Last Updated: 15 Mar 2023 11:38 by ADMIN
Release 5.1.0

When the selected item is set initially, the selected style is not applied to the row/cell.

Workaround: You can use a Dispatcher to workaround the issue, code looks as follows:

this.Dispatcher.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200), () =>
            if (dataGrid.SelectedItem == null)
            return false;

Last Updated: 15 Apr 2024 13:40 by ADMIN
Release 7.0.0 (2024 Q2)
The DataGrid crashes, if there is a cell with NULL value and when resizing the column to minimum,
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2024 13:52 by Huynh
If the CellContentTemplate property of a column is used, and inside there is just one label, then the text of the label gets wrapped into two lines instead of being rendered in one line.
Last Updated: 03 Jun 2024 09:16 by Tinus

When uprating the row details data, the data does not update in the UI. You have to resize the window, or collapse then expand the row details to see the updated value. 

The behavior happens in 7.0.0 version. In 6.8.0 it works as expected. 

Last Updated: 15 May 2024 06:59 by ADMIN
Release 7.0.0 (2024 Q2)
If the DataGrid has two or three columns, and the device is rotated horizontally, the last column header is not fully rendered.
Last Updated: 20 Jul 2023 09:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Gerard
Comments: 4
Category: DataGrid
Type: Bug Report
see image of line overwriting in Datagrid from latest release 
Last Updated: 08 Jun 2023 15:21 by Laurin

TapGestureRecognizer not working correctly when tapping inside the DataGrid control on iOS and MacCatalyst platforms.


You could use CellTap or CellDoubleTap commands of the DataGrid control. Here are the links to our documentation articles: DataGrid Commands and DataGrid CellTap Command.

Last Updated: 28 May 2024 08:46 by Tinus

I have the following issues when there is a DataGrid inside RowDetails template

1. The + does not change to - after expanding the details

2. Clicking the header in the inner data grid of line 2 does not work (seems disabled)

3. Sometimes cannot edit the inner DataGrid. tapping 2 times on the cell does not enter in edit mode

In Development
Last Updated: 01 Jul 2024 07:25 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q3
After updating to version 7.0.0, I noticed a crash at RadDataGrid. If the horizontal scroll bar is visible, and you scroll to the right and then update ItemsSource, the application crashes. As additional details, if in the cells is a Label, the problem does not reproduce, only if there is an Entry.
Last Updated: 28 May 2024 11:40 by Francisco M.
Created by: Francisco M.
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Bug Report
On android and WinUI the DataGrid is enabled works fine, but on iOS while disable, it stills let me select, scroll, sort, edit data, etc.
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2022 10:08 by ADMIN
Release 3.0.0

I am using NavigationPages and Dependency Injection (for the Pages and ViewModels) to navigate (not AppShell).

    <Grid RowDefinitions="*,100">

        <telerik:RadDataGrid x:Name="grdRegisters"
                             Style="{StaticResource ReadOnlyGridStyle}"
                             ItemsSource="{Binding Registers}"
                             SelectionStyle="{StaticResource SelectedRowBackgroundStyle}"
                             RowBackgroundStyle="{StaticResource RowBackgroundStyle}"
                             AlternateRowBackgroundStyle="{StaticResource AltRowBackgroundStyle}"
                             SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedRegister, Mode=TwoWay}">
                <telerik:DataGridTemplateColumn HeaderText=""
                        <DataTemplate x:DataType="RegisterModel">
                            <Label FontFamily="FASolid" 
                                   IsVisible="{Binding IsCurrentRegister, Mode=OneTime}"/>

                <telerik:DataGridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Shift Date">
                        <DataTemplate x:DataType="RegisterModel">
                            <Label Style="{StaticResource GridCellLabelStyle}" 
                                   Text="{Binding Date, Converter={StaticResource ToLocalTimeConverter}, StringFormat='{}{0:d}'}"/>

                <telerik:DataGridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Shift Name">
                        <DataTemplate x:DataType="RegisterModel">
                            <Label Style="{StaticResource GridCellLabelStyle}" 
                                   Text="{Binding Shift.Name}"/>

                <telerik:DataGridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Start Time">
                        <DataTemplate x:DataType="RegisterModel">
                            <Label Style="{StaticResource GridCellLabelStyle}" 
                                   Text="{Binding StartTime, Converter={StaticResource ToLocalTimeConverter}, StringFormat='{}{0:t}'}"/>

                <telerik:DataGridTemplateColumn HeaderText="End Time">
                        <DataTemplate x:DataType="RegisterModel">
                            <Label Style="{StaticResource GridCellLabelStyle}" 
                                   Text="{Binding EndTime, Converter={StaticResource ToLocalTimeConverter}, StringFormat='{}{0:t}'}"/>


        <HorizontalStackLayout Grid.Row="1">
            <Button Text="Resume"
                    IsEnabled="{Binding SelectedRegister, Converter={StaticResource IsNotNullConverter}}"
                    Command="{Binding ResumeShiftCommand}"/>

            <Button Text="Refresh"
                    Command="{Binding RefreshCommand}"/>


On initial Refresh, all items are visible in the DataGrid

I navigate forward and then back (PopToRoot), the DataGrid appears empty, although the vertical scroll appears like there are items.

If I tap Refresh, items become visible, but only above the first fold.

If i resize the window vertically, items will appear and disappear depending on the height of the window. (see attached video)

Last Updated: 07 Jun 2023 07:41 by ADMIN
Release 5.2.0

Having this setup:

<telerikDataGrid:DataGridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Age" 
            <Label Text="{Binding Age}" />
        <telerikCommon:PropertySortDescriptor PropertyName="Age" SortOrder="Descending" />


When applying SortDescriptor to the Template column, the column is not initially sorted. 

Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 09:35 by Huynh

It seems that the default fonts in the RadDataGrid do not support some languages, for example this text "이름" cannot be displayed in Android and WinUI. Rectangles are rendered instead of the correct symbols.

Note that a maui Label can properly display the text.

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