When using ImageButton inside a CellTemplate, the image does not display initially. When you resize the window image is displayed.
Use Image instead of ImageButton
Some data is missing from the UI when grouping is applied and then filter the data.
If you ungroup, the items are displayed.
Starting with v10, all groups except the last, get a blank, empty row.
If you toggle off the grouping, the empty rows go away, but once you put the grouping on, these empty rows show up again.
Keep the data grouped, make the window a bit smaller so you have a decent amount of rows to scroll through, and using your mouse wheel, scroll up and down quickly. Eventually you'll notice that the grid will start to bounce a bit. For example, you'll scroll down and then without scrolling the mouse wheel up at all, it'll jump back up a few rows on its own.
Begin editing the first cell firs column
Without closing the cell editor, scroll down to the last cell, the first cell should exit the viewport.
Start editing the last cell.
Scroll back up to the first cell
The content inside the first cell is missing.
The content should be there.
When a ComboBox editor is open in the DataGrid, one can use the arrow keys to go up and down the items of the combo in order to make a selection. When pressing Enter it is expected that the ComboBox gets closed and the DataGrid is still in edit mode for the same cell.
However, when the Enter is pressed - the ComboBox closes and the next row goes into edit mode - this behavior is erroneous.
I want to strikethrough the text in the row based on a value.
i checked and the column cell content style DataGridTextCellAppearance class does not expose such property.
For example we have set RowHeight to 26 with GridLineThickness = 1, GridLinesVisibility = Horizontal, and RowBackgroundStyle and AlternateRowBackgroundStyle with BorderThickness = 0.
The first row is 26px, the middle rows are 25px and the last row is 24px. So it seems the grid lines are included in the calculation of the RowHeight.