Last Updated: 21 Dec 2023 13:19 by ADMIN
Release 6.6.0
Created by: Tinus
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Bug Report

Dynamic change of the IsEnabled property of the RadDataGrid does not affect the RowDetails, leaving the UI inconsistent.

In my case, the RadDataGrid is disabled initially (IsEnabled=False). Some data is loaded in the DataGrid. At runtime I set the IsEnabled property of the DataGrid to true. I am then able to expand row details. The issue is that the view in the row details has the IsEnabled property set to false.

Last Updated: 15 Nov 2023 08:59 by ADMIN
Release 6.5.0
When DataGrid is inside Grid and Grid Background is set in Styles.xaml, the DataGrid is not visible. 

When Grid Background is set in the page where control is defined, no issues. 
Last Updated: 26 Oct 2023 07:18 by ADMIN
Release 6.4.0

having shell project with two pages added in flyout items:

MainPage is with DataGrid, page2 with TabView.

On .NET 8 RC1/RC2 Switching back from page2 to MainPage results in a StackOverflowException from RadDataGrid.

Last Updated: 11 Oct 2023 08:02 by ADMIN
Release 6.3.0
Provide an option to change the IsBusy animation type, color, etc. 

Currently I can change the IsBusy background color by using implicit style: 
            <Style TargetType="telerik:RadBusyIndicator" x:Name="busy">
                <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Red"/>
    <telerik:RadDataGrid IsBusy="True"/>
Last Updated: 11 Oct 2023 08:02 by ADMIN
Release 6.3.0

Application Crashes if we delay the column creations after the collection is set.


No crash if we remove the delay.

Last Updated: 11 Oct 2023 08:02 by ADMIN
Release 6.3.0

When cell is in edit mode, pressings enter key calls infinitely CommitEdit Execute method in custom scenario. 

1. When new item is added to the DataGrid source, the cell goes in edit mode

2. Pressing enter key executes additional logic and CommitEdit Execute method calls infinitely.


 Inside the CommitEdit CanExecure method, call the default can execute logic

public override bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        return this.Owner.CommandService.CanExecuteDefaultCommand(DataGridCommandId.CommitEdit, parameter);
        //return true;

Last Updated: 11 Oct 2023 08:02 by ADMIN
Release 6.3.0

If I use the CellEditTemplate to show a custom view when editing - the view does not get auto focus when shown and the end user needs to tap inside so the view gets focus.

  <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="CountryName" HeaderText="Country">
        <telerik:RadEntry Text="{Binding Item.CountryName}" />



Manually invoke the Focus() method and set the cursor position when the view gets loaded and when it changes its visibility:

  <telerik:RadEntry Text="{Binding Item.CountryName}"
      PropertyChanged="RadEntry_PropertyChanged" />

private void RadEntry_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
  if (e.PropertyName == nameof(View.IsVisible))
    RadEntry entry = (RadEntry)sender;
    if (entry.IsVisible)

private void RadEntry_Loaded(object sender, EventArgs e)

private static void FocusEntry(RadEntry entry)
  entry.Dispatcher.DispatchDelayed(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), () =>
    entry.CursorPosition = entry.Text?.Length ?? 0;


Last Updated: 21 Aug 2023 15:01 by ADMIN
Created by: Mattias
Comments: 2
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
For efficient data entry, users would expect to be able to use arrows/enter to navigate the grid and not just click to edit.
Last Updated: 18 Aug 2023 09:44 by ADMIN
Release 6.1.0

Hi Team,

If the cell is frozen, the HitTestService.CellInfoFromPoint( ) method always returns null

Thank you,


Last Updated: 18 Aug 2023 09:44 by ADMIN
Release 6.1.0

I want to exit edit mode and commit edit when hitting on Enter Key.

It works great for text column/cell.

