On Android: RadEntry and .NET Maui Entry behavior are identical. When unfocused, the focused background is still applied.
On WinUI: RadEntry and .NET Maui behavior when are unfocused, the focused background is still applied. When RadEntry is in the "Focused" and "PointerOver" visual states, the control behavior is with the default state. When .NET Maui Entry is in the "Focused" and "PointerOver" visual states, the control behavior is with the "PoinetOver" visual state.
On iOS and MacCatalys: When RadEntry is unfocused, the focused background is still applied.
On Windows when IsReadOnly state changes to true, the control state does not change, you can still edit the text.
<VerticalStackLayout >
<Switch IsToggled="{Binding IsReadOnly,Source={x:Reference EntryShareName}}"/>
<telerik:RadEntry x:Name="EntryShareName"
Placeholder="Enter text here"
Hi Team,
I would like to be able to use standard .NET data annotations on my bound property with the RadEntry's validation features.
For example, the following MaxLength attribute:
public string CustomerId
get => customerId;
set => SetProperty(ref customerId, value);
Thank you,