Last Updated: 26 Apr 2023 17:17 by Stephen

I have three RadDataForms in my login workflow. I have tried all of the various CommitModes and ValidationModes to prevent this error, but nothing seems to prevent these errors from manifesting.

I have a data form that has two fields: Username and Password. When this form is FIRST displayed, what appears to be validation errors (formatted error log output):

2023-04-26 09:22:18.9231 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'
2023-04-26 09:22:18.9330 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'

Then, I have a different RadData form that has five fields, First Name, Second Name, Email Address, Password and Password Confirmation. This leads to:

2023-04-26 09:22:46.6821 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'
2023-04-26 09:22:46.6821 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'
2023-04-26 09:22:46.7018 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'
2023-04-26 09:22:46.7018 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'
2023-04-26 09:22:46.7174 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'

These errors are all encountered on the form's first load. Nothing has been entered into any field. No call to any validation methods is made. 

Here is how my general data form configuration is done:

    Style="{StaticResource DataFormStyle}"

I have attached the three classes I use as the binding context. I have tried None, Explicit, and LostFocus as settings for the two modes and it has no effect. While these errors look harmless and the form does provide error-checked data upon validation, I simply hate having any unnecessary errors in my log files.

What can I do to prevent these errors?



Last Updated: 07 Nov 2023 08:45 by ADMIN

Repro steps:

Put a grid inside a RadBusyIndicator with a button.  On a button click, set IsBusy to true, change the height of the grid, and set IsBusy to false.  The grid height will not be updated.

Another way to reproduce is to add children views to the grid while IsBusy is true.  The children will not be rendered after it's done

This is a regression from a recent Telerik update

Last Updated: 04 Jan 2024 13:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Legrand
Comments: 7
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report

I have an html file with <img src="./images/ForkliftGateMainPage.png" alt="MainPage" width="1600" title="Page principale" />

The image is displayed when I open it with my browser, but not displayed with RadRichtextEditor, Why ?

Last Updated: 04 Jan 2024 14:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Kevin
Comments: 1
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report

When the Source of a RadRichTextEditor is set, the TextColor is always black.  Tested on Android:

  <Grid HeightRequest="400"
    <telerik:RadRichTextEditor x:Name="RichTextEditorControl"
                               Source="with source text"
                               BackgroundColor="Green" />


Last Updated: 11 Mar 2024 13:04 by ADMIN

Runtime exception with Microsoft .NET 8.0.100:

 *** NSForwarding: warning: object 0x600002199c20 of class 'Telerik_Maui_Controls_Compatibility_ChartRenderer_iOS_TKExtendedChart' does not implement methodSignatureForSelector: -- trouble ahead
*** NSForwarding: warning: object 0x600002199c20 of class 'Telerik_Maui_Controls_Compatibility_ChartRenderer_iOS_TKExtendedChart' does not implement doesNotRecognizeSelector: -- abort

The issue occurs on:

Nuget - Telerik.UI.for.Maui 6.7.0
Maui Version 8.0.7
.NET SDK 8.0.100
Simulator - iOS 16.4 and 17.2 (Version 15.2 -1019)

Best regards

Last Updated: 09 May 2024 11:51 by ADMIN


Using iOS Simulator (set to iPhone 15 iOS 17.4) - with a DataGrid as below, double-clicking the text cell will crash the app. I have not yet tried on a native device build (not simulator.)

    <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="ObjectName" HeaderText="Name"/>

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 v17.9.6

Microsoft.Maui.Controls 8.0.21

Full Stack Trace:

    Basic Fault Address Reporting
Memory around native instruction pointer (0x1041753b0):0x1041753a0  c0 03 5f d6 c0
03 5f d6 10 29 80 d2 01 10 00 d4  .._..._..)......
0x1041753b0  e3 00 00 54 fd 7b bf a9 fd 03 00 91 cd e2 ff 97  ...T.{..........
0x1041753c0  bf
03 00 91 fd 7b c1 a8 c0 03 5f d6 c0 03 5f d6  .....{...._..._
0x1041753d0  70 0a 80 d2 01 10 00 d4 e3 00 00 54 fd 7b bf a9  p..........T.{..
    Managed Stacktrace:
      at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
      at ObjCRuntime.Messaging:bool_objc_msgSendSuper <0x0009a>
      at UIKit.UIResponder:BecomeFirstResponder <0x000e0>
      at Telerik.Maui.Platform.RadMauiEntry:BecomeFirstResponder <0x0004c>
      at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:Focus <0x00024>
      at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapFocus <0x0007c>
      at <>c__DisplayClass6_0:<Add>b__0 <0x00064>
      at <>c__DisplayClass422_0:<MapFocus>b__0 <0x0006c>
      at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions:MapFocus <0x0013c>
      at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapFocus <0x00144>
      at <>c__DisplayClass2_0`2:<ModifyMapping>g__newMethod|0 <0x000b6>
      at <>c__DisplayClass6_0:<Add>b__0 <0x00064>
      at Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:InvokeCore <0x0008c>
      at Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:Invoke <0x0005a>
      at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:Invoke <0x00086>
      at Microsoft.Maui.ElementHandlerExtensions:InvokeWithResult <0x00040>
      at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions:RequestFocus <0x0006a>
      at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.
VisualElement:Focus <0x00016>
      at Telerik.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.DataGrid.MasterArranger:ArrangeNode <0x00198>
      at Telerik.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.DataGrid.MasterArranger:Arrange <0x000b0>
      at Telerik.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.DataGrid.RadDataGrid:LateArrange <0x003f4>
      at Telerik.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.DataGrid.RadDataGrid:UpdateUI <0x0018a>
      at Telerik.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.DataGrid.RadDataGrid:ArrangeChildren <0x00266>
      at Telerik.Maui.Controls.RadLayoutManager:ArrangeChildren <0x00036>
      at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:CrossPlatformArrange <0x0003c>
      at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiView:CrossPlatformArrange <0x0005a>
      at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiView:LayoutSubviews <0x00196>
      at System.Object:runtime_invoke_direct_void__this__ <0x00088>
      at <unknown> <0x00000>
      at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
      at UIKit.UIApplication:xamarin_UIApplicationMain <0x000b8>
      at UIKit.UIApplication:UIApplicationMain <0x0006e>
      at UIKit.UIApplication:Main <0x0015a>
      at MauiSandboxThree.Program:Main <0x0002c>
      at <Module>:runtime_invoke_direct_void_string[] <0x0007e>
      at <unknown> <0x00000>
1 2