But it does not work for numerical cells
   - Numerical cell still in edit mode by displaying a RadNumericInput within the cell.
   - Break point in CellCommitEditCommand.cs has not been hit.
Last Updated: 18 Aug 2023 09:43 by ADMIN
Release 6.1.0
When using CommitEdit command, the DataGridCellInfo Column and Value are null in the Execute method. The BeginEdit command contains the info for the Column and Value.
Last Updated: 18 Aug 2023 09:43 by ADMIN
Release 6.1.0

If a user changes an editable cell's value and then hit Tab, and the next cell to the right is not editable. Furthermore, the DataGrid enters into a state where no cells can be edited.

Last Updated: 19 Jul 2023 10:22 by ADMIN
Release 6.0.0
Null reference exception when using the AddSingleton approach in the shell app. 
Last Updated: 19 Jul 2023 06:40 by ADMIN
Release 6.0.0
Created by: Erik Damgaard
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
Add hierarchical grid functionality or row details to show additional information on the item.
Last Updated: 19 Jul 2023 06:37 by ADMIN
Release 6.0.0
Created by: Craig
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
 Add Hover visual states for the Column Header. On Hover Visual States change the BackgroundColor of the header.
Last Updated: 19 Jul 2023 06:37 by ADMIN
Release 6.0.0
I have found that I am able to drag and drop columns across different datagrids, even when they are bound to completely different datasources. The function produces unexpected results- different columns end up getting get moved around on the grids.
Last Updated: 19 Jul 2023 06:37 by ADMIN
Release 6.0.0

DataGrid is added inside pages that can be accessed through shell flyout menu. 

And the exact steps to reproduce the issue:

Go to page GridOne page in flyout menu.
Enter any element by double tap. this navigates to another page - SubGridPage 
On SubGridPage again double tap any element. this navigates to another page - InnerModel 
When you are in InnerModel page select from flyout menu GridTwo page
On GridTwoPage double tap any element, this navigates to another page - SubGridPage 
On SubGridPage double tap any element. this navigates to another page - InnerModel 
When you land on InnerModel page go back to Grid One on flyout menu.
When you are in the GridOne InnerModel, press the back arrow. 
It navigates to the SubGridPage. but the DataGrid is not visualized. 
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2023 07:41 by ADMIN
Release 5.2.0


I'am testing Telerik .NET MAUI controls for windows and android. FontFamily property of columns (both for xaml and app.xaml) not working. If an embedded font is choosen for whole application, DataGrids look different from other parts of the application

here is my xaml, "fnt_bold" is a MauiFont in resources. All other ui components are shown in my font

                <telerik:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False" UserEditMode="None" UserGroupMode="Disabled" SelectionMode="Single" SelectionUnit="Row"  >
                        <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="ID" HeaderText="RefID" Width="60" SizeMode="Fixed">
                                <telerik:DataGridTextCellStyle FontFamily="fnt_bold" FontSize="12.25"/>
                        <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="CODE" HeaderText="Code" Width="80" SizeMode="Fixed">
                                <telerik:DataGridTextCellStyle FontFamily="fnt_bold" FontSize="12.25"/>
                        <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="NAME" HeaderText="Name" Width="250" SizeMode="Fixed">
                                 <telerik:DataGridTextCellStyle FontFamily="fnt_regular" FontSize="12.25"/>

I have attached a screenshot from my test app.

I also checked the sample telerik android app (Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Controls). DataGrid components in Telerik Sample app also dont use the expected font unlike all other ui components.

Just one of the DataGrid samples of one column in the sample app has the correct fontfamily property. I have attached that screenshot also. I couldn't figure out how to implement it.

Am i missing something?

Thanks in advance.











Last Updated: 07 Jun 2023 07:41 by ADMIN
Release 5.2.0

Having this setup:

<telerikDataGrid:DataGridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Age" 
            <Label Text="{Binding Age}" />
        <telerikCommon:PropertySortDescriptor PropertyName="Age" SortOrder="Descending" />


When applying SortDescriptor to the Template column, the column is not initially sorted. 

Last Updated: 07 Jun 2023 07:41 by ADMIN
Release 5.2.0
Created by: Erik Damgaard
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request

Add the ability to specify a template when the ItemsSource is null or collection is empty.


As a solution until this feature is implemented:

Hide the DataGrid and show any content over it in the case its ItemsSource is empty.