not do what should be reasonable behaviour.
I trust the above is sufficient to replicate the UX and allow a fix to be achieved.
Kind regards.
Hi Team,
Our test application use java script navigator.clipboard.writetext to copy content into clipboard, when we run cases with telerik 2024, some scenario pops error "fail to copy", the exception for java script is "NotAllowedError: Failed to execute 'writeText' on 'Clipboard': Write permission denied.".
After check, we can see it's because clipboard-write is denied when telerik open browser, but if we manually open the browser, it's fine. Only failed for browser which is opened by telerik.
You can use below example code to check in browsers which is opened by telerik.
test code:
// Initialize the settings
mySettings = new Settings();
// Set the default browser
mySettings.Web.DefaultBrowser = BrowserType.Chrome; // we can change the two lines for different scenario test
mySettings.Web.UseBrowserExtension = false;
myManager = new Manager(mySettings);
// Start the manager
// Launch a new browser instance. [This will launch an IE instance given the setting above]
when the browser is opened, you can execute below script in develop tools.
await navigator.permissions.query({
name: 'clipboard-write',
Below is what I have summary for telerik 2024 and 2022, please help to confirm if all the the denied scenarios are expected.
After installing .NET SDK 9.0.100-rc.1 Download .NET 9.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows) (microsoft.com) from microsoft.com the recorded steps can't be excecuted with Telerik Teststudio.
The application starts as usual after that the test is stuck and doesn't excecute any step after that. With .NET 8.0.10 the tests are running without any problems.
Steps to reproduce:
ActiveBrowser.Desktop.KeyBoard.KeyPress(Keys.Shift | Keys.End); ActiveBrowser.Desktop.KeyBoard.KeyPress(Keys.Shift | Keys.Home);
Expected: The combination selects the text in the field
Actual: The cursor only moves without selecting the text.
Workaround: Use the key combination Shift+A to select the text.
Steps to reproduce:
Expected: The code is compiled and executed as expected.
Actual: The converted code produces compilation error:
[ Compiler ] 15:57:58 'ERROR' > C:\TestProject1\WPFTest.tstest.cs(55,104) : error CS1061: 'FrameworkElement' does not contain a definition for 'SelectTime' and no accessible extension method 'SelectTime' accepting a first argument of type 'FrameworkElement' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 15:57:58 'INFO' > Build Failed
Workaround: Cast the element like this:
Applications.WPF_Demosexe.Telerik_UI_for_WPF_Desktop_Examples.PARTClockDatetimepickerclock.CastAs<Telerik.WebAii.Controls.Xaml.Wpf.DateTimePickerClock>().SelectTime("1:00 PM");
Steps to reproduce:
Expected: The test results to be displayed.
Actual: The view is empty with the message: "There are no test results for this run."
Workaround: Split each test into a separate test list.
Log on the machine where the Executive Dashboard is hosted shows below error.
Telerik.TestStudio.ResultsServer.exe(7192:313),Error] CloudStorageRepository`2.ExtractItemsFromResponseAsync() : Error getting entity: Telerik.TestStudio.Interfaces.Storage.IStorageDocument`1[[ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Repository.LightRunResultSingleTestTransport, ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design, Version=xxxx, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxx]], from url: http://xxxxx/v1/results?includeDeleted=xxx&skip=xxx&take=xx&schema=xxx Telerik.TestStudio.ResultsServer.exe(7192:313),Error] CloudStorageRepository`2.ExtractItemsFromResponseAsync() : {"Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"Command aggregate failed: Sort exceeded memory limit of 104857600 bytes, but did not opt in to external sorting. Aborting operation.
I ran a test list through 'Schedule TestList' using "Run locally" scheduling setup and i received an email with html attachment. When i open the html I can see the actual and expected screenshot are missing.
The specific page and the frame, which is not identified from Test Studio, uses a Salesforce component called ForceAlohaPage and it seems there is a custom implementation for the frames in this component. These are not visible in the Windows.Frames collection, which Test Studio uses under Manager.ActiveBrowser.Frame.
public static DesktopFind WaitForDesktopAppWindow(DesktopApplication desktopApp, string strWindowsName)
return desktopApp.WaitForWindow(strWindowsName, delay, 60000).Find; //with a delay of 700
fails if COMException is thrown.
Expected is to handle that exception and wait for the set timeout.
Error upon compilation is related to the Pages.g.cs file where all elements are listed with their find expression.
12:38:44 'ERROR' > C:\Users\dpruteanu\Test Studio Projects\After_reinstall_3-27-24\Pages.g.cs(229,108) : error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected
Steps to reproduce:
Expected: The compilation is successful.
Actual: The compilation fails with the mentioned error.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Add the following line in coded step
2. Execute the test in extensionless/headless mode
Expected: Test should pass
Actual: Test fails and the following error is thrown in the log:
ArtOfTest.WebAii.Exceptions.ExecuteCommandException: ExecuteCommand failed!
InError set by the client. Client Error:
Protocol error (Input.dispatchKeyEvent): Invalid 'text' parameter
BrowserCommand (Type:'Action',Info:'NotSet',Action:'RealKeyboardAction',Target:'null',Data:'keyDown#$TS$#LMenu',ClientId:'59E9D6A07CE0CD30467ED59AEC375281',HasFrames:'False',FramesInfo:'',TargetFrameIndex:'-1',InError:'True',Response:'Protocol error (Input.dispatchKeyEvent): Invalid 'text' parameter')
InnerException: none.
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Browser.ExecuteCommandInternal(BrowserCommand request)
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Browser.ExecuteCommand(BrowserCommand request, Boolean performDomRefresh, Boolean waitUntilReady)
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Headless.HeadlessKeyboard.PressOrReleaseKey(Keys key, Boolean release)
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Win32.KeyBoard.KeyDown(Keys code, Boolean delay)
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Win32.KeyBoard.KeyPress(Keys code)
at Regressuib2024R2.Alt.Alt_CodedStep() in C:\Users\ittodorov\Documents\Test Studio Projects\Regressuib2024R2\Alt.tstest.cs:line 57